View Full Version : Icing and dicing.

20-05-04, 03:35

After years of hearing about this game, I finally took the plunge and obtained a near-illegal-yet-completely-accepted version of the Genesis Shadowrun (I've heard nothing but bad things about the SNES Shadowrun....). Needless to say, it's got me hooked pretty bad, like Neocron really!

Anyway, even though I've yet to get past the first town, I have a couple of questions:

1.) Is there a level limit to the game? I don't have access to a manual, so it took me a while to get my head around the "karma" system. I'm a little worried that there's an artifical cap on how far I can develop the character, though.

2.) Decking. Icing. Hacking.

Whatever it's known as, it looks a damn sight more interesting than regular combat. Obtaining a "deck" aside, does anyone have any tips when it comes to this part of the game? It's something that I feel I'll be spending a lot of time on.

3.) Are NPCs worth the hassle of recruiting?

4.) Finally, Shadowrun wouldn't happen to be a sort of semi-prequel to Neocron and Fallout, would it? Heh....



20-05-04, 03:48
Shadowrun was originaly a rockin table top RPG by FASA inc. Sadly they have since gone out of business but if you can get a hold of any of the source books you will immediately see the many similarities to neocron. Decking was very much like the Matrix, where you entered an artificial reality and fought your way past AI systems and other deckers (Sound like Hacknet anyone?)
Dont really know anything about the computer game as I only played it once and it sucked compared to the RPG

J. Folsom
20-05-04, 14:06
There's a pretty good FAQ on GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/genesis/game/6722.html) about it, use the top one. And read most of Chapter II. Beginning Info, it serves pretty well as a manual.

20-05-04, 14:55
Shadowrun = Cyberpunk + Magic

That's all that was original about the Shadowrun Tabletop. Not to say that it wasn't pretty good. It's just that it is not the "original".

J. Folsom
20-05-04, 14:57
Shadowrun = Cyberpunk + Magic

That's all that was original about the Shadowrun Tabletop. Not to say that it wasn't pretty good. It's just that it is not the "original".
You could say the combination of the two is original.

Otherwise, one could just as easily say:

Neocron = Cyberpunk + Post-Apocalyptic + Magic


20-05-04, 14:58
There was nothing wrong with the SNES version.

Using a dekcer to hack or using your own hardware to do it is integral to the game but it will not take over your combat skills. It's basically to get into computers to retrieve info, and credits on occasion.

Yes recruit NPCs. They help immensely later in the game when your fighting mutiple enemies. I can't really say anymore without spoiling the experience... but play it man... the game is superb start to finish and the final chapter of the game is really good :)

20-05-04, 15:47
There ain't magic in Neocron.

Get it right.