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  1. Smuggled goods in Pepper Park?

    The fact that Pepper Park offers all sorts of things isn't new, but according to disturbing rumours, in addition to the usual drugs, dirty secrets and questionable services of all kinds, valuable goods from faction stocks could also become available in Pepper Park in the future.

    Initial research suggests that goods from all factions, even the CityAdmin itself, may be available on the black market if you have the necessary negotiating skills.
    Queries from Neocronicle in ...
  2. Is the Brotherhood digging into the past?

    Dear Readers,
    We have received information from deep within the Brotherhood of Crahn which we don't want to withhold from you.

    A reliable source told us that the Brotherhood of Crahn is seeking the grave of their leader, "Crahn".

    They stated:

    "For years the Brotherhood has been looking for the grave of their Grandmaster, their Messiah. So far, we have been unsuccessful.
    Last year, however, the Brotherhood found a lost parchment ...
  3. Is the Warbot-o-calypse coming upon us?

    We have received reports from several sources that we are about to be overran by Warbots – in an apocalyptic event that is set to make the destruction of the Dome of York appear trivial.

    So far, City Administration has refused our interview requests; but have issued the following statement:

    "All citizens of Neocron are safe, there is no coming apocalypse”.

    Although City Administration states there is no cause for concern, runners from other areas ...
  4. City Admin warns of treasure hunting perils

    City Administration has issued a reminder to all citizens regarding the perils of hunting for an allegedly lost Crahn treasure cache. Rumours first circulated of a lost trove of treasures left behind by the Brotherhood of Crahn following their rapid evacuation of the Dome of York in wake of the The Second War.

    Following their exit from Neocron City, it is believed that the Brotherhood removed a number of priceless relics from their church, which were interred at the Dome. A number ...
    NCEN Category!
  5. Mutant Attack!

    Bürger aus Neocron sind besorgt wegen einer Reihe von Berichten über zunehmende Mutanten-Aktivitäten, also betrachtet es der Neocronicle als seine Aufgabe, zu ermitteln und Informationen zu liefern. Natürlich verband uns der erste Video-Anruf mit der City Administration, wo man uns allerdings nur mitteilte, dass es in dieser Angelegenheit weder etwas zu bestätigen noch zu dementieren gäbe.

    Glücklicherweise erhielten wir kurz ...
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