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  1. Neocronicle News

    Dear readers,
    The turbulent and difficult times are behind us after the murder of President Jack Red. The Neocronicle has also had to struggle with the impact and the consequences of this terrible crime.

    The news embargo ordered by City Administration immediately after the assassination is, of course, reasonable and correct. After all, they had to make sure that the enemy is not able to abuse our press coverage as a source of information. In the course of this news embargo, ...
  2. Neocronicle News

    Liebe Leser,
    turbulente und schwierige Zeiten liegen seit der Ermordung unseres Präsidenten Jack Red hinter uns. Zeiten in denen auch der Neocronicle mit den Nach- und Auswirkungen dieser entsetzlichen Tat zu kämpfen hatte.

    Die von der City Administration sofort im Anschluss an das Attentat verhängte Nachrichtensperre ist natürlich nachvollziehbar und richtig. Schließlich sollte die Berichterstattung des Neocronicles nicht als Informationsquelle für unsere Feinde dienen. Im ...
  3. Danger in the Main Sewer

    Biotech released a statement today advising caution to all runners travelling around the Main Sewer area. In recent weeks a Biotech Survey team entered the Main Sewer area to gather toxicology reports on the water down there. When another reporter at the press conference asked what a company like Biotech would want with an old sewer pipe he was politely told that it was corporate business and therefore none of his concern. From speaking to several sources I have within Biotech it seems that they ...
  4. Gefahr im Mainsewer

    Biotech veröffentlichte heute einen Bericht, in dem allen Runnern geraten wird Vorsicht walten zu lassen, sofern sie sich in den Bereichen des Main Sewers aufhalten. In den vergangenen Wochen hatte eine Gutachtergruppe von Biotech dort unten Wasserproben genommen, um die Giftbelastung zu erfassen.
    Als einer der anwesenden Reporter auf der Pressekonferenz genauer wissen wollte, was Biotech mit den alten Rohrsystemen zu schaffen habe, wurde er auf freundliche Art zurechtgewiesen, dass dies ...
  5. Neocron President assassinated!

    Dear Runners.

    It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death of Jack Red. He was killed on the steps of the City Administration HQ, the very building he worked tirelessly in; by a cruel and heartless murderer answering to the name of Alex Mendez.

    Since the fatal night the City Administration building has remained summarily tight-lipped and resolute in its grief but today we must appeal to you the citizens of Neocron for help. The ongoing investigation has ...
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