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The fact that Pepper Park offers all sorts of things isn't new, but according to disturbing rumours, in addition to the usual drugs, dirty secrets and questionable services of all kinds, valuable goods from faction stocks could also become available in Pepper Park in the future. Initial research suggests that goods from all factions, even the CityAdmin itself, may be available on the black market if you have the necessary negotiating skills. Queries from Neocronicle in ...
Dear Readers, We have received information from deep within the Brotherhood of Crahn which we don't want to withhold from you. A reliable source told us that the Brotherhood of Crahn is seeking the grave of their leader, "Crahn". They stated: "For years the Brotherhood has been looking for the grave of their Grandmaster, their Messiah. So far, we have been unsuccessful. Last year, however, the Brotherhood found a lost parchment ...
Since the recent population surge in Neocron city and the wastelands, numerous new apartments have been given and sold to runners of all factions. Rumour has it that this is a resource that could near it's peak someday, and tip over from abundance to scarceness. The same worries apply to the sector of armaments and consumer supplies for the hard working runner on the streets. Since those were understandably getting worried about this, the Neocronicle took onto the task of shedding some light ...
Is there a new kind of conflicts growing in the wastelands? The Neocronicle has received hints from sources familiar to that matter, our Reporter Tudor Vandermeer went on investigating this. An informant with connections to Neocrons underworld made these pictures available to us and sent in an eyewitness report. Here it is: As we speak, Gravis Uplink is administrated by the Mutant Faction. I was out there in the ...
After the glorious victory of City Admin Troops and brave runners of various factions over the monster-aided insurgency of the Anarchy Breed at Krupp Village and the following retreat of Punks and Anarchists into the Realms of Cron 55, the City Admin is staying alert. The Neocronicle is happy to report that there is still an NCPD presence at the gates of our lower districts: right at the entrance of the Industrial Areas from ...