View Full Version : Just a few thoughts

19-05-04, 17:30
A few things I have noticed in my time on this forum, is some really remarkable items.

People on this, and any forum, are equating friendship with people who they post comments to, or read comments from, on the forum, and then, for some reason, seem to derive emotions from the posts a person makes, from “hate” and believing “x hates me” to liking a lot, which is, complete nonsense. There are people on this forum, who I generally like, I like their posts, or the way they provision their posts, they may at times put in some really stupid ideas, but I’m comfortable enough in myself to reject their ideas, and to some extent, they are comfortable enough to accept their ideas are silly, unbalanced, or down right crazy. These, like me, are the sort of people who can shut down the forum, and forget it, and the people on it, even exist.

Then there are people on the forums, who you know in game, they may be your faction enemy, so you are always at war with them, and for some reason, people bring that out in their posts, X is in clan Y, so his/her posts suck donkey dick, and there is no leeway in that, they could post the best idea ever, then some person who dislikes them, comes along and, poof, claims it’s the worst idea ever.

Then you have the people who believe they know what is best for “the game” or, in other words “for how they play the game”, they bring up idea’s which they think will revolutionise the game, without thinking out of the box, with a blinkered view, they come to “hate” a certain class, but “love” their own, so will vehemently despise and call for their hated class to be changed, but will rather be castrated than see any change which might alter their own class, they also seem to believe, if they post a topic on the same subject, 100,000,000 times, people will listen to it, when in fact, the only people that reply, tend to be the same people the previous 99,999,999 times, saying exactly the same thing.

Then there are, out of the box thinkers, people who think beyond their own class, beyond every class, and give new and fresh ideas, for instance, Kasumi’s “remove money drops from mobs”, which, because it was out of the box, a new theme, got slammed down hard by the usual crowd, but, at the end of the day, it was a fresh, new look at the natural NC money issue. Earning a few million by barrelling in El-Farid for instance, would be no longer possible, so naturally, the “people” spoke, and put the idea down without even thinking about it, out of the box.

Now, for each and every person on the forum, each has their own style. Lets take Vetterox (just a random, easily defined name, not picking on him), he stated in a thread before, he doesn’t like me, and that’s fine, its his opinion, but its also a feeling, towards me, which is then translated into anything he may or may not write, and that’s fine, personally, I have no feelings towards this chap, except neutrality, I may not agree with his posts, and I’ll state that, though usually I tend to pass them by (no offence, they just are not my cup of tea), other people, have equated some kind of “feeling” towards this guy, be it positive, or negative, the people who have negative feelings, will always show that in their posts, by being negative towards him and his posts, which is really strange.

The forum seems to be in a state of balance, one person, always moaning about the same thing, the same people agreeing, the same people objecting, divisions brought into play, and then feelings too, person X thinking “so and so hates me” as if anyone could hate someone they have never met, do not know etc. Heck, you even get slammed in PM’s by some people, calling you the “ultimate loser” (funny thread on another forum, you’ll be amazed at what some people call you behind your back heh), the thing is, its totally wrong.

Like I stated, there are people on this forum, who I have preference over, because of their ideas, or because of their posts, there are also people I will now strongly object to, simply because they go on about the same things constantly, as if only their opinion matters, and what they want matters. There are people on the forum, who I know in game, and I consider “friends”, through talking in game, or on MSN/Yahoo (<3 Kyle), but I’d still raise objections if they made a post which I thought would imbalance the game, or ruin it in some way for other people.

So, at the end of the day, when you come to the forum, remember, its all words, the people typing away, may just be typing away to make a point, not because they “hate” you, be objective in your posts, or at least try to be, leave in-game rivalry, in game, acknowledge good ideas, object to bad ideas, no matter who comes up with the idea, and at the end of the day, the forum is a place for ideas, constructive criticism, and spam. <3

19-05-04, 17:45
i wub u lexx


19-05-04, 17:48
Could not agree more, have a cookie


19-05-04, 17:50
.... I am trying damn you !! :(

I am trying to make this game 100 % balanced.

I don´t give a fat cows droppings if my class gets nerfed..


and not for what people think is.

This game isn´t about overpowered, underpowered..

it´s about adaptment.

I´ve been around for quite some time, I´ve seen a lot of nerfs, both rightfully and downright wrong.

and I believe :

that when the monks PPW not needed issue was fixed back a loooong time ago, this game was AS balanced as it could be.

You might think this is off topic, but it isn´t.

I had a thread going.. not so sure where it went to now, about a way to fix the SL problem.. I barely ever even PK, so what do I care ?

I care because it´s a problem that needs fixing..

As for the old Devourer issue ?
It wasn´t overpowered, people just hadn´t learned HOW to fight it.

Hybrids ?
They were never overpowered, they just didn´t need PPW to cap psi pool back then, which made them able to use all spells and cap them. So that was a bug, not overpoweredness.

And yes, Lexx, I do agree with you, people often DO take their personal feelings towards a person into their replies, and I´m not gonna be a saint, cuz I know i have done that too..

But I have NEVER disagreed with something that was downright FAIR, regardless of my personal feelings towards anyone on these forums.

19-05-04, 17:50
<3 Kyle

<3 lexxy, this in response to the thing cannings posted on FA?

19-05-04, 18:10
But I have NEVER disagreed with something that was downright FAIR, regardless of my personal feelings towards anyone on these forums.

I didnt say everyone, because that would be an unfair sweeping statement, its just people can take their point of view, and stick to disagreeing with someone, just for the sake of it <3

@ Kyle :angel:

19-05-04, 20:36
Call of search, call of search. I think we have found our Dr. Phil guys :D Good post.

Agent L
20-05-04, 21:49
Whatever he said, I agree with Lexx :P

20-05-04, 22:04

Im just a bit curious on how old you are. This to me seems to be a coming of age revalation. I would put you in the 16-20 range and just seeing how the world really works. Its not about who is right most of the time it is about who is respected. I see this same kind of stuff everyday at work. Really bright guys with good ideas get drowned out by people that happen to be better liked. The world has been like this for a long time and everyone stumbles on the truth sooner or later... well most do.

20-05-04, 22:18
Nice. Personally I try to stay away from the "nerf this" and "here's an idea" threads, mainly cos I don't play anymore. I just stick my screwed up opinion into the OT stuff.

Btw, you put way too many commas in your writing lex, lol.

20-05-04, 22:21
<3 lexxy, this in response to the thing cannings posted on FA?

I just wanted to say that every time I see Possessed's sig i feel very very dirty.....


20-05-04, 22:33

Im just a bit curious on how old you are.

I'm 28 in about 2 1/2 hours ;)

and yes, Kyles sig makes me blush :angel:

/edit - the, commas, were, perfect, honest, i, wrote, that, in, Office, XP, so, its, grammatically, correct, and, stuff, ner :p

Capt. Rik
20-05-04, 22:37
Wow! Just read this thread through. Lex, your post is one of the most interesting and mature posts i've read on his forum.

Personally I feel that the computing game genre allows people to assume an alter-ego that is quite a lot different from real-life.

Some people feel the need to express their opinions on this forum based on their experiences in-game. Perhaps this is something they cannot do in real life?

I'm no psycologist however and I only really know a handful of you all in-game. I read almost every post on this forum however only respond if I actually feel I have something worth saying (people are probably wandering why i'm responding to this :lol: )

Anyways, Neocron is _only_ a computer game people. I understand a lot of you have put a large ammount of your life in the last couple of years into this game and that it gets frustrating sometimes. In real life however, do you go and start sticking up pieces of paper on walls saying "NERF my boss" or things like this?

I hope a large ammount of players using this forum continue to give it and everyone else the respect it deserves.

20-05-04, 23:50
/edit - the, commas, were, perfect, honest, i, wrote, that, in, Office, XP, so, its, grammatically, correct, and, stuff, ner :p

You trust microshaft spellcheckers with your grammar? :p

20-05-04, 23:57
In real life however, do you go and start sticking up pieces of paper on walls saying "NERF my boss" or things like this?

Not yet but its a really good idea. Look for me to be needing a new job soon.

21-05-04, 13:02
I got pissed off about this too. Why is it on these forums NOBODY can actually convince others? If you have a viewpoint nothing the other person can say can dissuade you from that belief. Usually this stems from a hate of the person in game (cough Vet/Rade :D - lol joke, these guys both make fair points), but I think on these forums posts should be deleted if they are obviously only disagreeing due to a hate of the person (posts like this are obvious.) They generally have little relevance, and usually end up dissolving the post into flame wars and have a nice shiny



stamped on them.