View Full Version : Starata DEMO v1.1 released!

21-04-04, 13:27
Here we are again! Some of you might remember this game from my previous thread. Starata is a top-down arcade shooter that myself, Generic and Sponzie made. You can check the previous thread HERE (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?t=94970&highlight=starata) if you want more info.

You can download it HERE (http://www.blackward.com/StarataDEMOv1.1.exe). (if you still have the previous version of Starata installed, please uninstall it first)

Change log:


- You can post your high score on our site!
- Easy difficulty is now a lot easier.
- Added mod support (more info about this will be released later)
- Made level 2 a little harder
- Made “level 4” impossible to survive
- Moved the ship selection arrows to the sides of the ship name
- Added a “Return to Main Menu” button in the Options and High Scores menus
- Fixed some bugs…


- First public release

Yup, you read that right, you can upload your high score to our site now. You can go to www.blackward.com or use the shortcut in your start menu once you have installed it.

Comments, tips, complaints are welcome... :)

21-04-04, 14:30
really wish i could download this and try it but im on 14.4 at home atm so not a chance.

just outta interest if its a "demo" what else are you planning?
btw did you ever play banshee on the amiga/cd32 now that kicked ass

21-04-04, 15:43
Well, the full version... :) Which should have a lot more levels, more enemies, more weapons, shops between the levels, multiplayer support, things like that...

Nope, never had any kind of console, only PC's...

21-04-04, 15:55
try to find some screenshots of banshee considering its 15 years old it looked amasing.

think it was made by core design not 100% sure though

21-04-04, 16:10
IIRC from the screenies of the last version: this reminded me of both Tyrian and Raptor: Call of the Shadows - both of which ROCKED!

So it's nice to see development of something in that genre using the latest technology!


21-04-04, 17:13
Yeah, this game pwns. I'm looking forward to the finished version, especially if there is multiplayer and mod support.

Hmmm... This could be pretty cool.

21-04-04, 17:26
well, the movement is very hard :(

21-04-04, 18:33
What do you mean, Serpent?

21-04-04, 20:36
Crap... my score sucks..... :p

Common ppl.. upload yours to the website! :D