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View Full Version : HC PE info needed

26-04-04, 03:31
I'm going to delete my midlevel rifle spy on saturn and create a HC PE, but I have next to no experience in making one.

What imps do I need?
What vehicles are the best to use?
Warbots or firemobs?
Leveling areas?

Any help would be appreciated

26-04-04, 03:42
If your going HC, you'll want the HC based implants, like a tank, Beserk 1/2/3/Marine. HardenBackBone too I guess. It is possible, with lots of drugz to use a cursed soul, but your best bet would be to aim to use the CM Epic Cannon, and base your armour around the 75 mark.

Just level him like you would a normal pistol PE, only, with HC. Your Dex, you can stick into running fast, or riding a car, or something silly.

26-04-04, 03:46
+str imps, you also have additional options of +t-c and +weaponlore if you want to be able to use the trike/rhino and/or good aim/range on the cannons.

there's no "best" vec, you'll have to choose what's good for the situation...

trike for mobility and fast hard-hitting but short range, rhino for armor and long range, reveller for cheap repair, speed, combat hoverbike for sheer speed.

you'll have to start out with combat chainbike, then combat hoverbike *or* assault bike, then jeep/apc, then trike... rhino is an optional end-game in your leveling.

warbots are piss easy, but you need hack, firemobs are a fair bit tougher but don't need hack. A warning though, firemobs fuck your vec up if you get close.

Because of the vecs moblility and near unlimited transport on a vec, you have your choice in leveling areas.

Swamps are gorgeous leveling for when you're using combat chainbike and hoverbike, that's my last tip to you.

26-04-04, 03:49
In addition, could anyone post a link with all the info of each combat vehicles?

EDIT: Nevermind that, didn't realize that neocron.ems.ru had them

26-04-04, 03:59
technically, lexx, beserk isnt HC based, but rather, melee....

it's only the +str that puts them in the realm of HC weaponry.

26-04-04, 04:03
a h-c pe needs a few things

1) resistor/moveon/marine/speedgun are the rares you need.

2) dedicated int to weapon lore and maybe 30 psi power.

3) runspeed is a must. As a h-c pe you can get say 100/100 or so for agil/athletics or more.

4) a realy, realy good tpc. 3 slotted or higher tpc (tangent plasma cannon) with ultima would be ideal.

My pe used the unlabled plasma cannon. I had a 4 slotter and it actualy did realy good damage. I cappped aiming, rof, and damage with it and my h-c pe was never capped. It actualy does good damage. The ncpd flamer is ok with wargas, but nothing special. I always hated the speedgat for some reason. I had alot of fun with my pe.I think with h-c buff 3 you can end up with somthing like 160 h-c and i cant remember the weapon lore number. Experiment with it and realy set it up to work with your own playstyle. Im not sure how versitile it can be though.

oh one more thing. the combat vehicles arnt all on www.croncom.com. THe trikes reqs or somthing like the following

dex 60 int 35 t-c 73 h-c somthinghigh and i think thats it. I know the int and t-c reqs i posted are right.

26-04-04, 04:10
fuck NO. runspeed is not something a H-C vec PE needs to worry about.

UNless you're in a rhino, you HAVE to concern yourself a lot with resists, because on all the vec guns you're gonna be exposed, the vec itself will only lend you a bit of armor, you're going to have to bring the rest of the armor.

I know a lot of PEs and Spies laugh about having weaponlore for gunning vec guns, but trust me, you'd be VERY appreciative of the tremendous range and accuracy 70+ weaponlore will bestow upon you in those machine and particlebeam cannons on the jeep, apc, and rhino guns.

Oh, and before you spurn any of the lower req vecs, I've killed warbots and doomreapers on the combat chainbike and hoverbike... their rate of fire is nothing to laugh at... you wanna kill someone out on the wastelands, the hoverbike is gonna run down ANYTHING they got, and you can shoot while driving, which trumps THEM having to stop and shoot if they're on foot or stop AND get off AND shoot if they're in a non-combat vec.

26-04-04, 06:45
I suppose it depends on what weapons you want to use, but I used Moveon, Zerk 2 + 3, hardenbackbone (and LE :)) That gives 76 Str, enough for Speedgat, TL 74 plasma, and TL 76 fusion.

Unless you really want to use the combat vehicles for the novelty, put all Dex points minus what you need for T-C in agility. You'll run faster than any vehicle other than a hovertech.

You'll also have enough Int points to get 100 base weapon lore, 50 hack (for WB's), and 65 in implant (with glove and spy 1 = 84).

Overall, I think H-C PE's are the most flexible PE's, with the most options on where to spend your points. Just be aware that your max carry will be painfully low as you're leveling.

26-04-04, 09:10
Just remember that if you're gonna make PvP-HC-PE, put all int into wpl and all str into HC. And spec runspeed-through-agility as well, you got loads of points spare under dex.

26-04-04, 09:29
I made a HC-PE last weekend and i have to say itīs the most fun Class i every played

Sure, you can forget about PvP ... but itīs fun :)

You can take quite a beating with Inqui4, Duranit4 and SD

My PE got 144ish HC with HC1-Boost which gives him about 160% damage on the speedgat and a freq of about 240/min i think

With a HC3 i get 159 HC, cap damage of Speedgat and get freq to 320ish ...

ok, i specced 50 Transport but i wonīt change that evar ! :D

And besides itīs the first PE on which i capped INT/STR/CON/PSI b4 capping Dex (at 75 atm)

But who needs Dex on a HC-PE ? :)

26-04-04, 13:51
Try to start from this template, then change it to suit your needs (I keep on changing it weeks after weeks) :


You may have to reduce agility gain, to put enough in repair skill so as to use remote tool, or use scout drones for example :)

This char is driving and gunning trike/rhino, wears mercs gatling and TL72 (capped damages with 3 slots) plasma canon (or tpc with +3 str drug)

Implants are : moveon + marine + berserk 3 + berserk 2 + harden 3 + expe heart 2 + melee eye 3 = STR 81 without drug (except when u put back your implants in, after a synaptic impairement), and without any ppu support (u could easily reach 154 hc with level 1 buff)

Now you can kill 10 guys in a OP all by yourself (thx to rhino), run fast, and resist damages like hell... with only fewer damages

26-04-04, 13:57
zerk 3 / ppr / moveon / marine / hardened backbone 3 puts you to 81

resists are piss... hes a PE ffs, they get best resists (with psi) in the game (second to PPU's :p)

personally i prefer a MC PE, although if the melee TL changes go retail MC PE's lose rares.

besides... MC PE can hack and have sick runspeed (bollocks to veh - 69 or 79 tc for elec temp, all rest in agl :D)

when im at home and not playin NC, im churnin out setups. add me to MSN or speak to me on IRC if you ever need my advice, i may not be a "leet pee kay er" but i have played for long time and know about setups :D

my personal setups are not avvailable, as they are a combined effort, tweaked by friends, but if you need anything thrown together just ask (im not great at monks though)

NC Junkie

Dribble Joy
26-04-04, 14:07
Sure, you can forget about PvP ... but itīs fun :)

HC (and MC for that matter) PEs are highly viable for PvP, you can cap a speed gat and tpc (dmg at least, dunno about tpc rof), you have tank level resists (nearly) and PE spells.
Seriously, these chars are brick shit hard, dmg output is low-ish, but you can take a beating.

26-04-04, 14:11
HC (and MC for that matter) PEs are highly viable for PvP, you can cap a speed gat and tpc (dmg at least, dunno about tpc rof), you have tank level resists (nearly) and PE spells.
Seriously, these chars are brick shit hard, dmg output is low-ish, but you can take a beating.

i think my MC PE is 241 mc and better resists than a tank (acounting for def / shelter)

PE's resists dont decrease because they are mc / hc, most peoples proposed setups here included PPR (i know mine does)

my setup is 92%+ resistance in all damage types except poison, and 500 body health, and 75 ath / 200+ agl iirc (im at work, dont have setup here)

besides... go CA and get NCPD PA (which has better resists than Duranium 4 at Str 40) and have the advantage that people assume you are a tank til you damage boost them :D

26-04-04, 14:12
I got my APU that i got bored with, might delete him and go for a MC PE...

Dribble Joy
26-04-04, 14:13
tank resists > PE resists
Just that tanks don't get shelter/blessed def.

26-04-04, 14:15
I got my APU that i got bored with, might delete him and go for a MC PE...

saturn right? well my mc pe is only like 10 str (acount expired... today is payday so ill be activating ASAP)

so if you need someone to level with...

:D :lol: :D

btw IO is CA on saturn yeah?

:edit: DJ man.. are you saying a self buffed PE (bare in mind lack of PE PA on MC PE means no -PSI, no losing armour to rebuff) has worse defenses than a self buffed tank?

:edit2: or am i talking "end" defences and your talking "base" defenses.

im saying a self buffed MC PE will have better buffa than any spec self buffed tank :)

26-04-04, 14:16
IO/CA and Saturn all the way baybeh :p

26-04-04, 14:17
IO/CA and Saturn all the way baybeh :p

well me and a few Uranus chaps are playing Saturn cos of the high pop. we will be making a CA clan, but currently i think im the only one in CA

Dribble Joy
26-04-04, 14:18
No... I am saying that a MC/HC PE has nearly tank lvl resists/armour, and has shelter/blessed def, therefore having the highest defence in the game bar ppus.

26-04-04, 14:20
sweet we need some more decent guys in CA, were slipping a bit :D

and theres a group of people working on making CA more lively on Sat....dunno how its gunna work out yet should be fun

26-04-04, 14:21
No... I am saying that a MC/HC PE has nearly tank lvl resists/armour, and has shelter/blessed def, therefore having the highest defence in the game bar ppus.

then i read your comments wrong :D

yeah... so... in conclusion:

MC PE defences > MC tank

MC PE can hack ops

MC PE is shit fast

MC PE can have loads of health (500+) and still have shit hot resists

MC PE can have a decent Psi pool, and still good spells

oh.. this is a HC PE thread? lol :D

as i said, contact me at a later date if you want my opinion. if not, im sure loads of people will help here

:Edit: @ MkVenner

some NCAT / VENOM people coming over... we fight much... we will secure CA's position on Saturn :D

26-04-04, 14:47
lol think my saturn apu is CA

26-04-04, 14:50
some NCAT / VENOM people coming over... we fight much... we will secure CA's position on Saturn :D

sod it, bring em all i got a spare room to put u up in, we can have a party :D

26-04-04, 15:17
Here is my take on it...

Put 50 in Melee, 50 in Transport, 50 in Resist Force, the rest in Heavy. With BatQueen imps, you will end up with enough melee for the Vein Ripper, and have enough Heavy for the Tangent Speed Gat.

For imps, it depends what you want to do. If you want the ULTIMATE tech part farmer, go with LE, Zerk2, Zerk 3, Moveon, hbb3. If you want to use that extra brain slot- zerk 2, zerk 3, moveon, hbb3, and pp resistor/whatever else/drug into marine.

Enough Int for 50 hack, 84 imp (whoever said you could use the imp glove was incorrect... at least not with the brain imps that all nerf Int. You wont end up with 60 Int with this setup unless you drug into it), 73 Vehicle (enough for assault trike, your vehicle of choice), and the rest in weapon lore.

In Dex, you have enough room for 35 recycle (ammo for the trike), some decent Agility (80ish), and then slap all of the rest into pistol and TC. You can end up using the spitfire gatling pistol and the plasma/fusion/raygun pistols, limited only by your dex.

So thats an all around setup-

Poke TL 84
Hack WBs
Use a Vein Ripper
Use a Tangent Speed Gat
Use a Tangent Gatling Pistol
Use a Plasma, Fusion, and Raygun Pistol

OR instead of tech combat, put it in rifle... and then instead of the plasma, fusion, and raygun pistols you could shoot the Tangent Assault Rifle for longer range applications.

Either way, its a dynamic setup. Tons of options. And fun.

Shadow Dancer
26-04-04, 15:18
HC pe sounds pretty fun.

27-04-04, 14:02
everyone has different setups for a HC PE (as is expected really).

the only HC PE i have ever seen PvP was Rabbi Fang, killing me when i had no armour caving (but i dont care :D)

tbh most of the setup is personal preferance. the PE gives you enough points in each skill to have some diversity.

you may want all str in HC and go for the highest TL HC weapon you can, or maybe just enough HC to cap damage on Speedgun, or go pistol / hc hybrid...

there are many choices.

although i have offered you help and offered advise, i would say play the class, try things, see what you like... cos at the end of the day, someone elses setups are geared towards their play style

wow... if i had rep enabled that would be a good post me thinks :D

28-04-04, 15:19
I've got to admit, I'm starting to look longingly at the mini-rocket pistols...

even just for laughs, they'd be brillant... plus wouldn't the massively higher H-C of a H-C PE cap the mini-rockets more easily?

28-04-04, 15:33
i thought they were PC?

28-04-04, 15:38
i thought they were PC?They are PC, and they STINK. They are horrible. Ineffective for even mobbing except in certain situations.

28-04-04, 15:39
yeah thats what i heard