View Full Version : Manhunt

30-04-04, 02:51
Anyone else feels that your anger management can be used in this game? I REALLY enjoy doing the gruesome execution with the bat, seeing the brain parts fly in all directions or use the wire on gruesome execution :D

30-04-04, 02:53
My personal opinion is that solving anger management though mechanical methods isn't the same roughly as solving it through people.

.... Put down that bat. I didn't mean it like that... 8|

30-04-04, 02:56
I wanna bash those thugs! RAAAAAWR!! Brain splatter, yummie!

30-04-04, 03:09
That my friends is how people are able to stupidly link real life violence to videogame violence.


30-04-04, 03:13
What, manhunt isnt for real? What are you talking about?! I wake up after my execution and they are playing games with me and I got loose and I killed them all in very gruesome ways and you tell me it's all a game?! IT'S FOR REAL I TELL YOU! AAAAAAAAAAH :confused:

Shadow Dancer
30-04-04, 03:27
The hell are you people talking about? :D

30-04-04, 03:29
Manhunt is some videogame out right now...that's what we're talking about right now... :D;

Though it seems rob will disagree...so I have this version of my post ready:

Manhunt is an alternate dimension designed for anger management, it's real life! Isn't that right, rob? :D;

30-04-04, 03:30
Manhunt, made by rockstar. Updated GTA 3 engine, looks nice, no driving though. Just hardcore executions in MANY WAYS. I hope they make a 2nd game with even more execution types :>

I do like to use the axe with easiest execution

*me knocks on enemy shoulder*
*enemy turns around and "huh?"*
*me put the axe right into his forehead with some gutty sounds*

30-04-04, 03:31
The reason I'm bitchin' is that Rockstar went outta business. That was like their last game. :(

They made quite a few kickass videogames...

30-04-04, 04:06
rockstar are outa business? i thought they were comin out wit like 2 more GTA's?

30-04-04, 04:07
It's what I heard; at the very least they're in trouble. I'll look around and see what the real story is.

Edit: Ah, fuck what I said. I can't find anything on the net.

Teaches me to shoot my mouth off without evidence, aye? :p

Still, I did hear about it....plus, I'm also ranting in general, not just about how Rockstar is being treated.

Scanner Darkly
30-04-04, 15:14
Last time I heard (sometime last year) Rockstar were getting sued along with their publishers by the parents of those 2 American tards who decided to take a sniper rifle and shoot at vehicles from a bridge overlooking a motorway - killing (not sure how many) people in the process.

Of course their defense is - GTA: Vice City made them do it.

Wonder if this has anything to do with anything...



30-04-04, 15:55
THe new GTA San Andreas is available for pre-ordfer on quite a few site, so i dont think rockstar went bye bye

and and manhunt rocks lol