Neocronicle: Enraged Citizens Questioning City Politics - Blogs - Official Neocron Forum
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Neocronicle: Enraged Citizens Questioning City Politics

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You all have probably heard already of the City Admin Ordinance #192 approaching, to be enacted in the near future. While the new rules may be of benefit for a lot of runners, this may not be the case for businessmen in Neocron's Plaza district. We received word from a newly formed group of concerned citizens in Neocron, NeoCoC. These fine gentlemen seem to disagree with the administrations on several issues, so we sent our Reporter Tudor Vandermeer to investigate.

Just a short walk from Neocron's most buzzing marketplace, Co-Dee's Sushi Bar is a quiet place unlike the main business locations in the city. We talked to Co-Dee Ming, proprietor and only service staff at the formerly famed fish-food parlor, who seemed to be quite unhappy with the situation in general.

„Look at my bar!“ he told our reporter emphatically, „look at those empty seats – and my empty pockets! The day isn't far, when i need to close down my business. The government needs to do something about it! You know, there's places like Yo's, Archer & Wessons, Crytons or the Medicare, where everybody likes to go to these days. You know why! No? I'll tell you: because these shops are favored by the administration. They all have a Goguardian installed – no wonder people are flocking in. We, the Concerned Citizens of this City, demand a change! I need a Goguardian, too. And a city term! And better protection against criminal elements.“

To learn more about the problem of criminals and extremists, Mr. Ming advised us to an appointment with the leader of the NeoCoC movement, Mr. Chaikowsky. It actually took us a few days to get this done – not even the Neocronicle finds every door open on first attempt.

Mr. Chaikowsky, we were told of public concerns about so-called „criminal elements“. Can you elaborate this subject, please?

„Hrm, security and business in Neocron are damaged by the plain impunity of criminals, terrorists and religious extremists freely roaming the streets. Peace-loving citizens are forced to stay indoors, the streets are empty, all business activities come to a halt. We need Copbots at every street corner, and additional STORM bots to enhance firepower. Where are Reza's finest, when you need them? You will see Neocron flourish again, as soon as we have driven out the Pepper Park criminals, the Twilight terrorists and first of all the religious extremists, planning for our death and demise!"

Mr. Chaikowsky, thank you for your views, but what about the rumors of your own criminal past?

„I have nothing to say about this matter, and i have pressing business waiting, so good bye, Mr. Vandermeer.“

It's probably up to the Neocronicle to put this into perspective.
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