View Full Version : idea, granades

26-04-04, 23:14
how about granades get made into the first all class weapon?
atm i think they are shit, at least until they get a good boost maybe with doy or something i think it wud be a good idea, it would be like a sidearm for all glasses, so if they are all fighting in pepper park, switch to a granade, throw it into the corridor to clear them out, then continue shooting.
and after what i saw in another thread, its true, does it really take so much strength to slide a pin out of a granade, then, omg, THROW IT? ffs even a 2 year old kid can throw something. and it wud give all classes another aoe weapon.
it could be a skill required weapon only, like int, dex etc so tanks can have there own nade for str, pe for whatever, spies for dex or int, and only apus for int. i really havnt thought it thru very much, in fact, i havnt thought about it the slightest bit, but i posted it anyways.

26-04-04, 23:27
Good idea, but monks shouldn't get nades they dont need them and i think they should make them like assist weapon not direct dmg. We have enough class weapons, why not make it like flash grande or smoke granade or some other kind. I think that be uber tuss smoke nade somwhere then go in and kill evryone while they can barly c anything muahahaha :D

27-04-04, 00:08
Yes please, more nades for the people!!!
I was on my melee tank and suddenly thought of nades, thought it'd be cool
since we dont have any aoe... but then remembered that they are heavy :(

Epsilon 5
27-04-04, 00:21
'nades should be a dex based weapon with no subskill requirement (i.e. fixed damage)

27-04-04, 02:58
Grenades take a certain amount of strength and dexterity to throw a good distance and with reasonable accuracy. [No, i wont trap myself by saying how much, i'll leave that to the comments of others.] But given thats the case, then it seems like any class in Neocron should be able to use them as long as they meet the basic requirements. Of course there could be a subset of "heavy" grenades that do significantly more damage, have a wider area of effect, and hence require much more strength to use - thereby limiting those heavy ones to fewer classes or to just the tank class.
