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Interview with Grogor, CEO of the clan Last Generation, CityAdmin
Matt Bunker:
Welcome to the Neocronicle office. I'm pleased to welcome you to our first interview for our "Ask the CEO" series.
As you may have noticed the Neocronicle has increasingly published articles lately.
I noticed that and it surprised me.
Matt Bunker:
New reporters were hired and we will release single articles and whole journals on a regular basis from now on.
That's great, I've started to miss this.
Matt Bunker:
In line with this new set of interviews I made introducing the various organisations and clans my business. I also try to give our readers a comprehensive insight about the situation in Neocron City. Would you be so kind to give some basic information about your organisation? How are you organised? Which goals you aim at? Etc.
Of course, but I have to omit some details. You know, to protect my staff. But let's start with the general information. As you might know, Last Generation is a clan devoted to the ideals of City Administration. Even if that may seem obvious, this influences our daily activities. We're here to assist City Administration performing their duty to give the people of Neocron security and a valuable life.
Matt Bunker:
Would you consider yourself a businessman or security personnel? Do you cover both sections?
We definitely cover both. But I may add, security personnel gives the wrong idea. We're not employed by anyone. We do our duty out of a sense of conviction.
Matt Bunker:
Lets focus on the business part. Regarding the acquisition of goods and the trade with it. How do you rate the current situation in the city?
Well, we try to help the people of Neocron outside the city limits, too. Therefore we're bound for the Wastelands often and fight the growing spawn of mutants there. I don't think I'll exaggerate saying the city is much safer from mutant attacks since we have played our part.
Walking the Wastes gives us the opportunity to collect valuable materials to support our battle. The materials are used directly or sold to selected customers.
Matt Bunker:
Our war correspondents describe the situation in the Wastes as critical for the CityAdmin and their allies. It is said that outposts had previously only be owned by enemies of the system. Doesn't that cause problems for the acquisition of certain goods and of course the use of facilities, for example to create special items?
Your information on that is correct, we're aware of that, but we're currently facing a moral decay unusual even in these unsteady times. Many people just want to make a fast buck and enjoy some fame. Some of them want to explore their criminal imaginations. That's making it easy for all the scum to acquire more and more members with such promises.
Matt Bunker:
You think that an ongoing stream of renegades are leaving the city, which leads to an overwhelming number of enemies?
Exactly, but we're working on it.
Matt Bunker:
Fascinating and at the same time alarming. How do you see the odds turning on the situation in the Wastelands?
We do what we can. At the moment we take action behind the scenes to increase the manpower of our allies and ourselves. That takes time and resources, but we're willing to pay them.
Matt Bunker:
I see. How's the collaboration inside the faction? Could alliances with other clans lead to success?
We've considered this already, but it's highly classified at the moment.
Matt Bunker:
That sounds promising.
Yes, indeed, and to be more precise: Soon we'll kick their asses.
Matt Bunker:
Finally maybe we could talk again about the topic our readers are interested most. The security of Neocron itself.
Look, today you need two things. You need spirit but you also need a knack for diplomacy. Which leads us to the situation in the city. We've set up a camp at the brink of Pepper Park, and we have a close eye on that Gomorrah, the Black Dragons and Tsunami Syndicate turned that once beautiful district into.
But for now we're tilting at windmills.
Matt Bunker:
At the Neocronicle we currently have the problem, that almost on a daily basis there are fights in front of our building. Some colleagues have been forced several times to spend the night at the office. Additionally there are more and more people saying the security of the whole city is endangered.
That's the war Mr. Bunker. Sometimes you can't choose the battlefield. But I'll tell you what, promote Reeza and his ideals. Security is always fragile. Always. Question is, do we lose our heads over it? The answer is: no. We don't go down. We won't lose the battle.
Matt Bunker:
So you wouldn't say the city is threatened?
What you mean by threatened? Of course the city is always threatened, but we have it under control. Some of those terrorists slipping through the net can't be avoided though.
Matt Bunker:
I can, according to your opinion, tell our readers, the city is safe?
Yes, you can.
Matt Bunker:
Last but not least I'd like to ask for your personal opinion on a recent case.
Matt Bunker:
As you may have read in one of our previous articles there has been a surprising takeover of business in Pepper Park. Snack'A'Tack owned by Harry Morgan has been closed and the day after a Yo's store opened right there. According to the official statement Harry Morgan retired, but he's only 41 and who is retiring at 41?
I hope you understand, that as a reporter I'm interested in all sorts of rumours.
Well, as far as I know, Yo's is a corporation approved by the City Administration. So you can trust the statement. And what is wrong with retirement at the age of 41? As far as I heard the business went well there, so why waste the good years with working? And I'm sure he made the right choice.
Matt Bunker:
Ok, you don't have additional information on this topic. Is there anything else you want to pass on to our citizens?
No. Well, maybe yes.
He who wants to protect what he owns has to stand up for it. I'd like see those who are able to fight for freedom, to protect the weak; to make our time here livable enlist.
Matt Bunker:
As I see it, great concluding words. I'd like to thank you for your time and wish you success with the tasks lying ahead.