View Full Version : What Weps do YOU use when you are leveling a char.

24-05-04, 02:22
From newb to capped what weps do you use?
I cant remember any of my capped chars but here is my current one:

My noob Rifle spy so far:
Lazar Rifle.
Archer Companion.
Unlabled Slow Fire Rifle.
Substandard Pulse Rifle.
Unlabled gatlin rifle.
Hew Liquid Fire


take in mind ive been leveling him without charity from anyone and without using money or equip from any of my other chars so dont flame me about "OMFG NOOB WHY U USE UNLAB GAT THAT LONG =OOOO"

24-05-04, 02:27
On my pistol spy i started with that TL 9 Colt, then i used all singleshot lowtech and all smg lowtech pistols up to dex 75, then got some t-c and used the tangent epic pistol till i had enough dex for rares.

Took me less than 2 days. :)
Pepper Park sewers, Aggie cellar, Oz4 storage, swamp cave.

Shadow Dancer
24-05-04, 02:27
The Dentist

Dribble Joy
24-05-04, 03:01
My PE started out in the sewers, mostly on melee, since I was using the knucles that I got at the start.
Was in absolute envy the first time I saw a claw.

Finally got my first gun, but it was shop bought, I heard player made ones were better, but I had no idea how to get one. The colt budget was appaling, I only used it as a novelty.
Eventually got enough dex to use the first laser pistol, which hit at least.
Then I got a smg, which never hit anything on a regular basis.

Wandered into PPsewers, met some people lvling, one had a gun, an smg, that hit, that did insane dmg.
I wanted one, the guys showed me how to get one made, I was in heaven.
Aggies came eventually, joined TCO and got some help, went up through the pistols as I could use them.
Finally scraped enough parts together for a judge, a 2 slot, I still have it, fell in love with it immidiately.
Bimbled around tescom mostly shooting grims.