View Full Version : Can't believe this was overlooked. <3 KillerBunneh

30-04-04, 05:05
Can't believe this went over looked today.
There was a small PP even today which I got to late, but better late than never.
KillerBunneh spawned a few mobs for us to mess around with.
Doom harbringers, bats, wolves, regant mutants, DOY bots etc...
He finished off pretty nicely by spawning some Scorpion Queens, which a few people had trouble with :p
Got a few sets of titan armor :)

After he left he told us to find him in OZ1 if we wanted to gamble.
When we got there he had a gambling NPCs which would allot you to bet 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000 credits. It was a simple heads or tails game that was pretty addictive :lol: won 2.2 mil and stopped while I was ahead. My clannies started taking cash out of clan bank after they lost a few mil :lol:

I have screenies but I guess I'll post them later since I don't have a host anymore, <3 KillerBunneh

30-04-04, 05:07
I still dont like mobs spawns for no reason as events, but the gambling sounds pretty cool. What server was this on?

30-04-04, 05:18
Pluto :D

30-04-04, 05:20
Pluto :D

F***! I'm good at gambling :(

Oh well.

30-04-04, 06:47
someone lost about 5mil before I left :p

30-04-04, 08:53
*Notices how all the "bad" stuff goes to the top of the forums and all the good stuff sinks down*


I'll fix up some pics for tomorrow, maybe this won't be at the bottom when I get back.

30-04-04, 08:59
i did that with a pe called 22 i stoped at 100k :eek:

30-04-04, 09:46

www.furious-angels.com/gallery upload your photos into the NC screenshot section there in jpg format and ill auth thme as soon as i can you can cross link from there no problem

I didnt kill anyone honnest :confused:

30-04-04, 09:50
Or you could just uplink them directly to the forums.

Where about in OZ? I Went out to OZ and all I could find was some people to kill.

30-04-04, 09:51
he was in the oz mall

i wanted to go there first with fenix but thought naah that would be too obvious so we ran around for like an hour before went through mall on return and lo and behold he was there :rolleyes:

30-04-04, 11:48
I like the OZ mall, noone ever goes there but it's cool

30-04-04, 11:51
I like the OZ mall, noone ever goes there but it's cool

Um....where's that....

Edit : OZ 1 nm :/

30-04-04, 12:07
<3 snowcrash thnx

30-04-04, 12:57
sounds awesome. tho is this npc still in the mall? i looked throughout the three levels briefly and found no one. i did find some brainless npc that got agitated when i tried to speak with him but not a gambling dude. didn't have a chance to go into some of the yo's vendors buildings tho :(

omfg i hope the gambler is still there!

30-04-04, 13:13
nope npc's have been despawned

30-04-04, 14:03
fucking gay why does god not let me attend the few events we have

(god damn backbones were critical for a wile couldnt connect to nc till night)

30-04-04, 16:04
For the record, I originally wrote the gambler NPCs (there is Heads or Tails and Roulette) for the Outzone Jail. We are still testing them for patented ExploitFreeNess(tm), if they are, they will be permanently added to the OZ Jail. :)

30-04-04, 17:29
*sniff... sniff... SOB!*

Missed it :(

Callash.. do as the casinos do - make it a 90% payout on the gambling NPCs.

So in long run, it's a cashsink. You merely have a chance to get a large payoff quickly.

And oh mah gawd, I'd *LOVE* to see some loansharking going on... *sigh*

30-04-04, 18:32
I dont think mob spawn events arnt all that great, but atlest he did somthing. The gambleing thing sounds pretty cool though.

01-05-04, 00:05
Great to see some action on Pluto. esp. after seeing the earlier post about lack of stuff there. now how about uranus please?

01-05-04, 00:15
We are still testing them for patented ExploitFreeNess(tm)

cool can't wait :)

01-05-04, 01:27
After he left he told us to find him in OZ1 if we wanted to gamble.
When we got there he had a gambling NPCs which would allot you to bet 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000 credits. It was a simple heads or tails game that was pretty addictive :lol: won 2.2 mil and stopped while I was ahead. My clannies started taking cash out of clan bank after they lost a few mil :lol:

I have screenies but I guess I'll post them later since I don't have a host anymore, <3 KillerBunneh

OT: I won 300$ yesterday on black jack :D

but on topic, sound very very cool :) wish i was there

01-05-04, 01:35
im liking the sound of the gambling NPCs