View Full Version : DRE Epic Storage Cells

25-03-04, 20:55
I have my DRE Storage Cell. I'm quite happy with it, but there are some alterations that could make it more useful.

* CityCom terminal. Its boring there so I'd like to watch some TV...

* There are approx. 5 huge crates in the cell, but they do nothing. It would be more useful for them to actually be giant crates that stored thrice as much as a normal locker. Make sence really ; Its a Storage Cell ;)

* The tiling that starts in the entrance corridor should continue at least partially into the Storage Cell as its quite nice. Otherzise the floor is a bit boring.

* A genrep would rule, but I don't see that happening... Anyway there are the ones in the OutZone and Indust.Sector 2 to use so I have no quarms there.

Thats all.

P.S that Tangent Prototype laser cannon is pants mate!


25-03-04, 20:59
All I care about is putting a citycom on the table and making the massive crates actually work.

The other features... well... not necessary, really.

('ey! When BDoY comes and we can fiddle with stuff in apts, will this apply to the Storage Cell? Because it might be MIGHTY interesting if I could neatly stack some boxes, move some chairs around, maybe lay down some new linoleum...)

25-03-04, 21:02
Originally posted by Heavyporker

The other features... well... not necessary, really.

True, but I like home comforts :)

25-03-04, 21:08
GR would rule in a storage place, they should make it static so u can have it separate from app gr...:cool: