View Full Version : Dear KK... Mods GMS and DEVS

22-04-04, 20:42
First off let me say this I love this game you have produced. If I did not like
this game so much I would have left a long time ago and never came back.
In the time I have been here you have released patches regularly to improve
the game and in this I await each new change whether it be good or bad. I
was wondering if there has been something we have done as players to you
that would keep you from paying attention to us.. I have seen one event on Pluto in the last week if you need more help please let us know I am sure there are many players that can help.. Don't let Neocron die because of lack of attention..

22-04-04, 20:51
First off let me say this I love this game you have produced. If I did not like
this game so much I would have left a long time ago and never came back.
In the time I have been here you have released patches regularly to improve
the game and in this I await each new change whether it be good or bad. I
was wondering if there has been something we have done as players to you
that would keep you from paying attention to us.. I have seen one event on Pluto in the last week if you need more help please let us know I am sure there are many players that can help.. Don't let Neocron die because of lack of attention..Frankly, I think you are wrong if you think that we did something to KK, and they are ignoring us because of it.


Did you read the responses in the threads about the release date of NC:BDOY?? Not really the fact that people were upset (I am quite sure that was expected) but moreso the manner in which people expressed their anger.

If you did read it, is there REALLY any wonder why KK might not be willing to be so communicative and interactive with the player base?

Again, I dont think that is the case. However if it was, I think it would be easy to see why KK might hesitate in its dealings with the player base.

EDIT: Oh yeah- mods ONLY help keep the forum clean. They have nothing to do with anything that happens in game. :)

22-04-04, 20:55
I think the team behind NC is going the same way as the player base. They really just don't care anymore.

After all has there been any real signs that KK care about players or the game recently? Nothing happens nothing gets none.

It's hardly surprizingly less and less people are starting to care.

If you care about a say a flower, you dont just like it die, You feed it water it and look after it. Lack of attention and development leads to game's demise. Film at 11.

22-04-04, 20:58
After all has there been any real signs that KK care about players or the game recently? Nothing happens nothing gets none.What do you consider a sign that they care?

You mean a GM showing up and spawning mobs? Mind you, a GM is not someone that codes the game... they are just a GM. Dont confuse GMs and Devs.

KK cares because they are working on improving the game. They try and bring the server up should it go down. They try to keep the game running. They are coming out with new test patches soon which will lead to the next retail patch, which should fix the MC5/TH/tech level issues.

Now GMs... I cant speak for their activity or whether or not "they care." I know that if I have a problem they react pretty quickly.

So maybe you should explain how they would show they care?

22-04-04, 21:00
Although I am just a Mod and only a "Voluntary Helper" I would just like to comment.

There may not be much going on on the surface of Neocron currently, however behind the scenes the devs are putting in a lot of work both on BDoY and the current Neocron game (no, the current game has not been forgotten :D) along with all the other voluntary helpers that are really trying to improve the game in the different areas that they represent.

Don't give up hope, the current community is not forgotten and things are to come. This game won't die any time soon.

22-04-04, 21:28
Although I am just a Mod and only a "Voluntary Helper" I would just like to comment.

There may not be much going on on the surface of Neocron currently, however behind the scenes the devs are putting in a lot of work both on BDoY and the current Neocron game (no, the current game has not been forgotten :D) along with all the other voluntary helpers that are really trying to improve the game in the different areas that they represent.

Don't give up hope, the current community is not forgotten and things are to come. This game won't die any time soon.

I dont mean any disrespect Ulle, but ave u looked at the server populations recently?, pluto most of the time has 50-70 ppl on, which before im sure was over 100, same for other saturns, wouldnt that hint that the game is on its way to dying or is in remission?

22-04-04, 21:32
I dont mean any disrespect Ulle, but ave u looked at the server populations recently?, pluto most of the time has 50-70 ppl on, which before im sure was over 100, same for other saturns, wouldnt that hint that the game is on its way to dying or is in remission?So what are you suggesting? Ulle pack up and leave?

We all know what the server numbers are.

Yes the populations are lower.

I guess if the game dies the nay-sayers can reach around and pat themselves on the back for being so bright as to forecast the doom... but dont expect KK nor the players to just accept that as some sort of inevitable fate. :)

22-04-04, 21:43
The server population has just about halved since the new release date because people saw it as the last straw and others are now leaving because there are so little on the servers that there is nothing to do.

People are obviously going to think that the game is dying especially since the lack of patching on both test and retail.

22-04-04, 21:45
I dont mean any disrespect Ulle, but ave u looked at the server populations recently?, pluto most of the time has 50-70 ppl on, which before im sure was over 100, same for other saturns

There is no denying that the server populations have lowered over the past months. However as neither of us has the cold hard facts about current active accounts I can't really argue this point and neither can you :p

wouldnt that hint that the game is on its way to dying or is in remission?

It depends on your defenition of a game being dead really, currently I log on and still see 1000+ playing across all the servers. I have confidence in KK that BDoY will come out this September and it will improve the situation. How much it will improve I have no idea. All we can do currently is speculate what the future holds that it really does not help as people have had different past experiences and no one will think alike so no one will come to the exact same conclusion.

22-04-04, 21:46
The server population has just about halved since the new release date because people saw it as the last straw and others are now leaving because there are so little on the servers that there is nothing to do.Not to pick nits... but in case anyone believes exactly what you are saying- Saturn typically in the evening has between and 250-350 players when I am on. That is not 1/2 of what it was a few weeks ago. Saturn has never ever had a population of 500-700.

I know thats only Saturn, and I know Pluto has been low lately- but saying its about halved is a little off as a blanket statement. :)

22-04-04, 21:52
Saturn always used to have about 500 on at peak times.

Ulle says that theres 1000 spread between 5 servers but it used 1000 on saturn and jupiter and maybe 700 or 800 between the other 3 and that was up until fairly recently.

Ive been told that at the beginning of retail all servers had 500+ on them but I never saw it myself.

22-04-04, 21:54
Well it might sound strange since am one of those who screams the most about gimme patch now and kk sux lol, but kk/mods/gms don't foreg anything espetially curent nc and their players. There maby not to many official responce thats just cuz evrything they say gets flamed(it was promised years ago).... Anyway there was even on saturn last night, well i missed most of it but i got there at the end i guess they where spawning buncha 120 mob bosses at crp I even get to kill few vk kings along with some hostiles :D. they do care am sure of it, its just there is so much to be done that curent apdates/event's r delayed ...:)

Don't give up hope, the current community is not forgotten and things are to come. This game won't die any time soon.

nooo hope die's last :D good to hear that makes me all worm and fuzzy inside :angel:

22-04-04, 21:55
Ive been told that at the beginning of retail all servers had 500+ on them but I never saw it myself.Someone overstated that. I have been here since then, and while maybe Saturn and Jupiter might have PEAKED at 500+, it certainly wasnt an average. And Pluto certainly was never anywhere near that, even considering peaks.

I dont personally recall seeing ANY server with over 500.

22-04-04, 22:00
Ulle says that theres 1000 spread between 5 servers but it used 1000 on saturn and jupiter and maybe 700 or 800 between the other 3 and that was up until fairly recently.

that is not true.....Early retail no server had any more than in the early 700's...that was held by Jupiter and Pluto had 500-600's. The other 2 (Venus not around at the time) had around 300-400 each. (EDIT: Or do you mean Jupiter and Saturn together?)

That is more than now yes, however recent retail (since summer last year I would say) Saturn nor Jupiter has not gone past 500 each.

Jupiter still gets around the 500 mark (maybe a little less), Saturn sometimes up to 400 (normally peaks 300-350) Pluto and Uranus together gather 300 ish users at peak.

(Note: I beleive early retail the servers crashed when more than 700 was reached so 1000 would of been an incredable achievement :D)

22-04-04, 22:06
Sorry Ulle I meant 1000 spread between saturn and jupiter, my bad for being unclear.

Edit:bad spelling

22-04-04, 22:15
No one is ignoring you - everyone's just snowed under! A patch is being worked on right now (as I've said many times now) and it will be released as soon as it's ready.

Please continue this discussion here (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=97189).