Neocronicle News
, 24-10-14 at 12:43 (20504 Views)
Dear readers,
The turbulent and difficult times are behind us after the murder of President Jack Red. The Neocronicle has also had to struggle with the impact and the consequences of this terrible crime.
The news embargo ordered by City Administration immediately after the assassination is, of course, reasonable and correct. After all, they had to make sure that the enemy is not able to abuse our press coverage as a source of information. In the course of this news embargo, our publishing license for all channels, except the personal and direct data discs in the editorial office, had been revoked.
I would like to thank all our readers who remained loyal to us in spite of these adverse conditions and who have visited us in our editorial office in order to receive the news data discs.
I am pleased to announce that with immediate effect we regained all our licenses and, as of now, we can once again fulfil our task: Bringing everything important from the city and the wastelands to your screen directly and uncensored!
Furthermore, we have recruited two highly ambitioned new reporters to our editorial team.
Raziel Kane and Tudor van der Meer are already out looking for your story on the streets of Neocron and the wastelands on behalf of the Neocronicle.
Expect their first reports soon, and follow their personal newstickers:
Barry Pepper
Editor in Chief