View Full Version : Whats Happening

09-04-04, 17:51
Please Can anyone tell me why nobody seams to be doing anything on pluto anymore. The map is not changing there is never any tradeskillers about i came online for a look see (been playing a different game ) and had to log on three different chars just to help a few people out. Has Dome of York been realeased and there all over there. I went to see and only found about a thousand D.O.Y. bots in every sector around there has KK gone mad and deleated half peoples accounts. Have the martians landed and captured neocron game players. Or is it worse than that ............please send answers

Yours with a touch of sarcasm

09-04-04, 17:55
Well, FFs on Venus.

And we all still hate parashock.

That's all I can think of man.

09-04-04, 18:25
The lack of updates and consistent existing problems seem to be whittling away at the Pluto player base. It's getting dangerously close to going below the critical mass needed to make playing there viable.
On the plus side the OP scene has improved recently, at least in our corner of the map, with decent wars most nights against various opponents. One of the larger crahn clans has restructured a little, to everyones benefit.
Otherwise it's pretty much business as usual.

09-04-04, 18:51
A bunch of people went to Jupiter also, diminishing Pluto's population further.

09-04-04, 19:35
Yeah I've been back on Jupi a bit as well.

Currently dead in the TG chaos cave.

Anyone got a PPU? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Zu (Pluto)
09-04-04, 19:39
Several single-player games have come out in quick succession and I'm still plodding my way through them, thus limiting my Neocron time.

But yeah... lately when I'm on there seems a whole lot less people. Strangely, the zones are still just as laggy and buggy :)


09-04-04, 21:02
maybe people don't wanna play a server where people are only in it to win and not to play the "GAME"

09-04-04, 21:18
so do you think the server will survive if kk don't move there arses and attract more people to the server.Or is it to late and people are just fed up with the same old crap lag bugs sinc errors and are leaving and not comming back

09-04-04, 22:16
Xtro when the last time you've been on ?:) Map's full of colours

09-04-04, 22:20
Pluto? Whats that? The planet? You cant play Neocron from such a long distance from the servers silly. Also Plutos kinda cold.

10-04-04, 11:05
Hoping to see some familiar faces now that DoY approaches. The scene seems kind of exactly as pathetic as when I left it.