View Full Version : Improving Rifle Target Lock at long range...

11-04-04, 20:35
When you are using a rifle at long range, it is nearly impossible to get target lock on a moving character. The problem is that at long range, targets do not move smoothly but rather they warp across your screen in chunks. This forces many rifle spies to attack from a much closer range than their weapons are designed for.

I suggest that rifles should lock on their targets faster the farther they are from the target. At max range (I think it is around 500-550 meters) they should lock on instantly.

11-04-04, 21:02
Scope/Lasersight should help with this problem...

I understand what you're trying to suggest from a prone sniper's view, but there are already a few ways to help with this difficulty..

Sadly, I believe part of the reason they 'warp' however is linked to the clipping range, as well as the netcode performance over long distance. However that's only half of the reason. It could also do with your connection to the internet as well as your internal hardware makeup.

11-04-04, 21:10
Instantaneous target lock is a bit much, but I agree something needs to be done. Perhaps the loss of target lock (the targeting ring I assume) should be much slower for rifles. In this I mean if you have spent the time to aim a shot, you should not lose the aim so quickly if you move off the target. Say extending the time till loss of taret lock starts to only about 5 seconds, anymore would be too powerful.

11-04-04, 21:20
Edit: My post didn't make sense.

11-04-04, 21:53
Scope/Lasersight should help with this problem...

I understand what you're trying to suggest from a prone sniper's view, but there are already a few ways to help with this difficulty..

Sadly, I believe part of the reason they 'warp' however is linked to the clipping range, as well as the netcode performance over long distance. However that's only half of the reason. It could also do with your connection to the internet as well as your internal hardware makeup.

It's simply because the priority for updates on the position of runners at long distances is low to conserve bandwidth. Thus you only get a new position on another player every second or so, which is why they warp. It's do with configuration more than the netcode itself. There is in fact a net.ini file which did allow you to change the settings for your client, however it now has no effect and the settings are all fixed server side. It might be possible to change them and increase the updates at long distances however.

11-04-04, 22:11
HAahah who did that smiley scikar?
oh yeah, I agree or something...

11-04-04, 22:16
damn good idea if you ask me

only over 400 meters or so though

would shut all the rifle users that are bitching for a boost (hah) up

11-04-04, 22:40
HAahah who did that smiley scikar?
oh yeah, I agree or something...
I did. :)

Freaky Fryd
11-04-04, 22:53
From what I've seen/experienced/tested, a laser pointer gives no benefit once you already cap aiming. Of course, I could be wrong...anyone else have an experienced or educated opinion on it?

As for a scope helping aiming, yes...definitely.
Theorhetically, if the retical stays the same size, it should be bigger when you zoom in, right? (everything appears bigger, so the retical should too)
The retical is actually smaller once you engage the scope, giving you a better target lock.
Definitely helpful when sniping...

12-04-04, 00:45
Laserpointer doesn't actually improve aim/range at all, it simply makes the recticle close faster...though now I'm unsure if it helps any once aiming is capped.

12-04-04, 00:56
nope there's no need for it if you u got ur 267%. ... but it looks sooo cool :p:D:D

12-04-04, 01:11
Is that why some tanks bitch about CS not having lasersight? :lol:

Thanks for the info.