View Full Version : Anti-City factions owning apts in the city - what will happen with BDOY?

07-04-04, 05:28
Just came to mind that all the anti-city factions are being moved out of the city, so does that mean if we have apts there we can't get to them at all? Or will they be lost as it doesn't fit with the story?

Would be nice to have an official response so that all those concerned have time to move out of the city to somewhere else and move the stuff from their cabinets with them.

07-04-04, 05:34
You are prolly screwed. Id suggest moving them to PP or TH/Tg but then again, I dont know whats even going to happen to my PP apartments either.

Who knows they might have like a week of complete safe zones after expansion start to allow people to move their stuff.

07-04-04, 05:39
I suggest TH or TG . .those will become super OPs though but at least you'll still be able to sorta access them unless they get taken over by a hostile enemy i suppose. But keep them there so you cantransfer at least to DOY when the time comes. It does suck but it's just not right anyhow for an anti-city personto have an apt in the city .. heh. .but since you can't get to DOY yet .. oh well

On another note .. anti city should be able to maybe buy Anarchy breed apts in the wasteland. It could be a good solution to this sorta thing. You know there are access points around certain areas . .

07-04-04, 18:25
I'm not moving my 20 plaza apartments until I absolutely have too. When we do move, I'll hafta mobilize my entire clan just to transport the stuff. KK really needs to impliment an easier way to mass move items.

07-04-04, 19:38
I'm sure they could write a query and a bit of code to move them.

Appt is linked to char
Char is linked to faction
If the faction is anticity find appt type and replace with equivelant in DoY.

As long as they had exactly the same number of cabs in the equivelant apps, then it shouldn't be a big problem.

Its not like the database stores the design of the appt itself. Just the owner, password, type, location and contents.

But will KK bother?

07-04-04, 19:43
with the last few weeks of inactivity of KK even there are some big bugs like the Monster aggro i get the fealing that there will be a all but you have in you inventory wipe with doy .... but thats just my opinion. ill had moved my stuff from the plaza starter app to a TH app and never bought apps in NC because the ban of TG where only the logical consequence of the story.

07-04-04, 21:27
Come on KK, we need an official reponse or you are gonna have even more unhappy customers! Are there any TG on Saturn that would be willing to show me their apts if they have a lvl 2 or lvl 3 equivilent so I know what I am buying?


07-04-04, 21:43
... if they have a lvl 2 or lvl 3 equivilent so I know what I am buying?

ter is nothing like a lvl2 or 3 app in tg,m thats why i use TH or PP

07-04-04, 21:57
ter is nothing like a lvl2 or 3 app in tg,m thats why i use TH or PP

Well, TH is a definite no, considering I am Crahn. My problem is what if we can't even get into PP when BDOY is released? Then we are still screwed. I liked the idea of buying Anarchy Breed apts in the wasteleands, or I can move to MB. Problem is I don't wanna do this to find out it wasn't needed.

07-04-04, 22:43
... what if we can't even get into PP when BDOY is released?...
wow, then ill need a whole army to get my rare parts back. im lucky that i enabled it as my main app because its in BD part op PP. not the place for a TG researcher :p

08-04-04, 02:46
They can just rewrite the keys (upon request, in case..)

Situation Example: Plaza 2 apartment.
Solution Example: Rewrite to DoY Sector 2 apartment.
Situation Example: PP1 apartment
Solution Example: Rewrite to DoY Entertainment Sector apartment.

Each apartment key has a apartment complex linked to it...all that needs to be done is relink to another place.

Richard Blade
08-04-04, 02:52
I was thinking about this also.

What do people think about being able to genrep to all your apartments?
They would all be in your list.
However, you couldn't leave that apartment via the elevator if it was in an enemy zone, or one that you technically wouldn't have because of being anti-city, or even anti TG/TH.
If you found yourself in the enemy city, you could get up to your old apartment, but you couldn't leave again via the elevator. You would have to genrep out.
This would stop the raid / apartment / raid / apartment zoning that goes on in certain areas. It would also prevent that behaviour showing up in NCB: DoY.
And, for the cost of 1000nc and a little synaptic you can travel from one apartment to another without having to run all the way from Via Rosso 1 to Plaza 1.

Forget My Name
08-04-04, 04:04
hahahha, you want KK to reply?

When will you all ever learn, KK doesnt give two shits as long as you all keep your multiple accounts.

Your answer will come after you all payed for a few more months. Losing 100 of you wont matter when they gain 2000 more. And yes, they too will buy multiple accounts.

Sorry, we are all just an account number to them.

08-04-04, 04:22
hahahha, you want KK to reply?

When will you all ever learn, KK doesnt give two shits as long as you all keep your multiple accounts.

Your answer will come after you all payed for a few more months. Losing 100 of you wont matter when they gain 2000 more. And yes, they too will buy multiple accounts.

Sorry, we are all just an account number to them.Remindin' me a lot of the people who said the world would end with the coming of the Messiah in the year 2000...no wait, scratch that, 2003....er, 2005. Yes.

Ironically my post is not commenting on KK's DoY 'treatment', but it's about your preaching in general. O_o

08-04-04, 04:36
well if you want to wait and see what happens I suggest having 1 pro city character and then put all the keys in an apt in TG or TH and when it happens if we don't get an apt moving option then you can pass keys to the pro city character who can then help transfer your techs to yourself

08-04-04, 07:20
I'm kinda wondering how KK would handle this anyway. I've read the posts.. all looks simple...
But will you guys stop being paranoid? KK arn't as big of assholes as you think. You honestly think you'd lose all your NC apts to DoY? think about it carefully.



08-04-04, 07:44
Actually, if someone can quit over being given a backup char that was four months older than present...I can believe anyone can find suitable justification to leave the game if they really wanna. O_o I can also believe that not everyone will get out of this problem scott-free, in spite of my earlier post.

08-04-04, 08:57
well if you want to wait and see what happens I suggest having 1 pro city character and then put all the keys in an apt in TG or TH and when it happens if we don't get an apt moving option then you can pass keys to the pro city character who can then help transfer your techs to yourself

So if I transfer the keys to another char am I correct in thinking that when activated on this second char that the contents of the apts will be intact?

08-04-04, 09:13
I remember there used to be a weird problem concerning transferring ownership of apartments...did this problem even exist, and if so, does it still exist?

Need to refresh my memory.

08-04-04, 09:24
Ok, this is what I think woud be a solution for this problem.

Give every player a key for their starters appartment. I should name the startersappartment factionappartment. This is the appartment the faction hands out to you when you become a factionmember when you create a new character. This key is character-bound so not exchangable.

When a player changes faction he or she has the opportunity to change their factionappartment of the former faction to an appartment of the new faction. The contents of the old appartement need to be transferred to the new appartment. This can be done by the Trader Union.

This faction should be allied towards everybody, so they can access every major location, so a move from i.e. PP to TG shouldn't be a problem. It should take one Neocron-day to get the stuff moved to the new appartment(or maybe immediately, but I prefer the delay due to reality ;-)).

Technically there ought to be written some scripts by KK to make this possible.


08-04-04, 11:49
I remember there used to be a weird problem concerning transferring ownership of apartments...did this problem even exist, and if so, does it still exist?

Need to refresh my memory.

I believe the bug was/is that if the original owner of the apt if they activated it was deleted for whatever reason, then sometimes the apt was deleted as well as if it was bound to the player. But considering that I have no plans to delete my near capped PE, I doubt this will be a problem for me.

08-04-04, 13:18
As FA i also have a lvl 3 apt. in NC, Plaza, but i don't think it'll be a big problem to replace it with a comparable one in doy.

imo. :)

Forget My Name
09-04-04, 08:14
Yup, we got answers here form KK for our questions didnt we?

09-04-04, 08:26
heh, no news is good news ... :o

09-04-04, 17:03
guys, did I hear right that FA will be anti-city, hence my NExT monk (allied to FA) will be unable to access his TH apts?!?!

09-04-04, 17:18
Sometime around last August they said "Hey DOY is coming SOON and smart FAs will relocate out of the city!" So, we evacuated the whole clan out of our city pads, our leader had to convert about 14 city apartments worth of storage into 28 (twenty eight) Tech Haven level 2 apartments.

This was like 9 months ago. Meantime we've been putting up with dinky apartments and wondering what the big freakin' hurry was.

Until there's some solid shit regarding DOY on the table I'd just not even stress over it. You see, back then they could get away with telling us "DOY is done we just need a publisher!" Obviously it ain't done, by a long shot. Hell, a clientside engine upgrade still has to be implemented and debugged. Done my ass.

I would urge you to keep keys for your city apts in a TH apt just in case, but for now just carry on.