Former Saturn player checking in! It's been a decade since I registered on these forums, it seems. As I get older, my love for this game only grows. Neocron cast a huge shadow over every multiplayer interaction I've had since, like a beautiful, horrible Freudian wound. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I will never stop waiting for Neocron 3.
Hello Deanus,
There is no sight of Neocron 3 whatsoever. But you should know that Neocron 2.2 is currently more alive than ever.
The voluntary support crew is doing an amazing job. We've got a new server (Titan) where everyone started new. We've had loads of patches and fixes which is absolutely amazing.
Check the Development Updates in the Dev Announcement section to get a good view of where we are.
If you're looking to hang out in P1, now is the time! You'll find approximately 350-450 people online during peek hours.
I'm slowly reading through other threads here and maybe i'll stumble upon my answer then, but is my old account from back when I played NC2.2 still active but the characters are gone?
I was just cruising through because, well let's face it, nothing has come close to Neocron/NC2 . So I stumbled on a post on the NC forums that a community driven team has taken over developing neocron, fixing bugs and there are actually people playing when I'm near a computer. So I'm downloading the client again. I think both my accounts are still working since I could log into them on the accounts page on the main site.
Anyway...trigger hurt / Mr. Oblivion - Saturn/Pluto former Cartel saying hi.
wtb my stuff back.
This is correct.
The legacy NC2 servers (Mars, Mercury and Terra) have been replaced by a new server (Titan) in late 2012. While the possibility of a character transfer between servers has been announced and the old data is not being deleted, the availability of such a transfer is still some time away.
Welcome back to the crack !
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Neocron Support Team
N E O C R O N - G A M E . C O M
»Ut sementem feceris, ita metes«
Hey guys,
Thought I would pop back on here and see how things are going. My mate (Pitspawn/Polarity) and I was talking about this game the other day and I thought I might see how things are going.
Hows the server populations now days? Neocron still active on the PVP side of things?
Any old school guys still playing?
Founder - (NDA) Neocron Defense Agency
wow 9 years on and still remember the forum account haha , just tough pass by and say hi
Havent checked the % lately, probably 30% at peak still, on a good day. Usually over 20% though. Things have slowed a bit, dissys are still brokenly strong so I think a lot have taken a break from the game till it's dfixed next patch. Fights have been pretty good. 5v5 - 15v15 op fights.
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Wow, Centuri I remember you, I was talking about you and Polarity the other day, I fought many an op war at Malstrond with you guys back when were were in 'The Family'. Regarding PvP, there is very much a war ongoing with Op's changing owners daily. You guys should come back and play.
Hi from Masta Killa. Trying to get back in game and see who's still about!
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