Funnily enough thats Thora Herds #1 pickup line...
Ello Phunqe!
Funnily enough thats Thora Herds #1 pickup line...
Ello Phunqe!
Originally Posted by NAPPER
I want to come back too . Someone, pay for my account please, I promise I will make up for it, erm, *cough*, trough sexual services or something. nah seriously, I want to come back to, no CC though..
you never know you might like it!!!!!!
If I can swing work-study when I head to Georgia Tech I'll probably resubscribe. Too many good memories not to! *shakes head sadly at Hasaku's flaming shirt*
That's what we are - realists with the glasses of dreamers.
Christian As. Kirtchev, "A Cyberpunk Manifesto"
against tcpa
Go away, you´re making my join date look crummy, lol
Originally Posted by naimex
balls to you... they make Odins join date look crummy
Theres paybycash, cant you use them?Originally Posted by rob444
Adventure, excitement... Jedi craves not these things
New runners corner??
Looks like Old Vets corner from these dates
/me shakes head at remembering you at age 14 o.OOriginally Posted by Freezer
Ick, April 01, I was like..... 10/11 years old then
But im a big boy now, I stopped wearing nappies last month *thumbs up*
hrhr, go kiddys go
(yes i was 12 when i opened my first clan)
ps: don t come back it`ll destroy the good memories
Originally Posted by gamefreak
good memories are indeed better than grim reality
Neocron saw me through getting my driver's license, and I haven't had one legal incident since! BUY IT NOW, IT PROMOTES SAFE DRIVING.Originally Posted by Odin
Besides, you weren't exactly the crowning example of maturity back then either, but I digress. Out of deference to your current position I shall say no more.
As for the good memories, they're game independent. Show me an MMORPG that can forge a fun community experience with bad community members, and I'll buy it so I can surpass Gates on the Forbes list.
That's what we are - realists with the glasses of dreamers.
Christian As. Kirtchev, "A Cyberpunk Manifesto"
against tcpa
I can, but then I need to sign up on (E-wallet), which is linked to my debit card here in sweden, but to be able to pay paybycash with it, I need to convert the currency from SEK to Dollars/Euro in a very bizzarre way trough Paynova, in other words, to much hassle which I really don't need atm.Originally Posted by Tratos