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View Full Version : Damage Boost pvm/removed/kept??

awkward silence
05-04-04, 08:37
so should we keep the db? Imho it should be pvm only same as parashock.

05-04-04, 11:51
Why? It wouldnt hurt you to put some reasons behind a suggested change
when you start a thread.

awkward silence
05-04-04, 12:32
Well here it goes.

Its one of the million things that ruin the balance in pvp. If i had my way ppus would be removed but im trying to make middle grounds but it seems most ppl are too oriented on having ppus and their shit around. I dont enjoy pvp anymore since its all about how many turrets or ppus you got in your ass not skill wich is sad. I mainly fight duel only nowadays since the pvp is totally bs.

05-04-04, 12:37
keep it

Dribble Joy
05-04-04, 12:38
Well here it goes.

Its one of the million things that ruin the balance in pvp. If i had my way ppus would be removed but im trying to make middle grounds but it seems most ppl are too oriented on having ppus and their shit around. I dont enjoy pvp anymore since its all about how many turrets or ppus you got in your ass not skill wich is sad. I mainly fight duel only nowadays since the pvp is totally bs.

Commas, full-stops and paragraphs are your friends.

Secondly, how would it make any real difference?
PPUs would be even more indestructable in fact.

Getting rid of ppus (and thus all ppu spells?) would be plain silly.
There are other ways to balance PPUs and keep them in the game.
PPUs only ruin balance, because of their absolute nessescity for pvp and the imbalance that the bring to the (otherwise balanced (more or less)) other classes.

05-04-04, 12:46
Keep it, nothing makes me laugh more than when i kill a PE who pre-casts damage boost sanctum, except a PE who wastes their time damage boosting me in a fight. :lol:

Paraspamming, i dunno im happy with it as is, takes forevere to cast so you can in fact nail a few drugs just before it hits, meaning less than a second of para :)

Thats balance.

05-04-04, 12:47
PPUs are overpowered due to that the effect of heal, shelter and deflector is
too big, reduce that instead. I dont see why we should try to balance them
by removing damage boost which is a perfectly fine spell.

05-04-04, 12:48
PPUs are overpowered due to that the effect of heal, shelter and deflector is
too big, reduce that instead. I dont see why we should try to balance them
by removing damage boost which is a perfectly fine spell.


Dribble Joy
05-04-04, 12:50
Self-cast shields


05-04-04, 12:56
Self-cast shields


Ive been asking KK can we test these on the test server for ages but they ignore me.

Dribble Joy
05-04-04, 13:10
Problem is that there would have to be so many other adjustment that would have to go with it, even though the concept itself maybe valid.

Shadow Dancer
05-04-04, 13:12
Damage boost is fine.

05-04-04, 13:20
Problem is that there would have to be so many other adjustment that would have to go with it, even though the concept itself maybe valid.

Not for just a basic test.

In reality a test would be just to see if it was viable but there would be other balancing to go with it to make sure it doesnt overpower or underpower classes within OP and levelling enviroments.

On topic I dont think damage boost overpowers a ppu anymore then it overpowers PEs either.

05-04-04, 13:26
Well, the votes never lie, I wanna know why athon wants it completely removed as I have not seen any post to justify that lone vote.

The reasons for keeping it have already been stated so i don't have to justify why I want it kept in.

05-04-04, 13:34
Keep it.

its like parashock, take a pill and it goes away :)

05-04-04, 14:36
Keep it.

its like parashock, take a pill and it goes away :)


Exactly. :p

05-04-04, 14:46
PVP is ruined because its not freeform. You simply can't pick-up-and-play fight in this game.

If I want PVP thesedays I go play UT.

Get rid of the decreasing reticle and make hitboxes smaller. Prolly then look at the spray of weapons to ensure skill levels are still there. Sounds confusing I know but I know what I meant to say in my head. I would live this game to be more point and shoot.

Not gonna happen tho :(

05-04-04, 15:38
I can still win a fight if I'm damage boosted and my opponent isn't too good (and I very often win fights against stealth PEs who sneak up and damage boost me these days). I can put my gun away, dodge a bit to take less hits and pop a drug. I can't do the same with parashock. Thus, remove para, keep DB.

Devils Grace
05-04-04, 16:35
I mainly fight duel only nowadays since the pvp is totally bs.

u mean u use the stealth 2 tool like a kid uses the remote control to change channels 5090938 times in 30 secs

@totally agree scikar

Original monk
05-04-04, 16:40
u mean u use the stealth 2 tool like a kid uses the remote control to change channels 5090938 times in 30 secs

@totally agree scikar

lol, i change channels 5090938 times in 30 secs: i yust cant resist it rofl, the others here get mad it it :/

but i dislike the use of stealth in such a way :)

and also rade said:

"PPUs are overpowered due to that the effect of heal, shelter and deflector is
too big, reduce that instead. I dont see why we should try to balance them
by removing damage boost which is a perfectly fine spell."

this can be slightly true ok :P but dont agree with rade, everytime ya agree with rade, god kills a kitten ya know :)

05-04-04, 16:57
I say remove ppu's completely If you can't fight with out a ppu casting holy heal on you and parra shocking your tgt's You Are Shit. I'm sick of fighting people then them running off coming back with there butt buddy ppu.

05-04-04, 17:26
I say remove PvP use. It's bad enough that someone with a PPU on their side has higher defense, without their target having LOWER defense too. It also means that a PPU can gank someone lower level by parashocking, damage boosting massively, then paraspamming them to death.

So yeah, I agree, remove damage boost from PvP.


05-04-04, 17:29
Damage boost is fine, PPUs are fine.

Got a choice of playing a pistol spy or a PPU and i aint played my PPU in ages, Self cast shields = 30 second OP wars.

05-04-04, 17:53
It also means that a PPU can gank someone lower level by parashocking, damage boosting massively, then paraspamming them to death.

o_O o_O o_O o_O

paraspamming? I think you need to change that to todays Neocron.

Para, Para, psi boost, *wait 10 secs*
Repeat. :o

Now unless this "lower level" is a complete retard there is enough time to exit to the nearest GR / safe zone / whatever. :rolleyes:

05-04-04, 19:20
Ok is this thread bugged or the forum bugged or something? It keeps going on
top and gentys post gets a new date but theres no posts in it, Ive seen it
happen once with another thread as well.

**edit: It also becomes unread, seems like people is posting in the thread
but the posts doesnt register properly.

**edit2: it just happened with the runspeed thread, wth is going on here?

**edit3: now this thread jumped up again but I cant see a new thread
besides mine o_O If someone knows whats going on please PM me mmkay.

05-04-04, 22:28
I think we should keep it. The only time I use damage boost is on mobs or stealthers. Most stealthers dont have the means to combat DB so it makes it a lil easier for me to follow them while they try to run away. It is 70% of the time the first thing I do to a spy as most of them stealth as soon as they are seen. :rolleyes:

06-04-04, 11:51
Damage boost is just fine, though I think it can make PvM feel a bit too brief.

06-04-04, 18:35
Ok is this thread bugged or the forum bugged or something? It keeps going on
top and gentys post gets a new date but theres no posts in it, Ive seen it
happen once with another thread as well.

**edit: It also becomes unread, seems like people is posting in the thread
but the posts doesnt register properly.

**edit2: it just happened with the runspeed thread, wth is going on here?

**edit3: now this thread jumped up again but I cant see a new thread
besides mine o_O If someone knows whats going on please PM me mmkay.Polls bump threads when someone votes (again) is my guess.