View Full Version : If u left (DOY)

14-04-04, 00:57
If/when you leave due to the 20th+ "DOY" set back what game do you think you would go to, looked around and games are either not pvp orientated enough or just don't appeal to me.

Going by MMORPGs.

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14-04-04, 00:59
Don'y know probably Dark and ligth but i thinks i will stay on neocron juste for view BDOY ;)

14-04-04, 01:43
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Dru Blood
14-04-04, 01:44
lineage2 because its an easy learning curve and it grabs you right away

14-04-04, 01:46
I'm heading back to Anarachy Online [ edited ]

14-04-04, 01:49
lineage2 because its an easy learning curve and it grabs you right away

Lineage 2 all the way, that and the matrix online (10/10) :cool: <-- smith

FomK, realy, realy looks like a total load of, rubbish.

14-04-04, 01:55
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Last edited by Nidhogg : Today at 16:50. Reason: Prohibited Topic
Ah there we go, am sure for you guys it looks like a pomotion of other game, but it is answear to a guestion if you r to edit it atlest leave first part of it where it says am going to such and such cuz that whats they asking if u think its promotion then close the hole thread cuz evry answear you get will be am going to play somthing other than nc.....

oh and for fack sakes remove para lol :eek:

14-04-04, 02:40
Played lineage 2 and didn't like it, its EQ upgraded. Power gamers own all. HAted EQ.

When is the new ultima out?

Could go to carebear land in FFxi again and jsut play vietnam for my pvp needs.

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Dead On Time
14-04-04, 02:43
Lineage 2 is kinda... click on monster... click 'attack'... watch... sit down to rest... read book... bah!!!
Its like EVE with Dwarves
And Dark Elf females. With great butts.

14-04-04, 02:58
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14-04-04, 03:03
Could go to carebear land in FFxi again and jsut play vietnam for my pvp needs.

[ edited ]Strange, I thought FFXI had a PvP area. O_o

uber java
14-04-04, 04:15
Im thinking about SWG or WoW

14-04-04, 04:52
Thinking about returning to eve.

It's politics are so complex, and that was what I loved about planetarion :/

Plus Shiva(expansion) is shaping up nicely.

SWG/FFXI dont really interest me :(

(last post I swear)

14-04-04, 05:00
I'm currently playing Lineage2....

I planned to return to Neocron at the end of L2's open beta, not any more though.....

Look me up on:
Erica server: Spoon
Sieghardz server: Lag0r
Bartz server: Carn

It's been real kids.....

14-04-04, 05:47
Whats eve like starting out?

It looks kidna kewl i love games like that but it looks i dunno a bit dawnting.

Do u get a free month or soemthing?

I'd go back to FFxi but i had to format my PC and lost all my codes, i sent a request with there request form twice but they never replied and i dont wonna import it from america again :(

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14-04-04, 05:59
looking forward to WoW

Dead On Time
14-04-04, 06:04
EVE's not bad starting out now. I played Beta and nearly died of boredom. But they got the agents working now and that gets it going nicely for beginners.
btw, look on the bounty pages. Someone put a 35 million bounty on one player :eek:

I think in the long run EVE still consists of reading a book whilst you spend hours travelling on auto-pilot, then spend hours mining. Not played at high level for a while so someone correct me if I'm wrong.

14-04-04, 06:09
I heard about this decent game, was pretty fun, been around for a while. Ah yes it's entitled Neocron

they got a new version coming out in a few months. Should check it out.

HrHr ^^

anyways america's army has always been good, but seriously neocron > all.

14-04-04, 06:19
[ edited ]Eh, from what I remember he got banned a long time ago...

he made a 2nd account and the mods allowed him to stay for the while..

Then when the thread pertaining to the fixed release date came up, I think he led the front of the 'lying' theme and got his 2nd account banned.

Course, this is only what I understand...anyone with a better understanding of what went on can say so. :)

On topic: If I left? FFXI...or RO. Leaning more to FFXI, I still have unfinished business there. :D

I tried to get into Project Entropia, but the minute I got on, an internal error occured...I've been waiting like 2-3 weeks now for an email response to my filed report...nothing.

Oh well, wasn't really going to give them (much) money anyways. :p

14-04-04, 06:24
I'll just catch up on the single players games I've been missing out on. I prefer to be committed to only one MMORPG.

Vid Gamer
14-04-04, 07:46
I'm surprised no one is anticipating MxO.

That's where I'm going.

14-04-04, 07:58
I'm leaving and won't be playing any games for a long time if ever.

14-04-04, 08:12
I'm leaving and won't be playing any games for a long time if ever.

Why mate?

Whats Mx0? Am i being really lame and not figuring it out or... i dunno

Whst the new ultima game? Ultima x or sommin

14-04-04, 08:42
Lineage 2 and City of Heroes are both due out at the end of April. And World of Warcraft is supposedly due at the end of August. And then there are other lower-profile mmorpgs shipping at various times during the rest of the year as well. Bound to be at least one thats worth playing.


14-04-04, 08:48
helius, do I know you ingame? if you are curious as to my reasons you can pm me, I don't want to make some mass forum pity party, just those who I know would miss me should only be concerned :)

14-04-04, 08:51
helius, do I know you ingame? if you are curious as to my reasons you can pm me, I don't want to make some mass forum pity party, just those who I know would miss me should only be concerned :)
hmph!!! *misses Kramer already* http://www.kaomoji.net/kaoanidata/leicat03.gif

Original monk
14-04-04, 08:58
project entropia, good game but expensive if ya wonna start out decently

my mate plays the beta of the mmorpg that starts with an F and ends with a K, i gonna check that one out a bit more also :)

14-04-04, 09:57
uh did anybody really expect the release date not to be pushed back?

J. Folsom
14-04-04, 10:02
If I were to quit, I'd probably go back to my general time occupation of visiting and commenting in mean and sarcastic way on angsty blogs!

Failing that, I might decide to just play some other game, depends on what is available at the time of my quitting.

Currently not particularly interested in quitting though... So that might take a little while. :p

14-04-04, 10:05
kramers fh2 is beating in manders body!!! so he isnt totally gone :). I guess i will still play nc because i have only been playing for like 7 months. But if everyone else is leaving then i will be all alone... I'll think i will blow the dust off my ps2 and gamecube and check out some new games. I could go out into the wide wild world of petaluma. But being 16 doesnt leave you with that much choices. besides going to shitty I AM SO HIGH AND I WANT TO GET LAID parties..

14-04-04, 11:52
I'm currently playing Lineage2....

Sieghardz server: Lag0r

It's been real kids.....
ah tht noob running about :p

14-04-04, 12:02
I've got a stack of single player games to finish, SW:KOTR, Far Cry, even Neverwinter Nights....

And I've just bought AO for a £5 and will have another go at this game. I played the trial and got hooked for 7 days, then cancelled until I could buy the game cheaply.

So if any of you are in AO, help out a complete novice, hopefully called Rilmac, that's what my character was called (if I can re-create or link this to char)

14-04-04, 13:04
neocron forever!
i still despise you KK!!! but i love your deliciously addictive game!!! :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

14-04-04, 13:19
i wont be leaving neocron to another MMORPG, if i quit(which i proberbly wont)it will be back to single player games, or back to diablo 2 again :lol:

most other mmorpgs just dont interest me, the edited game that we aint allowed to speak about looks a pile of shite so far imo

WoW looks ok, but meh not to sure about it.

Eraser SG
14-04-04, 13:27
I'm currently busy doing Test-Server stuff here in NC and doing free-trial hopping in AO *g* (just one time so don't kill me:).
But that won't keep me occupied until september, i think. Oh wait, well... there something like "going to university" i've got to do... yeah, right, now i remeber.

14-04-04, 13:51
i already started playing swg, its fun, but not exactly NC.

14-04-04, 15:00
I tried AO but i thought the gfx were too shit. Also when fightings mobs its like u pick when to fight mobs. I dident get out of the starting area, met a few people that seemed to know what they were doing but when i asked them questions they just told me where to go. I couldnt get out of the starting area at all (maybe thats happened to people in neocron).

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wow is looking damn nice. And im off to download the beta of linerage 2 give that a try. If i dont get into any of thoese ill just go back to my fps clan life - atlest you can go to tournaments and win stuff doing that and it doesnt get as addictive as mmorpgs.

Vid Gamer
14-04-04, 19:52
Whats Mx0? Am i being really lame and not figuring it out or... i dunno

Matrix Online

14-04-04, 23:50
Battlefield Vietnam :D

Oh and matrix online..

Oh and, bump.

Rude Boi
15-04-04, 00:23
The Matrix Online (alot like DOY, dunno when it will be released)
Lineage2 (recommended alot by friends)
EVE (looks awesome)

Vid Gamer
15-04-04, 00:25
How can you say MxO will be like DoY. O_o

Lineage 2 is okay, I could probably get into it if I wanted to.

EVE Online is okay, but it's a big timesink.

15-04-04, 00:26
I think he's thinkin' about HackNet :lol:

Rude Boi
15-04-04, 00:36
other than the hacknet, i mean the release date, Matrix Online was supposed to b released last month, and now said to b september like DOY

15-04-04, 00:53
Ive already left... umm... trying to get a life.. umm... tried L2 - didnt like it, in FoMK everyone looks like monkies, SWG is getting old...

umm, banned from WoW beta.. but it was nice, im going for WoW... when it comes out!

15-04-04, 02:38
If BDoY doesn't impress me and put all the life back into Neocron, Im goin for Matrix online. I dont know why but i have a HUGE feelign that Matrix online is gonna pwn. Probably because im a huge fan of the series. I even got myself a £200 full length leather trenchcoat (jokes! i did get one, but not because of the matrix). Anyway, either matrix online or City of heroes, LOL!

15-04-04, 02:43
Im prolly gonna play planetside til doy comes out. does anybody kno if u require the core combat expansion pack to play it?

15-04-04, 17:24
Played lineage 2 and didn't like it, its EQ upgraded. Power gamers own all. HAted EQ.

When is the new ultima out?

Could go to carebear land in FFxi again and jsut play vietnam for my pvp needs.

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Power gamers rule in NC too
are u kidding
i mean in exo weve leveled tanks, pes and APUs to being near capped in 3 or 4 weeks
Then we giveem the best rare wps around so they can fight no one which is another issue

15-04-04, 17:28
clothing i think he means that NC is more skill based, u dont have to be capped to kill a capped person.

15-04-04, 17:56
Dark and Light for sure.
I'll go there anyway even if I keep playing NC/BDOY.

15-04-04, 22:26
I'll look around if content/storyline isn't implemented n e time soon.

15-04-04, 23:01
If i left NC I would try this MMORPG by Gary Gygax.


It is not the same as other RPG's.

15-04-04, 23:10
Saga of Ryzom (http://www.ryzom.com)

Open beta starting soon, might have to drag myself away from FFXI for a few days.....

15-04-04, 23:47
The game we're not allowed to mention anymore (http://www.fomk.com)

16-04-04, 00:05
I've played loads of mmorpgs, UO, AO, Planetside, EQ, SWG and not got past the first month on any of them. I've been playing Neocron since January last year (never posted ont he forum though) and am still here so I doubt I'll be going anywhere.

I'll still be here when BDOY comes out.

16-04-04, 02:10
If i ever left neocron (which i doubt happen anytime soon) i may start on SWG again and maybe finally make Master Bounty Hunter as im just about hitting the novice BH skill tree but keep cancelling my account when things in neocron would start to get interesting again.

I may also try out the game we're not meant to talk about, but i have a sneaking supicision it will turn out to be a pile of garbage.

16-04-04, 05:07
WoW, EQ2, i like a good adventure game, i can get pvp from BF: Vietnam and UT2K4

16-04-04, 08:45
The game we're not allowed to mention anymore (http://www.fomk.com/)Oh I'm sure I'll parooze ita web pages every so often but my guess is it will suck.

PlanetSide was real good but just repetitive. You could take over the whole planet and 3 hourse later it could be turned the other way. Ad they got to just forget about that under ground rediculesness.

I was thinking about playing UT 2004 but UT 2003 was just so bad, I'm afraid to waste my money on that too.

16-04-04, 20:52
I was thinking about playing UT 2004 but UT 2003 was just so bad, I'm afraid to waste my money on that too.

UT2K4 is about 300 times better than UT2K3 - worth every single penny.

16-04-04, 22:32
I'm in Lineage 2 as well, simply because Lineage 2>neocron

A lot of corrupt leadership in this game and I won't elaborate more.

16-04-04, 22:34
Im prolly gonna play planetside til doy comes out. does anybody kno if u require the core combat expansion pack to play it?
No. Still can play it without iirc, try asking here www.trwerner.com if you want to make sure.

*goes off and buys 1 gig of RAM :D*

16-04-04, 22:56
No. Still can play it without iirc, try asking here www.trwerner.com if you want to make sure.

*goes off and buys 1 gig of RAM :D*

is the the same game but with more content or is it like a completely different game?

17-04-04, 00:56
i'd do lineage and wow but i'm sick of orcs and elves and dwarfs... nc is great but sometimes... *sigh*

anyway lookin forward to CoH just cuz its a fresh new mentality in a market of mainly fantasy mmos with others being really just plain shit (NC excluded ofcourse :D).

btw anyone got a link to dark and light? cba to look it up; nvr heard of it...

17-04-04, 01:02
well, someone has mentioned here Saga of Ryzom - it looks quite promising except the pvp part, but this may change quite much as devs are currently working on the remaking of the pvp system. Still there are countless variations of character specializations, good tradeskill system, lots of ingame content, OPs and op wars (yes!) and (in retail) open pvp areas.
Open Beta starts 20 april, so u can download the client from ig/fileplanet etc. Sounds interesting to me, so i will give it a try.

17-04-04, 01:03
i think i've found my new love ...

In the form of EVE Online :D

17-04-04, 01:32
is the the same game but with more content or is it like a completely different game?
Dunno. Won't buy Core Combat till I got me 1 gig of ram :D and that may take some weeks.
Core Combat has some nice new weapons/vehicles and new fighting areas (underground to get some stuff that enhance your facilities on the surface). Just read through the description, most of your questions will be answered there.
Generally the Addon is an enhancement to the existing gameplay, it's not a "new game", but it is a bit enhanced.

17-04-04, 02:08
It's pretty obvious to me what is under most of those edits, so I will save you the time.


17-04-04, 20:57
WHens WoW out?