View Full Version : Americans

02-04-04, 10:42
Hello guys
I just want to ask ya a question
i am american and it would be cool to be on a server where americans are

so my questions is : where is the american comunity ?on which server ?

Thx ya for answering

02-04-04, 10:52
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Alex The Great
02-04-04, 10:54
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02-04-04, 10:56
saturn... thats where most of the americans i know r at :p

(perhaps its because i play there exclusively... naw!)

02-04-04, 11:01
they speak just about every language you can think of in america :P

Dribble Joy
02-04-04, 11:09
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02-04-04, 11:11
pluto saturn or uranus simple really whichever server has english tagged next to it

02-04-04, 11:26
Only ever seen one once, I think they are GM Spawn only.

When I killed one, I found a Pain Easer in its belt, they carry good loot. You should KoS them and loot.

02-04-04, 12:00
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02-04-04, 12:10
haha all those edits.

anyway, i have been on both saturn and pluto and both have americans on, saturn seems to have a fair few, i know cartel has a few(even some canadians:eek: )

02-04-04, 12:17
Saturn or Pluto probably has the biggest American communities.

Uranus has some but less then the other two.

02-04-04, 13:21
Mine wasn't really spam. :P Getting trigger happy.

English speaking servers in general have american players but those that can speak French seem to be moving to Venus


02-04-04, 17:06
Americans are everywhere, there is no server with a particularly strong 'American' community.

In most cases you can't tell the difference in regards to who's where on the English language servers.

02-04-04, 17:10
I think its a timezone thing so the server is active when his is rather then a everybody but americans are evil reaction.

02-04-04, 17:27
I live in Chicago and play exclusively on Pluto. In the game, however, I'm a citizen of Neocron first. I'm not really looking for other Americans.

(In fact, other than telltale signs like putting "u"s in colour or saying "Thanks, mate", it's really hard to tell the Brits from the Yanks).

- Nekura

02-04-04, 17:54
im aware cartel is made up of alot of americans/canadians, and a good handfull on pluto.

Why would u want to know about the american community? there practically the same as the UK, except some have annoying texan accents :lol: :angel:

02-04-04, 17:55
Originally posted by Clownst0pper
im aware cartel is made up of alot of americans/canadians, and a good handfull on pluto.

Why would u want to know about the american community? there practically the same as the UK, except some have annoying texan accents :lol: :angel:

Ehhh? Whut 'er you tawkin' abowt thar boy?

02-04-04, 20:30
maby he is afraid of playing on a server that drops off in population at his 6pm :D

but besids that man, there really isnt much difference as long as people speak english :) all the english servers are good.


02-04-04, 23:00
.heheh Zoneseek himself is canadian :p... and so am i :D.

yes, NORTH americans hang on all Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto.

mwaha there are americans on uranus...

03-04-04, 06:44
yeah, definetly need an american server :D