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  1. Tangent Technologies Press Release Fuels Panic Selling at StockX

    The Stock price of Archer & Wesson and HEW dropped on the news that their contracts with Tangent Technologies could be cancelled. Shares fell rapidly to a record low of 1.02nc per share while runners sold their shares when StockX opened for trading earlier this week.

    Shares in Boobs 'N’ Guns and Fist Weaponry rose sharply with rumours of both firms planning to launch a hostile of takeover of both Archer & Wesson and HEW.

    A spokesperson for Archer & Wesson ...
  2. Foul Play Leads to Rotten Eggs

    In an unexpected turn of events, Easter once again came to the streets of Neocron. Despite the length of time the faded and derelict eggs of last year remained in our streets, our suspicions surrounding the return of Easter were rendered moot over the weekend. As we previously reported, those remaining eggs have slowly vanished in recent weeks and now we know why - The Bunny Man came back.

    According to our reports, in the dead of night on Saturday the ‘Bunny Man’ once again travelled ...
    Tags: easter, ncpd Add / Edit Tags
  3. Tangent Technologies Press Release

    This Press Release was just issued by Tangent Technologies Inc.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tangent Press Release
    Friends, former enemies.

    It is with a broken heart I have to report to you that our Faction Assistant, Bud Judson, has now been missing long enough for me to step in as Faction Assistant.

    I am Felica Paco-Katido, former therapist for Tangent Technologies and personal masseuse to Damion Jordan.

    My agenda is clear: my mandate absolute. I want to extend the hand of friendship
  4. Chaos Consumes Calida Village

    This just in, the Techhaven Sensor Network has detected a threat in the South East area of the Wastelands.

    ####################LIVE COVERAGE#####################

    22:00 The sensors are triangulating the position of the current threat. Phase 3 of 3 complete.

    22:05 Threat detected at Calida Village! Runners are warned to avoid this area for their own safety.

    22:07 We're receiving images live from the cameras at Crest Uplink to keep you in
  5. Point Red Catastrophe Averted – Just

    Late last week the Point Red Defence mechanism detected a surge in mutants in nearby sector B-06 and sent out an automated request for assistance.

    Brave runners arriving at the scene were witness to an outpouring of Ceres Troopers and other mutants, who had banded together and were approaching the facility.

    The reason for this is unclear, though the inferior minds mutants possess makes understanding their motives a difficult - if not fruitless - undertaking. It is possible ...
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