Look here u can find some nice vids about Neocron at 1 side : http://nva.gsource.de
Look here u can find some nice vids about Neocron at 1 side : http://nva.gsource.de
There is a few on THN Video Download section.
Some of my frapses from 2.2 compiled into a lil vid![]()
Good Quality DL - 135mb
Crappy Quality Youtube Version
need I say more?
07-14-2008 14:13:43 > Snowcrash is just chilling with us cool people
07-14-2008 14:13:43 > OOC> KK_Snowcrash : making asurmen drop his pants
Originally Posted by Nidhogg
That was one of my (G.0.D.) pvp videos.anyone have the video that features a tank and the song ...
Not sure which one:
[Nidhogg[Mod|IFW]] I'll pretend I didn't see the file 'Neocrackv3.exe' ; )
does anyone got a working link to the fang movies?
if i remember correctly one of em had a song 'condition red' and another 'titans of our time' both from iron savior.
imho those were pretty awesome movies. but the links in this topic to the fang movies seem to be either broken or require a password to access
Knight-Barter: Capped conster / repper spy
Knight-Research: PPU poker
This is when I realized I should stop using professions in my char names ...
Iron-Man: HC tank
Future char plans: Res spy, RC spy, RC PE, PC PE, ...
Is it only me guys or when i watch old 2.1 movies i feel bad suddenly about 2.2 and how everything is now slow and liveless?
It is slow, just look at the CS bursts and the spells frequencies for apus....its not as agressive feeling as it was, thats what im missing.
My movies always have the same 'agressive' look!
07-14-2008 14:13:43 > Snowcrash is just chilling with us cool people
07-14-2008 14:13:43 > OOC> KK_Snowcrash : making asurmen drop his pants
Originally Posted by Nidhogg
Sooooo, when are we gonna see some new movies from you?Originally Posted by Asurmen Spec Op
Ignore any old links from me, check out my site instead.
Worth mentioning is the videos of MotU 2 on Terra, in the events section. I'd probably say group 4 is the best of those if you just want to get a feel.
Last edited by CMaster; 21-07-07 at 16:10.
AfterDark movie
P.S. at one bit i more the imp gel to one bit to another i thought i ws lagging so i moved it the reason i left it in was i didnt notice it till i had put it all together and then i couldnt be arsed
Last edited by NAPPER; 23-09-08 at 23:00.
Yeah, you guys are soooo great, i remember when there was like 15 or so of you on and I was the only person to show up to the opwar rofl.. I kill qee and then i had everyone shooting me.