After seven years of growth, justice, and progress under Thor's benevolent reign, he considers himself too old to continue his rule of Neocron. He passes power on to his son, Regant. Regant wants to develop Neocron into the most powerful, most modern, and largest city of the new world.
The construction of the Dome of York is nearly finished, as well. Following the insights gained from the Ceres discs, York is structured like a 22nd century city. The dome of former Tokyo, which had protected that city against radiation centuries ago, served as an example for the protective dome above York.
Regant doesn't believe in the dome concept. Educated by Caalron, Mecando’s successor, he designs a plan for a magnetic shield that reflects more than half of the radiation without a material structure. The advantage of Regant's plan lies in the fact that his concept won't limit physical expansion of the city.
Despite the magnetic shield, the population of Neocron still suffers from a disease which can be traced back to the influence of radiation. Regant plans to improve the shield and asks the now 65-year-old Ceres to give him a copy of the Ceres discs to supplement his knowledge of magnetic shields. Surprisingly, Ceres refuses his request, declaring that he had warned Regant's father of bloodshed and that there will be neither partnership nor friendship between Neocron and York.
Bewildered, Regant insists on his right to gain access to the Ceres discs. He points out that it has, after all, been his father who discovered them. But Ceres is not swayed from his point of view. Regant has no choice but to give up his plan.
A lethal viral infection kills thousands of Neocron's residents. The city's medics are helpless, and even the Psi Monks, who have wondrous healing methods at their disposal, are puzzled. Once again Regant turns to Ceres and pleads for access to the discs that, he is sure, contain information on some medicine against the plague. But Ceres proclaims that the plague is the vengeance of the God of the Blinding Light, who is punishing Neocron for the pointless bloodshed.
Outraged, young Regant declares that there will be more bloodshed and begins to prepare his troops for war against the Dome of York.
Regant and Ceres are unable to reach a peaceful agreement. Regant orders the Psi Monks to use their knowledge of genetic engineering – gained primarily while fighting the viral infection – for breeding a stronger and more robust warrior. The Psi Monks, who have studied genetic engineering ever since Thor's capture of Neocron and the introduction of the new doctrine, pursue this task most intensely and develop a prototype, which they call GenTank, after just a few months. The GenTank can be produced as a fully trained warrior in a short amount of time and has all the characteristics Regant requested. In addition, Regant's scientists develop new armored vehicles based on 22nd century military tanks. Piloted by the new warriors with their genetically enhanced reflexes and tactical abilities, these hover tanks become extremely effective weapons.
Ceres, too, instructs his researchers to work on new military equipment. They develop a new kind of walking vehicle, a powerful metal giant equipped with numerous weapons and piloted by an artificial brain. This new kind of field weapon is called WarBot by its developers. Furthermore, they work on a new mass destruction system based on the former nuclear bomb.
Once again Regant asks Ceres to grant him access to the discs. He explains that, regardless of whoever discovered the discs, Ceres is not entitled to use the knowledge of the discs exclusively for himself. In fact, the knowledge stored on the discs should be accessible to all of mankind.
He issues an ultimatum for Ceres to make the discs accessible by the end of the year. Should Ceres not react by then, Regant will use force to ensure that the knowledge on the discs be shared by everyone.
Ceres declares the discs his property and indicates that Neocron has already benefited more than it merits from the knowledge they hold. Regant deploys his army of GenTanks equipped with heavy weapons and attacks the Dome of York with full force. Regant's strategy is based on a short, forceful military strike against Ceres, but he fails to take the defensive mechanisms of the dome into account. The area surrounding the city is covered with mines and spring-guns, and the GenTanks that break through this protective perimeter face an army of WarBots.
Regant, who suffers badly from the effects of radiation disease, apparently loses influence and the well-organized Psi Monks become more and more of a secret power within Neocron. The intelligence service NSD, once founded under Crahn's rule, controls police activities and increases its power steadily. The NSD sets up internment camps in the Wastelands, where political opponents are held and tortured.
Regant dies. His chosen successor is found murdered shortly thereafter. The Psi Monks immediately seize control of Neocron. They introduce rigorous laws, but also do much for the progress of the city. In the meantime, the complete knowledge of the Ceres discs has been put into practice, except for space travel. In some areas progress has already surpassed the theoretical knowledge.