View Full Version : Ok, i'm going on an epic run rampage now.

14-04-04, 15:51
After trying to fruitlesly buy a reveler and a moveon, i've decided to make my spy go on epic runs in different factions to get all the stuff i need myself.

Right now i'm Tangent and i've planned to do this:

Tangen - Next - Mercs - Biotech - Protopharm - Biotech - Protopharm - Biotech - Mercs - Next - Tangent.

This will be a costly and time consuming thing but should get me all the stuff i'll need for al my alts.
To get the sympathies i'm just gonna kill some Tg.

Does this sound like a good idea?
And how many playing hours should i do this on?

14-04-04, 15:53
You cant do an epic more than once per character.

14-04-04, 15:55
a few days to do them all.

i done 5 in one day a month or so a go

14-04-04, 15:56
Not even if i change factions before i rejoin the faction?

14-04-04, 15:58
you get a *E next to ur name, u cant do epic more than once.

14-04-04, 15:58

You will have to use a ALT to do the epic again. Or make a epic whore to do them then reroll him and start again.


14-04-04, 15:59
Ok, so then i'll have to go from Biotech back to tangent.

14-04-04, 16:00
good luck, biotech kinda hates tangent :angel:

14-04-04, 16:06
good luck, biotech kinda hates tangent :angel:its easy to getinto the TT HQ as bio though

14-04-04, 16:09

You will have to use a ALT to do the epic again. Or make a epic whore to do them then reroll him and start again.


Thats what i did. :)

14-04-04, 16:16
meh do them with your main, its nice to have all the *Es next to your factions

Original monk
14-04-04, 16:17
its easy to getinto the TT HQ as bio though

cant ya change that in the concenter ? witouth bad bad guards ?? or less of em :P

i cant remember if bio and tt where in, go check the concenter if there are TT and bio departments .. if there are ya can change there witouth fear of guards wooping youre ass :)

good luck winnoc, veel geluk met je epics

14-04-04, 16:18
Yeah but i have a very bad habit of keeping the epic whores.


14-04-04, 16:18
cant ya change that in the concenter ? witouth bad bad guards ?? or less of em :P

i cant remember if bio and tt where in, go check the concenter if there are TT and bio departments .. if there are ya can change there witouth fear of guards wooping youre ass :)

good luck winnoc, veel geluk met je epics
yup or you can do it the easy way and go the con center

14-04-04, 16:23
Weren't there loads of posts about some epics being proken recently?

Original monk
14-04-04, 16:26
Weren't there loads of posts about some epics being proken recently?

dunno exactly, havent been on that much but i do know that there where problems getting into lobo village witouth the support of about 200 ppu's due to the doybots, altough i dont know if that has changed by now ... i aint gonna test that in person, them bots dont like me very much :)

lobo is fe. included in the bio epic

14-04-04, 16:26
if u go from tangent to proto first u can just GR kill a TG like 120 times and u will have enough symp with all the factions u listed to never do a mission again.

btw BT epic is imposible unless u got long stealth or a dedicated ppu to rez u every few yards

14-04-04, 16:28
havent 90% of the doy bots dissapeared by now?

coz last time I checked the sectors that were swarming with bots, are now deserted apart from the random lost bot

14-04-04, 16:54
i just did the NEXT epic a few days ago and the zones are still filled with DOY bots.

and a tip (or 2) for the NEXT epic, you do not need to go into the prison zone (OZ8) for your contact that is supposedly there. he is named max and is in a09 in the entrance to the prison, right before the zone on the left side. also, i would suggest, if possible, grabbing the DOY genreps as an anti-city (like the el farid gr). that would make life much easier.
oh, and before you GR out to el farid, talk to the BT contact, the human resource director who gave you the mission and the VP in NEXT (near the entrance) multiple times. assholes kept saying different things to me, even when i was told to go straight out to el farid.

14-04-04, 17:18
Weren't there loads of posts about some epics being proken recently?

At least all the six real epics are working just fine afaik (even the tangent one worked the first try for me), though I'm in the middle of PP epic atm, but it'll be done very quickly.

15-04-04, 08:50
As for the biotech epic; i've got obliterator on my spy and he drives a rhino if needed.
I just think i'll go gr to el farid first, and stealth to lobo, or maybe go to TG canyon, pick up a hovertech and drive there stealthed.

15-04-04, 09:10
If I were you I would change faction using research or recycle missions. It takes about the same time as NPC farming and it doesn't royally ass-fuck your sympathies.

All the epics were working last week when I went through all but 2 and I know people who did both of those in the same time period. Biotech was kinda tricky for a day or two if you didn't think before you tried it.

15-04-04, 12:42
I've done all the epics, its Fun if you like getting bugged and having to do the same mission more than once.

15-04-04, 13:47
Epics are fun if you like to knwo all the Storyline and content..... but tbh, some of the rewards are a bit W*NK.