View Full Version : Have a series of normally acceptable events ever turned your day to shit?

04-04-04, 00:04
Warning; this is a whine. You know when you read a thread and think to
yourself "the guy just had a bad experience ingame and now hes on the
forum acting like an idiot just because hes a sour looser"? That is exactly
what this is about.

So Ive had a sucky day overall, I had one of those annoying hangovers which
arent that bad physically, but just leave you with a bad feeling which you
cant really explain. We were going out again today and then I met some
chicks from last night, actually not only from last night, they are friends and
live in the same dorm as some other people I know. Anyway, apparently last
night I fell asleep in one of those girls beds, and when she found me at about
4 in the morning (Im getting old, I know) she threw me out. When you are
just waking up you are really confused, and to add to that I was really drunk
as well. What I remember was that I was, well, confused, tried to talk a little
but failed and then went home. What she and her friend remembers is that I
made some pretty graphic comments about all the sweet love Id give her if
she just came to bed and joined me, oh and apparently I seemed pretty clear
so when I today became shocked and said that I had no recollection of that
event of course they didnt believe me. Great. Now Ive done worse things
than that, but for some reason (probably because of the hangover) this
really got to me so I stopped drinking and went home. Sitting alone, reading
forums and starting to feel pretty good again, I decided to play my melee
tank a lil. Dicking around in pepper park for a while, take a ten min break,
goes back to pepper park. Now theres an mirrorshade apu in there, great fun
I think, someone to fight! Mirrorshades are pretty nice guys as well. Well, he
also has a PPU glued to his ass, which drops the fun level to a solid negativ
256. Also theres a H-C tank shooting me with a CS every now and then but
hes just a minor annoyance. I get a little disappointed because I was hoping
for a good fight, but I fool around with them for a while just to make a point
and then leave PP with around 200 hps because, hey, whats the point. This is
annoyance number 2 of the day, PPUs really make me tick. Of course I crash
when leaving. Annoyance #3. I come back dead, in plaza-3. Annoyance #4. I
GR to my apt, realise that what I dropped was my thunderbolt. Going back to
plaza-3 I crashed four (4) times on the way. Quickly racking up annoyance
#4-8 here. Comming the border between plaza-3 and pp1 I see my backpack,
but someone has hacked my belt. Big deal, a thunderbolt, you might think.
Well, I dont have a rare collection of my own, I always give everything away
so contrary to popular belief I dont have alot of stuff, I only have what Im
using so Im going to have to go through some work to replace it. Meanwhile
someone who looted a 4 slotted DB from my PE yesterday (the big deal here
is that he only hacked my belt, I was fighting a completely different person,
and yet he is fucking bragging about it?) is mouthing off about how he got a
Rades DB on trade. Well, this here brain can only take 10 annoyances before
it starts going cack-cack-cack-cack-cack.

So, here I am. Shooting off steam. Now does anyone else have a story of
when something just slowly went you know, sour, slowly slowly building up to
a walking-down-the-hall-putting-round-after-round-in-your-co-coworkers

04-04-04, 00:08
sorry :\
i didnt freeze u tho, for all thats worth :(

04-04-04, 00:20
sh!t happens. TBH I can never figure out the belt gloating. I have nothing on me I can't replace and anything I can't is pretty much safe. (which is really only the MC5 chip)

04-04-04, 00:39
I never even hack belts even tho I very frequently can, but no one never
ever returns the favor so this whole "treat others like you would like others
to treat you" bollocks isnt really working.

Anyway, I think I forgot to mention that I was doing the BT epic for kicks on
my spy earlier, I dont usually have a problem with getting through the doy
bots so that part never bothered me.. I go there, and I shit you not there
are fortyfuckingbabazillion doybots prancing around the place. There is no
fucking way to get through, so I die trying a few times and drop my PA and
the stealth 2, the two most expensive/annoying to get things I can drop.
Now, who exactly actually believes that slapping down so many doy bots in
one place can actually bring any sort of fun to the game? GIVE ME SOME OF
WHATEVER YOU'RE SMOKING! I love challenges but this is not a challenge,
this is stupid.

04-04-04, 01:31
I can really appreciate the PPU thing. I got so annoyed with PPUs ruining PvP I lommed to hybrid just so I wouldn't be the party pooper, which is a real shame because I liked being PPU.

I've had plenty days where things just seem to go from bad to worse, but if you look at each individual annoyance they seem pretty petty.

Alas I can't relate to your tale of two-girls-in-one-bed (being a bloke) but if you do happen to recall any of the details feel free to fill us in :angel:

04-04-04, 01:35
Er.. MrChumble, I have something quite important to tell you about Rade...

04-04-04, 01:35
Dude, Rade is a dude.

edit: Damn you Scikar.

04-04-04, 01:37
Alas I can't relate to your tale of two-girls-in-one-bed (being a bloke) but if you do happen to recall any of the details feel free to fill us in :angel:

Yeah ok dont let my av fool you, Im a guy as well, now wash that smile away, I feel dirty :p

**edit: haha thanks for sticking up for me guys :D

04-04-04, 01:40
Hehe reminds me of levelling with a RL friend I persuaded to try the game. He was playing as a female PE. We met some random guy in the storage halls and invited him into the team. We were talking over team chat and this guy isn't really into RP so it was all ooc, I kept referring to him as 'he'. And this random person in the storage halls kept saying "WTF she's a girl stop calling her a he!" :lol:

04-04-04, 01:45
who exactly actually believes that slapping down so many doy bots in
one place can actually bring any sort of fun to the game?
I actually enjoy when you read some story happening and it actually sorta affects the game itself. Too bad alot of this is limited in neocron. they have to run patches to change buildings and such so you can't really see warzones happening and destruction. As for the DOY bots well hey! just means you have to avoid those sectors for a while. When a hurricane is going through somewhere you can't exactly fly there can you? You have to wait till it passes or in this case wait for the elite storm bots to do their job and advance fwd till you can enter that area as a pro-city player. Personally I don't see the joys in drinking. I think alot of it is just bashed into your skull from when you're young where everyone is saying drinking is cool and the you have to wait till you're this old to drink. Just like the people who say beer tastes like crap and then you have someone else say well after 2-3 glasses you hardly notice the taste. So I say wellthen why drink it? lol.

Yea that sounds like a sucky day. It's days like that where you crack open mame and go old school for a while :D

04-04-04, 01:54
Hehe reminds me of levelling with a RL friend I persuaded to try the game. He was playing as a female PE. We met some random guy in the storage halls and invited him into the team. We were talking over team chat and this guy isn't really into RP so it was all ooc, I kept referring to him as 'he'. And this random person in the storage halls kept saying "WTF she's a girl stop calling her a he!" :lol:

Hehe, my "best" moment like that was during the first month of pluto, some
guy emailed me ingame talking about how hot I was. Me and my roomie (the
original nephtys) almost fell off our chairs laughing. Two weeks later when I
had forgotten about it nephtys emailed me something like "damn u r sweet,
will j00 suxx0rz?" and I didnt realise the mail was from him, that time i freakin
DID fall off my chair...

oh amfest, what I mean is that if they made it moderately hard you would go
there, look at it and go "wow, cool" fight a lil and probably get ganked, but
when you can move 10 meters without getting blasted to shit its getting
redicoulus, its so hard you cant even get there to take a peek at it. You
might as well just disconnect the zone and say that its invaded, see what I

04-04-04, 01:57
Yeah ok dont let my av fool you, Im a guy as well, now wash that smile away, I feel dirty :p

Oops :o

Oh well ;)


I had a lot of fun with a character called Tinks. She was a rather horny female PE with a very disturbing taste for the spanky lovin'. The sad part is it's the only RP in neocron I've ever managed to do for a few weeks without problems 8|

04-04-04, 02:04
Rade DM me tomorrow and you can kick my ass in some duels, that'll make you feel better :)

04-04-04, 02:32
oh amfest, what I mean is that if they made it moderately hard you would go
there, look at it and go "wow, cool" fight a lil and probably get ganked, but
when you can move 10 meters without getting blasted to shit its getting
redicoulus, its so hard you cant even get there to take a peek at it. You
might as well just disconnect the zone and say that its invaded, see what I
Ture but remember there are two sides to this. That's not how the anti-city people feel ;) It's more like "Whoa! this is our zones now!" At least till the elite storm bots arrive that is :p And then you can gloat "Whoa! this is our zones now!"


04-04-04, 02:36
Ture but remember there are two sides to this. That's not how the anti-city people feel ;) It's more like "Whoa! this is our zones now!" At least till the elite storm bots arrive that is :p And then you can gloat "Whoa! this is our zones now!"


Well actually my other chars are anti-city, Im just BT with the spy for the
epic, and that good feeling you're talking about never came around to me,
more like "whoa, this zone is dead".

04-04-04, 02:40
Sounds like an interesting night out mate, however, if i may ask, how the
hell did you get in her bed in the first place? I mean without her being there
and all.... wierdo!!! :D :angel:

04-04-04, 03:58
Acceptable events? Well I wouldn't call them that.

But they sure fucked my day (night actually) up to shit. Every fucking day my faith in humanity is steadily lessened.

No wonder people turn to crime.

04-04-04, 09:49
Geez Rade, i really sympathize. But look on the bright side, if you was me you would also have gotten totally ticked off and started breaking things. First the mouse. Then the keyboard. Then some serious kicking of the computer. Would have cost you a fortune! I go through multiple mice and several keyboards a year ... and let's not talk about what happens to my computers themselves, okay?


P.S. hope things go better for you soon.

P.P.S. i leave my monitor strictly alone 'cause i dont want the damned thing exploding in my face. :lol:

Dribble Joy
04-04-04, 11:16
Friday was rather bad for me, but in a RL way.

I miss the first lecture, I go to the second to find it has been canceled, much walking for tired and un stretched legs done.

The light switch in my room is broken and stuck on 'on', so the offending light bulb has been removed at some point. I am devoid of light past about 6-7pm, can't draw when bored.

My card and fraud climback letter from the bank still sin't here (more on that later), so money is annoying atm, have to go into bank and use a cheque and ID to get cash.

I 'rap3' bandwidth very briefly and am promptly cut off by housemates, play C&C: Generals for a bit, don't draw.

Run out of milk, no tea.

Get internet back find that NC forums are down and much annoyances there.

Get a phone from mother saying that they couldn't get me a Glasto ticket....

If the bank had sent me my card on time I would have been able to sit at my comp for 8 pm yesterday, but no, my relitively technologically inept parents were left to try the phone once in a while and try to use their dial-up connection.

Grrrrrr, so no Glasto for DJ...

Then the rubbish left in the kitchen started to smell really bad.

I can relate to the whole being-mistaken-for-a-girl-thing, there are still people ingame who don't know I am a guy.

04-04-04, 23:56
i used to think you were a girl untill i started posting in the forums ages ago and realised you were a guy. 8|

Dribble Joy
04-04-04, 23:58
Do I act like a girl ingame? O_o

05-04-04, 00:01
Do I act like a girl ingame? O_o

its hard to tell sometimes :p

didnt really talk to you much back then

05-04-04, 11:56
Well ive got a real life story for you too. Last friday i was back at my parents town and was drinking with some friends at his place. we got pretty drunk and went to my place to drink even more. After that we went to a pub. Well I can say that I havent been that drunk lately. Next day i spoke a girl I know on msn, who, she said, met me that night and said they had never seen me before that drunk. She also said we kissed (relation between us is we are always sarcastic/trying to be funny with eachother) so I was like WTF OH NO! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! talked with my parents about it for a bit and came to the conclusion that it could not be true, I would have remembered it then. (I dont even remember speaking to her lol) And beside of that she tried to kiss me while back but I didnt want and we were bitching at her trough msn when we were drinking at my friends place. This allwould give her even more reason to act like this....Point is, ALtho I know i didnt kiss with her I'm going to lay down a bit on the alcohol. It totally freaked me out cause i love my girlfriend...
later that day i logged NC and met a FF guy on pluto and he asked if he knew (ill come him mister drunk) mister drunk on saturn. I said yes..thats a pe right?. Next thing he did was pk me, It was so funny. Offcourse i came back and asked what he was doing. His reply was he hated me on saturn. It made me feel so good cause it made me realise that this is just a game (i dont feel hate against anyone). Sadly some people dont understand that...

this post has so nothing to do with first post?>


05-04-04, 12:03
yeah, its really scary when you do something which you have no recollection
of _at all_, it means either someone is lying or something is messed up in
your head. Ive never had that sort of memoryloss without having a
concussion (which happens way too often, I need to chill on that front as
well) so it really freaked me out that I cant remember what I did now. I can
relate to the intriguing chick part tho, damn annoying that :/

05-04-04, 12:11
Run out of milk, no tea.

Well DJ, the rest of your day was pretty bad, but thats got to be as bad as life can get. No tea = Death of the soul :D

awkward silence
05-04-04, 14:46

Well i thought i can contribute here too.

As a result of being drunk or just sleeping while the ''event'' or such, i have got 2 sexually transmitted diseases (2 occasions) that were the pox wich thank god went away.
Also a daughter wich kinda went away too. My ex gf wont let me see her =( .

The first 2 were pretty stupid since i was drunk as hell and had no idea who id slept with aso. But my daughter was concieved so that i was NOT in the influence of alcohol just sleeping and obviously no condom (only time i had sex without one). My gf at that time told me she wants a kid but we never talked about it and she kinda took it in her own hands.

My daughter is about 2 years old and i was promised a picture.
Its only a picture but it feels damn good to know i finally could get one.
Since im apparently still not allowed to see her.

life sucks bad !! Either that or your mad.

figured went ya need em most ya cant post emotes lol

05-04-04, 15:03
My back hurts, and my harddrive is making an annoying sound that's giving me a headache. And that HD is the only part in my computer which I figured would last 1-2 years more :(

05-04-04, 15:14
damn why cant i have all my chick friend to my bed :)