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All the latest in game news and headlines from the Neocronicle team. Visit our offices in Plaza 2.

  1. Warbot Cola Taken Off Market

    In response to ProtoPharm's shocking news yesterday, Warbot Cola Inc. have issued a statement regarding their now infamous product - Warbot Cola.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warbot Cola Inc. Press Release
    Warbot Cola has been taken off the market with immediate effect. All batches manufactured two weeks prior to our recent marketing push are effected and have been recalled. We have launched a full investigation into our internal policy and manufacturing streams to identify how this situation came to be.

    It is with
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  2. ProtoPharm Find Cause of Epidemic

    After a painstaking investigation against the clock to save the lives of the people of Neocron, ProtoPharm have discovered what they believe to be the cause of the illness sweeping the City. After pouring over the reports and lists of symptoms reported by citizens, it has been the initial deaths which have provided the key evidence required to bring this situation under control.

    In a press release earlier today, ProtoPharm had this to say.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProtoPharm Press Office
    After significant analysis
  3. 110% Jump in Warbot Cola Sales

    After a slow few years in the Cola industry with no direct competition, sales at Warbot Cola Inc. had slowly fallen to the point of near collapse. Without any real innovation in their product line and a stagnant marketing campaign, a number of their customers had moved to other alternatives.

    That was certainly the case a few weeks ago, now Warbot Cola has seen a bit of a revival. With a new marketing campaign and promotion girls giving out free samples to everyone who passes by, the ...
  4. Warbot Cola – New Marketing Campaign

    Just in from Warbot Cola Inc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warbot Cola Marketing
    Warbot cola, Neocron’s No.1 selling cola is excited to launch it’s brand new advertising campaign.

    Our new slogan is “Each sip is like getting hit in the face with a Warbot’s laser!”

    Remember, there is no other cola out there like it. Don’t just ask for Warbot Cola from your barman, demand it!
    All the reporters here at the Neocronicle office love hearing any news from Warbot Cola’s marketing department, especially ...
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