Nach dem entscheidenden Sieg der City Admin Truppen und der tapferen Runner aus unterschiedlichen Fraktionen über den von Monstern begleiteten Aufstand der Anarchy Breed bei Krupp Village und dem daraus resultierenden Rückzug der Punks und Anarchisten in das Gebiet von Cron 55 bleibt die City Admin weiterhin aufmerksam. Der Neocronicle ist glücklich, berichten zu können, dass das NCPD nach wie vor die Tore unserer Unterstadt ...
After the glorious victory of City Admin Troops and brave runners of various factions over the monster-aided insurgency of the Anarchy Breed at Krupp Village and the following retreat of Punks and Anarchists into the Realms of Cron 55, the City Admin is staying alert. The Neocronicle is happy to report that there is still an NCPD presence at the gates of our lower districts: right at the entrance of the Industrial Areas from ...
We have received word of a runner reporting strange activities in zones A11 and B11 to the south of McPherson factory. This warning came by email, saying: "Foo, therez moar horrorz in coast area souf of mkferson, look out!" Since the sender of this email was unconfirmed, we asked for info at the City Admin Headquarters, only to be told that the situation is classified and best left to the authorities. "Runners are warned not to interfere. This matter ...
Wir haben eine Direktnachricht von einem Runner erhalten, der uns von ungewöhnlichen Aktivitäten in A 11 oder B 11 berichtet. Die Email-Warnung lautet: „Scheissndreck, sin nochmea Horrors anner Küsste süd von MekFersn!“ Da der Absender der Email nicht identifiziert werden konnte, wandten wir uns mit der Bitte um Klärung an das City Admin Hauptqartier. Allerdings erhielten wir nur den Bescheid, dass die Angelegenheit vertraulich zu behandeln und allein Sache der Behörden ...
Last night’s fight for safety of our suburbs was a big success! Read what the authorities have to say: “The City Administration proudly announces peace for our time! The threat has been removed from the outskirts of Neocron. The Anarchy Breed has been defeated. Threat level has moved to green (one)… no, wait, it's blue (two). You never know.” We should be thankful for both the quick deployment of STORM-Bots to the infested areas, and for the support given by the Neocron ...