1. #1
    Bitter Veteran Hell-demon's Avatar
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    Default Hell-demon's guide to role play

    Hello! I'm Nigel Ekbar!

    Well not reallly, but you see what I did there?

    This ladies and germs is called roleplay. I spent much of my youth indulging in role play and I can tell you it's the reason why prostitutes see frequent business from me.

    Oh alas if only the above statement was role play.

    Now to first get to terms with your role you must think of one. Neocron is full of possibilities!

    By day you could be a mild manner constructor who helps noobs with weapons and teach them how to survive the harsh world. But by night you are actually a necrophiliac on the run from the cops for sexing your dead friend as grim chasers chewed on his corpse. I'm not suggesting you go this extreme....in fact I think you SHOULD GO MORE EXTREME.

    Seriously folks (or not) if I had a "crap" emote I'd defecate in every corner of tech haven and say that I'm in my right to role play that.

    Role play isn't just people sitting at a dinner table discussing politics or other such meetings. REAL role play involves scandal and action.

    Revan: Let's go on a hunt for the milky ren factory

    Brammers: Yay I haven't been this excited since that time I saw my sister naked.

    Gunnar: Ach lass ye be a wee fool if ya be travellin' on dem moores at night.

    Revan: WTF?

    Gunnar: I can't role play a scot?

    Revan: you were a scottish? I thought you were a mutant.

    and so forth......

    Speech and actions really help back up your role. It's okay if you randomly shoot people and pretend to be insane, just as long as you grunt and ramble like a maniac to fit your profile.

    PVP is an accepted part of role play. Just make sure it's sticks to your role for example:

    Guy: Saluations kind sir, I would like to induldge in the timely sportmanship of PVP with you.

    Guy2: This is agreable and I thank you for offer. I do believe my skills are in high regard whilst you shoot like a valetuadanarian.

    Guy: Piffle.

    This is how you should NOT role play. Instead be more believable.

    Guy1: You sexually assaulted my mother and father, ate my sister and stole my prostitute now your gonna fucking pay.

    Guy2: Ach lass ye be a wee fool if ya be travellin' on dem moores at night.

    Guy1: FFS

    So, this is but a rough guide. Now I hope to see some interesting characters roaming free in NC.
    Last edited by Hell-demon; 21-03-06 at 00:43.

  2. #2
    Roger Ramjet Fanboy Number 1 RogerRamjet's Avatar
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    I concur!

  3. #3
    Phoenix Ltd- Chief of Security james_finn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-demon
    Guy: Saluations kind sir, I would like to induldge in the timely sportmanship of PVP with you.

    Guy2: This is agreable and I thank you for offer. I do believe my skills are in high regard whilst you shoot like a valetuadanarian.

    Guy: Piffle.

    This is how you should NOT role play. Instead be more believable.

    Guy1: You sexually assaulted my mother and father, ate my sister and stole my prostitute now your gonna fucking pay.

    Guy2: Ach lass ye be a wee fool if ya be travellin' on dem moores at night.

    Guy1: FFS
    Funniest thing Ive read in ages!

  4. #4
    [SiL ~ SeL] sanityislost's Avatar
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    LOL omg, nice one dude

    so scottish people are mutants? go meh!

    SiL ..:..

  5. #5


    That is a quality post!

    Roleplay! the best thing since legs*!

    *May not be true.

    *looks up* Its like some sort of Phoenix orgy.


  6. #6
    Phoenix Ltd- Chief of Security james_finn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tratos
    *looks up* Its like some sort of Phoenix orgy.

    Damn why wasnt I invited....

  7. #7
    Banned User Bugs Gunny's Avatar
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    As stated above


    This is the FUNNIEST Post i've ever seen on the forums.
    And it's oh so true.
    Best laughs i ever had in nc was roleplaying.

    (btw, it got me cracking up at work, and everyone started looking at me, wondering if i had received a nice joke in my email)

  8. #8
    Tessier-Ashpool S.A. slith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bugs Gunny
    (btw, it got me cracking up at work, and everyone started looking at me, wondering if i had received a nice joke in my email)
    Same for me here, don't do that again. At least not in the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-demon
    This is how you should NOT role play. Instead be more believable.

    Guy1: You sexually assaulted my mother and father, ate my sister and stole my prostitute now your gonna fucking pay.
    How true... I like Neocron in bad.
    Last edited by slith; 21-03-06 at 11:00.
    Falk Keegan (jump!)

    » A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. «
    - The Notebooks of Lazarus Long

  9. #9
    Roger Ramjet Fanboy Number 1 RogerRamjet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tratos
    *looks up* Its like some sort of Phoenix orgy.

    Yeh! With me on top!

  10. #10
    Le p'tit n0ob calim's Avatar
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    I'm not sure to understand the following sentence ... have a limited english skill :P

    Guy2: Ach lass ye be a wee fool if ya be travellin' on dem moores at night.

  11. #11
    Banned User Bugs Gunny's Avatar
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    As stated above


    Jest ye not with my words, or i shal thrust ye haggisbelly on me sword!

    Right, you did it now, i'm gonna roll a swordslinging pe.

  12. #12
    Retired Spermy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calim
    I'm not sure to understand the following sentence ... have a limited english skill :P
    It's okay, so do the scots.
    Quote Originally Posted by NAPPER
    yes but with 10 more dex they will be xbow tanks i nealy had 60 million over cap in dex on my old tank and with the plus to dex they will be able to get a good damage on it. will they ????

  13. #13
    Bitter Veteran Hell-demon's Avatar
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    Role play etiquette

    Role play isn’t all fun and games. There are certain rules and procedures. That 35 yr old virgin called Geoff who role plays a hot blonde prostitute even has to abide by rules and etiquette.

    So I will break it down into manageable chunks.


    People need to be aware of the role you are playing and must be ready for role play. Some people may take offence to you running around screaming pretending to be medieval knight if they have not been informed before hand. Trust me I know, I got a restraining order for showing off my sword. Let people know so confusion does not occur between role play and out of character.

    Krysm: I’m pregnant with Niddy’s baby!

    Revan: Joy!

    Krysm: And in the game!

    Revan: WTF?


    Tools of a real rper. Your imagination transforms boring items into props of action and wonder. A mere drom trophy can be turned into a shrine for your drom god, an implant tool is transformed into an artificial insemination device and a beer bottle is your only toilet.

    However, if you do use props inform people what is a prop and what isn’t. Because if you lend a poker an artificial insemination device their client will look like a fool and have egg on their face if ya know what I mean *nudge* *nudge*

    Who has what?

    Make sure if you role play a team everyone knows who they are. I myself try to role play in teams. I myself tried to create NADS (Neocron’s Amateur Dramatic Society), but no one joined me due to it’s school boy name. But that didn’t stop me from writing, directing and starring in my own play. In my apartment. Alone. With some hand cream. And a sock. Anyway…..

    If you don’t know who is who you are going to face trouble so discuss beforehand.

    Revan: Avast ye! We set sail for port tech haven to plunder it of its dabloons and wenches!

    Brammers: Capital idea old bean.

    Gunnar: Avast ye! We set sail for-

    Revan: Yar I be capin’ Revan ye land lubber!

    Gunnar: Ye scurvy sea dog I’m da capin’


    I hope now you understand the way role play works. If you excuse me I must put on a one man show adieu adieu
    Last edited by Hell-demon; 21-03-06 at 16:36.

  14. #14
    Banned User Bugs Gunny's Avatar
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    As stated above


    Next chapeter should be::
    Different people react in different ways, and how to deal with it.

  15. #15
    Bitter Veteran Hell-demon's Avatar
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    Who's writing here Bugs?


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