View Full Version : Another annoying DoY question.

05-05-04, 18:17
Alright, we all know that weapon TL's are being adjusted, gaps filled, and damage output changed.

TL based damage and the increase of weapons to fill gaps will make it easier for classes to use something 'odd', (i.e. Pistol Tank, Rifle Monk, etc).

My question however, is this. What will be done with implants? Will more different implants be introduced to cater to and revitalize the idea of non-generic characters?

I mean, with my pistol melee tank, my implant setups either bork one combat stat, or the other. So if I want to be semi-decent with pistol, I have to gimp melee - if I want to be amazingly good with melee, I have to be piss poor with pistols.

If nothing of the sort is being done/planned, please keep it in your thoughts.

05-05-04, 20:21
Alright, we all know that weapon TL's are being adjusted, gaps filled, and damage output changed.

TL based damage and the increase of weapons to fill gaps will make it easier for classes to use something 'odd', (i.e. Pistol Tank, Rifle Monk, etc).

My question however, is this. What will be done with implants? Will more different implants be introduced to cater to and revitalize the idea of non-generic characters?

I mean, with my pistol melee tank, my implant setups either bork one combat stat, or the other. So if I want to be semi-decent with pistol, I have to gimp melee - if I want to be amazingly good with melee, I have to be piss poor with pistols.

If nothing of the sort is being done/planned, please keep it in your thoughts.

I'd hope that there'd be more varieties of implants coming out. Give setups some diversity. I'd hope KK would have that in mind for a while, but you can never tell.

05-05-04, 20:39
My question however, is this. What will be done with implants? Will more different implants be introduced to cater to and revitalize the idea of non-generic characters?

I mean, with my pistol melee tank, my implant setups either bork one combat stat, or the other. So if I want to be semi-decent with pistol, I have to gimp melee - if I want to be amazingly good with melee, I have to be piss poor with pistols.
its called specialization... aka Fun-Death... it ain't goin' noh-whare...

05-05-04, 21:06
Well, first, in general, I think there should be circumstances where if you are trying to use some non-standard variant of a class (i.e. pistol tank) then you should have to make sacrafices to make it work. An APU PE, for example, ight not be able to cap the best pistols or whatever.

Second, in regard to your exact plight- assuming new weapon TLs that Lupus outlined... a tank can end up with 100 Con (will change depending on which heart you use), 94 Str, 94 Dex, 37 Int (lol), and normal Psi.

That is enough, under new assumed TL rules... for

101 in Hack
Peacemaker rare melee
Libby rare lowtech pistol
DOY Raypistol

If you only wanted Libby, you could put on the melee Str 90 PA, and get a boost to your MC.

With that steup you wont come near capping the libby, but you can cap the Peacemaker.

That doesnt sound like too bad a compromise. Capped rare melee but non-capped rare pistol out of a tank. At the same time.


Regardless of what I say above, I too would like to see more imp options. :)

05-05-04, 21:57
Yeah Marx I agree with you.
More implants to remove the Cookie Cutter.

Implants that make PE's more profficient with H-C weaponry.
Implants that make Tanks more Profficient with Rifles.

If a Rifle Tank could fight Fairly in a 1v1 duel vs a H-C tank, and a H-C PE could fight fairly 1v1 against a P-C pe, that would make me very happy.

05-05-04, 22:11
Armor needs a rework also...