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  1. HEW Releases Updated Drones

    Recent rumors about impending changes to the weaponized Drone line by HEW Industries have been confirmed as the latest model combat drones have hit the market earlier this week.

    Mrs. Taylor Gibbons, Public Relations Manager of HEW Industries, was gracious enough to answer my questions as to which changes were made, and why.

    "We've been receiving complaints over the past few years ...
  2. HEW bringt verbesserte Dronen auf den Markt

    Gerüchte über anstehende Änderungen bezüglich der bewaffneten Dronen von HEW Industries haben sich Anfang der Woche bestätigt, als das neuste Kampfdronen Modell dem Markt vorgestellt wurde.

    Taylor Gibbons, PR-Managerin von HEW Industries, war so freundlich mir ein paar Fragen zu den Änderungen und den Gründen hierfür zu beantworten.

    "In den vergangenen Jahren erreichten uns einige ...
  3. Merry Christmas <3

    [I]Mutants roasting on an open fire
    Giant rats nipping at your nose
    Yuletide carols being sung by Copbot
    and chicks dressed up like bimbos
    Everybody knows....[/I]

    Oh hello there :) I was just doing a little singing...I sure love this time of year :) I used to hate it, then I had kids...their excitement is contagious, as well as every other germ they bring home from school.

    As we rapidly approach the holidays, I just wanted to take a few moments ...
  4. Christmas in Neocron

    It’s this time of year again! The nights get longer and colder, and as such, power armor life support systems are stressed to keep its user warm.

    As in previous years, City Administration has again provided the means to lighten up the dark nights, and bring joy to the heart and eyes of the people of Neocron, by putting up Xmas trees. Not to be outdone, many corporations followed City Administration’s example by putting up their own festive trees. Neocron is now bright with festive ...
  5. Christmas in Neocron

    Die Nächte werden wieder länger und die Lebenserhaltungssysteme in den Power Armors haben es deutlich schwerer den Körper warmzuhalten. Ein untrügliches Zeichen, dass die Weihnachtszeit angebrochen ist. Um die Nacht zu erhellen und die Herzen der Bürger Neocrons mit Freude zu füllen stellt die City Administration, wie auch in den vergangenen Jahren Mittel zur Verfügung, um Weihnachtsbäume aufzustellen. Die meisten Firmen Neocrons tun das Gleiche. Neocron erstrahlt nun überall in festlicher Stimmung, ...
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