View Full Version : [Brain Port]Buddy Reg Codes

24-05-04, 17:18
I saw an idea on another discussion forum that UO is using with yet another re-release: buddy registration codes.

Only good for the 30 day trial, UO is releasing the CD with 7 codes that you can give away for your friends to try the game out. I'm not saying that Neocron needs to give out 7, but it might be a cool idea to put a couple extra codes in there as a really easy way for someone to try the game out. Could bring alot of extra people into the game.

24-05-04, 17:21
This sort of promotion would be more effective if held back until Beyond Dome of York; makes little sense to start "pushing" the game when Reakktor are in the midst of tidying everything up.



24-05-04, 19:38
Well yeah, I was assuming that if the idea were to be used, it would be used on the next "release" of the game, which would indeed be DoY.

Saito Hajime
25-05-04, 11:19
Not a terrible idea (not that I am expert) it seemed to work well for planetside, each retail disc came with 7 day trial code for a buddy. I think i personally got 10-12 peeps into that game. Before the lack of depth and an entirely too early retail expansion made me quit.