View Full Version : what has a greater impact on a games success?

02-05-04, 19:01
Just curious

I played NC again for the first time in a little while, and you know it was fun for about an hour... but then the crashing started and the lagging and the usual great things that we all know and love...

So in between relogging, I was thinking: if KK make it to September, and if they actually release the game (I know 2 big "if"s), will it bomb due to stability or will its features actually off-set the terrible reliability of its code ?

I guess posting here, probably isn't going to be the most balanced and realisitc poll we could do - all of us must now have an inhuman tolerance for bugs and crashes... but looking to DOY, are we willing to forgive and forget?


02-05-04, 19:10
What about an option of a game being good and fun too play?

I would think that to an extent effects success.

02-05-04, 19:16
I'm torn between stability and marketing.

Thing is, I think that content and stuff is important. But unless you have a well marketed and stable product to build that content on they are useless.

02-05-04, 19:16
Marketing definately. People will play any old shit if they're told it's great often enough.

02-05-04, 19:17
Marketing, Then a close Graphics and Sound.

Otherwise Divine Divinity would be selling like Hot Cakes. published by CDV and 2D, it's the awesomest RPG I have played in 10 years since I got addicted to Dungeon Master on the Atari STFM. Nobodys heard of it, and the screenshots put them off when they do.

Bugs and Stability are only extremely important for MMORPG's, although still a very important factor for all types of gaming.

Content just desides how long you play it for. If you buy it and it's crap, you won't play it for very long. If you buy it and it has good content, you could be playing it for years and years.
*Loads his save game from Fallout 2*

Content is also an important factor for Marketing too, so in turn becomes more important.

02-05-04, 19:22
In my opinion it's content. A game with AWESOME content, no matter how bad the graphics, bugs or marketing, will market itself by word of mouth.

It would take longer to get off the ground, but once it did someone somewhere would absorb it to fix the bugs and graphics, because content is prime.


02-05-04, 19:38
Marketing is very important, but not amount of marketing will make up for poor content. On the other hand good content will overcome many of the other elements. I mean if the game is good and it holds intrest of its players they will forgive graphics, stability (to a point), There are back allies of communication that can bring a game more players it up to the game to retain the highest number of new players. Really for a game to strive its not so much how many thousand players you bring to the game its more the precentage of them that you can keep, and for how long.

Content can be on more then one level. There are many views on what good content is. PVP is indeed content and having a fair and level field for people to do battle is in my view great content. It is the view of many others that is not counted as content, but thanks to NC i can just kill them and move on.

02-05-04, 20:06
What about an option of a game being good and fun too play?

I would think that to an extent effects success.

something makes it seem like fun... is it content, graphics etc?

the key question for a game like DOY is how you measure success - is it in initial units sold or in the retention of players long term.

In initial units, I think marketing and graphics have a significant impact. But over the course of 12 - 18 months I suspect stability and content are actually the greater overall? Clearly its an incremental effect (i.e. without the marketing, people never buy the game in the first place), so what does that mean in summary? No idea :)

It is complicated, but there is one thing I'm dead certain of - if the game stability doesn't improve, DOY will be a dead duck. You'll go out with a whimper after 3 months of pain and suffering.

02-05-04, 20:21
word of mouth, think about how many people play NC cause their mate told them about it? Think of how many *dont* because their mates told them about it. Word of mouth from forums, to games magazines, if people get talking about a game in a good light, it will sell like hotcakes, if a few people bad mouth it, and it only gets talked about in a really bad light, well, down the tube it goes.

02-05-04, 20:32
word of mouth, think about how many people play NC cause their mate told them about it? Think of how many *dont* because their mates told them about it. Word of mouth from forums, to games magazines, if people get talking about a game in a good light, it will sell like hotcakes, if a few people bad mouth it, and it only gets talked about in a really bad light, well, down the tube it goes.

I agree, but word of mouth is an outcome, its not something which you can directly invest in, in order to get success. Word of mouth usually comes out of a combination of graphics/content - if people like it, they tell their mates... but if the stability sucks, they tell their mates that too

02-05-04, 20:44
I agree, but word of mouth is an outcome, its not something which you can directly invest in, in order to get success. Word of mouth usually comes out of a combination of graphics/content - if people like it, they tell their mates... but if the stability sucks, they tell their mates that too

I dunno, there are plenty of games I want to get, simply because I've heard people talking about them, X-2 the threat, for instance, but I'm wary of Deus Ex 2, because of word of mouth. Sure Deus Ex 2 had a huge start, because of number 1, which is a selling point, a massive one, same as Half Life 2, the Tomb Raider series. Neocron however, its going to have to overcome some bad word of mouth.

02-05-04, 20:47
I dunno, there are plenty of games I want to get, simply because I've heard people talking about them, X-2 the threat, for instance, but I'm wary of Deus Ex 2, because of word of mouth. Sure Deus Ex 2 had a huge start, because of number 1, which is a selling point, a massive one, same as Half Life 2, the Tomb Raider series. Neocron however, its going to have to overcome some bad word of mouth.

wasn't disagreeing with you mate, perhaps I was a little unclear :)

Word of mouth - what sort of word of mouth... on its own, thats not a factor - people will be saying something about the game, eg:

DeusEx 2 - content sucked
Neocron - stability sucks
Half Life - content great / graphics great

etc, etc

02-05-04, 20:49
1 Marketing 2 Content 3 Stability 4 Grapichs...

02-05-04, 20:55
wasn't disagreeing with you mate, perhaps I was a little unclear :)

Word of mouth - what sort of word of mouth... on its own, thats not a factor - people will be saying something about the game, eg:

DeusEx 2 - content sucked
Neocron - stability sucks
Half Life - content great / graphics great

etc, etc

hehehe, umm, what would they be saying about Neocron? Depends on when they were here, but everything from lack of content, lack of end game, instability, poor frame rates, 1337 gankers, poor customer support, crashing every 5 minutes, the list really could go on forever.

Half life, nice visuals, good storyline, genre setting, CS/TFC, modding community, online gameplay, nice weapons range.. etc.. etc.. downside, Steam :lol: :lol:

Transport Tycoon, immersive gameplay, play for 5 mins - 10 hours later you turn it off

Sir ramic hobbs
03-05-04, 20:04
If theres justice For us players B; DoY will be a great hit and playerbase will be great again.
However do KK deserve B: DoY to be a hit?

03-05-04, 20:15
I say content. But if the stability is not increased with DOY or at least PRE DOY patches i will be leaving to some other game. I've put up with the same bugs for way to damn long. I got into this game shortly after beta. There are next to no events and when there are the servers cant handle them. OP wars servers cant handle big one's. Alot of these things should of been taken care of along time ago.


03-05-04, 23:17
DoY promises all four of those things.

Content - It already has good content, but it's adding more.
Stability - Yep, DoY promises stability. DX9 > DX7.
Marketing - yep. New publisher > Old publisher.
Graphics & Sound - Neocron is a Sexy looking game for an MMORPG.

Reakktor needs to get all four of these skills capped. No not the soft cap, the hard cap. They need to hard cap Content (CNT) Stability (STB) Marketing (MKT) Graphics & Sound. (GRP) (SND)

If reakktor don't cap CNT STB MKT GRP & SND then there gonna get ganked by the uber 1337 W.o.W. in the noobie area. If they Hard Cap all there skills then they will be the Uber 1337 and all will ph34r KK.

Don't be a noob KK. Go level!

04-05-04, 02:03
DoY promises all four of those things.

Content - It already has good content, but it's adding more.
Stability - Yep, DoY promises stability. DX9 > DX7.
Marketing - yep. New publisher > Old publisher.
Graphics & Sound - Neocron is a Sexy looking game for an MMORPG.
Reakktor needs to get all four of these skills capped. No not the soft cap, the hard cap. They need to hard cap Content (CNT) Stability (STB) Marketing (MKT) Graphics & Sound. (GRP) (SND)

If reakktor don't cap CNT STB MKT GRP & SND then there gonna get ganked by the uber 1337 W.o.W. in the noobie area. If they Hard Cap all there skills then they will be the Uber 1337 and all will ph34r KK.

Don't be a noob KK. Go level!o_O You, good sir, have *way* too much time on your hands. :p

But you're right. :lol:

On topic: I think Content is number 1, followed by Graphics and Sound, with Marketing and Stability bringing up the rear.


04-05-04, 15:07
Voted ... Content is most important in my opinion and next is Marketing but obviously in the vote u only get one choice :)

04-05-04, 17:28
DoY promises all four of those things.

Content - It already has good content, but it's adding more.
Stability - Yep, DoY promises stability. DX9 > DX7.
Marketing - yep. New publisher > Old publisher.
Graphics & Sound - Neocron is a Sexy looking game for an MMORPG.

Reakktor needs to get all four of these skills capped. No not the soft cap, the hard cap. They need to hard cap Content (CNT) Stability (STB) Marketing (MKT) Graphics & Sound. (GRP) (SND)

If reakktor don't cap CNT STB MKT GRP & SND then there gonna get ganked by the uber 1337 W.o.W. in the noobie area. If they Hard Cap all there skills then they will be the Uber 1337 and all will ph34r KK.

Don't be a noob KK. Go level!

We've had alot of patches that "FIX" bugs and crashing. But they dont seem to help on alot of systems. Some times things even seem worse.


04-05-04, 21:05
I personally voted for Marketing - I think this is the crux of what KK need to address - and hopefully with Big Ben they've got a much better crack at it.

I've seen nothing in the DOY patch notes which implies increased stability. DX9 may reduce stability - its a new engine afterall.

I'm a little worried unless Martin has actually injected some serious process changes in how KK develop and release their code, we will get the same buggy experience as the original Neocron release.

04-05-04, 21:09
but looking to DOY, are we willing to forgive and forget?


lol you say it as if KK killed your dog, its just a game, Ive had way more enjoyable moments than unenjoyable ones, whats there to forgive, its not like they made you pay to play...lol sorry i just find your post humorous

04-05-04, 21:16
lol you say it as if KK killed your dog, its just a game, Ive had way more enjoyable moments than unenjoyable ones, whats there to forgive, its not like they made you pay to play...lol sorry i just find your post humorous

Thanks, I try to be light hearted about these things :)

Most seasoned players have a grudge against KK for certain stability issues... whether we attract those players back is largely linked to whether they'll give it a second go... hence forgive and forget.

Glad your having fun, thanks for stopping by.