View Full Version : Cancelling Pre-Order B:DOY

Rude Boi
24-04-04, 01:43
is it possible to cancel my pre-order to DOY now?, i signed up on the 1st or 2nd day it was up (before it was arrived) and i really dont wanna wait till its september or just before then till i can cancel it.

24-04-04, 01:44
Just ignore the reminder two weeks before release.


Rude Boi
24-04-04, 01:46
ok kool, that way i dont have to get a tattoo saying ' cancel B:DOY order' ;) :D

24-04-04, 01:59
september? O_o O_o O_o :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: o_O o_O o_O

24-04-04, 02:01
well you never actually put you CC into pre order... so theres no way they will bill you just ignore the email when they send it too you asking for CC details

24-04-04, 02:16
Yeah but they got ur details for paying for your account :)

24-04-04, 02:53
but they dont....

Woldpay has your details

24-04-04, 04:15
If I understand correctly, when they change the BDoY, they won't be using Worldpay anymore...

I wonder if that'll happen sooner now that BDoY was delayed till September? Wasn't the changeover to the new payment system supposed to be in June?