You may recall that a number of weeks ago the weapon dampener in Plaza Sector 1 was reportedly sabotaged, which resulted in the death of two runners after weapons were unexpectedly drawn. Since the incident NExT Security Technicians have been in the sector around the clock trying to establish how the security measures in place were bypassed allowing the system to be taken offline. Additional security was placed in the sector immediately after the attack. In light of the recent events ...
Als es vor einigen Wochen, aufgrund von Sabotage an den Sicherheitssystemen plötzlich möglich war, im eigentlich sicheren Plaza Sektor 1 Waffen zu ziehen, kamen zwei Runner zu Tode. Seit diesem Vorfall waren NExT Techniker rund um die Uhr damit beschäftigt herauszufinden, wie die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen der Waffendämpfer umgangen werden konnten um das System auszuschalten. Zudem wurde direkt nach dem Vorfall, um die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten, weiteres Sicherheitspersonal im Sektor ...
Safety in Neocron took another blow last week as the localised system which prevents the operation of weapons in Plaza Sector 1, failed without warning. Technicians from NeXT Systems dispatched to the scene let slip to the Neocronicle that vital components of the system had actually been stolen. Mere weeks after violence erupted in Via Rosso, this comes at the worst possible time. Both of these events seem to have damaged the sense of safety in the city built up since the end of ...
Die Sicherheit in Neocron hat in der letzten Woche einen weiteren Schlag einstecken müssen, als das lokale System, welches die Verwendung von Waffen im Plaza Sektor 1 verhindert, ohne Vorwarnung ausfiel. Die den Vorfall untersuchenden Sachverständigen von NeXT Systems teilten dem Neocronicle mit, dass funktionsentscheidende Teile gestohlen worden seien. Wenige Wochen nachdem Gewalt in der Via Rosso ausbrach, passierte dies zu einem der denkbar schlechtesten Zeitpunkte. Beide Vorfälle ...
Plaza 1, an area of the city famed for it's market of Runner to Runner trading has today become the scene of a shocking occurrence. While services, items and cold hard cash are the normal currency of this social landscape, bullets joined that list today. Or rather, one bullet, delivered into the head of a NeXT Runner on the poorer end of this particular transaction. Others at the scene described the transaction as being normal everyday business, the NeXT Runner trading his repair ...