City Admin: Making Neocron safer for everyone - Blogs - Official Neocron Forum
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City Admin: Making Neocron safer for everyone

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After the glorious victory of City Admin Troops and brave runners of various factions over the monster-aided insurgency of the Anarchy Breed at Krupp Village and the following retreat of Punks and Anarchists into the Realms of Cron 55, the City Admin is staying alert.

The Neocronicle is happy to report that there is still an NCPD presence at the gates of our lower districts: right at the entrance of the Industrial Areas from the Pepper Park district, the City Police Force deployed a full-armored STORM bot. Traveling from the city sectors to the former suburbs is watched over carefully.

In a short Neocronicle interview NCPD officer Apostopoulos McKinney told us about the firm will of our authorities to keep violence to a minimum and safety for our citizens a main goal. „Better safe than sorry“, he added smiling, „The additional security measures will be in place as long as our intelligence directors see them to be necessary“.

Citizens are thoroughly asked to inform the administration of all suspicious events or leads. Stay tuned for more Neocronicle News.
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