View Full Version : Ooooo holovests

28-05-04, 15:51
So i download the patch out of curiosity...

My PEs have been nerfed and i dont notice any improvements in other areas so that blows.

I log onto my APU and walk out my apt door to be ganked by a slasher spy in less than a clip, i didnt even get a shot off cause he was yellow, i keep forgetting factions mean nothing in this game except maybe to the developers.

I recover leave mb and find the spy, hit him with 1 energy beam ,do a little damage to him then watch as spell after spell fizzles on him... now i can runcast this at warbots but i cant cast it standing still at a player standing beside me chewing me up with a slasher.

So some minor fiddles with the balance of the various bullshit classes make everyone happy while the the core gameplay is borked in so many ways and any time a class gets to a point where they could be considered balanced in both attack and defence no ones happy cause there class is still fucked so the scream 'nerf'.

Theres already melee tank moans so lads if I were you i'd keep a low profile cause god help you if you say you're happy with your class, kk sure wont.

Cyas after the next patch.

28-05-04, 15:54
bye, feel free not to pop in again

28-05-04, 15:55
You're not that lucky ezza u should know that by now ;)

28-05-04, 15:55
not a leaving thread

28-05-04, 20:09
So i download the patch out of curiosity...

My PEs have been nerfed and i dont notice any improvements in other areas so that blows.

I log onto my APU and walk out my apt door to be ganked by a slasher spy in less than a clip, i didnt even get a shot off cause he was yellow, i keep forgetting factions mean nothing in this game except maybe to the developers.

I recover leave mb and find the spy, hit him with 1 energy beam ,do a little damage to him then watch as spell after spell fizzles on him... now i can runcast this at warbots but i cant cast it standing still at a player standing beside me chewing me up with a slasher.

So some minor fiddles with the balance of the various bullshit classes make everyone happy while the the core gameplay is borked in so many ways and any time a class gets to a point where they could be considered balanced in both attack and defence no ones happy cause there class is still fucked so the scream 'nerf'.

Theres already melee tank moans so lads if I were you i'd keep a low profile cause god help you if you say you're happy with your class, kk sure wont.

Cyas after the next patch.

They feed us shit and tell us it's ice-cream. The funny thing is that we've been eating shit for so long that we've forgotten what ice-cream really tastes like. To a starving man, shit probably does taste like a treat.

28-05-04, 20:11
Apart from the typical sledgehammer approach to melee tanks, this patch rocks. Whatchoo talkin' bout, Elly?

28-05-04, 20:34
You're not that lucky ezza u should know that by now ;)
damn joo, close it again niddy!!!

28-05-04, 20:40
The patch is a long list of little tweeks, but there are major bugs and major balance issues.

I'm not saying the patch broke stuff but previous patches have.

Why did it get so hard to cast a spell now? I have a PE that wont cast shelter while standing still! I have a pure APU that cant cast at anyone, 4 out of 5 casts of Energybeam fizzle if I'm moving and 3 out of 5 fizzle if I stand stock still.

I ping 60 to 80 I have 100+ FPS most of the time, I can aim and keep the reticule not only in the box but in the center of the box.

Range seems to bear no relation to scale in this game with a 60 metre range on a spell and for me to be unable to hit something then either I'm 3.5 metres tall or the engine pays no attention to the stats of the game.

PEs got stealth taken away from them and are back to being pointless, why would you want a PE in your team for anything, hunting? pking? trading? warring?

Sure they sorted out Melee by all accounts, so how long do you think it'll last before the whiners have their way and Melee is nerfed?

Those and a million other things posted in a thosand other threads for the last two years make me want to break things in frustration.

I'd cancel my account but I'm still hoping BDOY changes everything, until then I doubt I'll be on very much because whats the point of it? When you know things are so messed up no matter how hard you try some bug, exploit, imbalance will fuck you over.

I wont leave the forums because I want to add my voice to the nerf threads in opposition to the whinging bitches that cant stand when a class or specialisation becomes worthwhile if its not for their class.

'My hybrid monk cant stealth!!! Nerf it'

'My PPU cant use the dentist!!! nerf it'

'My tank cant use a holovest!!! nerf it'

Selfish shits moaning and whinging till eventually KK role up with a sledgehammer nerf and fuck things up in the never ending crawl towards BDOY and our last hope for a decent game.

[/rant over]

28-05-04, 21:21
yea me 2, this patch really makes me reconsider giving ebay a visit

maybe there is someone still out there willing to shell out a few hundred bux for an acct with 4 capped chars

Original monk
28-05-04, 21:25
'My hybrid monk cant stealth!!! Nerf it'

[/rant over]

youre hybrid monk cant stealth cause he has a sucky setup :)

29-05-04, 03:33
Originally Posted by petek480
Roleplayers think it's cool to have tea. PKers think it's cool to kill people.

I'll holy lightning/fireapoc your noob ass without spilling a drop of this wonderful tea..Do you take sugar with that?

But, it's true, somebody gets owned a few times by a particular class, and they cry ``Nerf!`` Remember hybrid tanks? or hybrid Psi? I used to have a 128/68 APU hybrid (I could rez), then whiners took it away..
not sure what this post has to do with Holovests, though..they sound like a fun idea

29-05-04, 04:21

I'm whining over the melee boost I tell you the reasons why :/

No matter how much I try I can't kill a melee tank where as before the patch I could if I was better than them. Before the patch a good melee tank would own me the damage was fine and they have that little shocker to stun you which was also fine as it was. Now its way to hard for me too kill a melee tank there super fast there little shocker dosn't just stun you it stronger than parra shock. The damage of the PoB is insane 5 hits is all it takes to fuck me no point telling me ah well you need to use range to your advantage cos I have to get close to hit them with the libby. And again they can spam me to death with the shocker they use sorry not sure what its called so I got no choice but to run now its suicide to fight back. Its not fair for one class to own all every time and because melee>All now the server will be full of melee tanks total imbalance

29-05-04, 05:28
OMG quit complaining and play, its just a game....kthx.

29-05-04, 09:54
OMG quit complaining and play, its just a game....kthx.
I find it funny that this is probably the most basic and, at face value, the most crap arguement ever. But think about it, its actually very logical. I'm suprised people don't use this arguement more often.

29-05-04, 12:23
When people pay for something they expect it to be as THEY want it to be...

29-05-04, 15:02
When people play a MMORPG they expect all the classes to have stenghts and weaknesses creating a balance across all classes so no one class is superior to the others.

Neocron doesnt have this at the moment.

Is it more balanced now than it was 6/7 months ago? Yes.

But its still borked in so many ways, I look at Lupus's weapon changes and I see fixes and improvements but I'd really like to see some KK'ers sit back and think bigger because from all the possible choices of Class and Primary skill when it comes down to it only a few are balanced.