View Full Version : Hi MJS should we be expecting a hotfix patch anytime??

24-03-04, 17:11
Hello, I appreciate BDoY is in the works but it would be nice if you could address some of the current issues. Looking at the test server forum I don't see a lot happenning.

a couple of things of the top of my head, MC5 is still shut as far as I know, and the TH gravlifts have been blocked since two patches ago. and the dumb tsunami rifles that noone can use - lol I bought a new appartment and found one in the cabinet O_o

24-03-04, 17:14


24-03-04, 18:29
Yeah it would be nice if KK could do a small bug fixing patch, no new content just some immediate issues that need dealing with.

24-03-04, 18:29
im a ppu and i would just like to comment on the above



24-03-04, 18:38
KK dont hotpatch anymore they rather leave features in to be used.

24-03-04, 18:41
It will all be fixed in DOY. So just wait, and make sure you give them your money for it now, otherwise they might "delay" it again.

24-03-04, 18:49
Originally posted by Mattimeo
It will all be fixed in DOY.

Hehe thats funny. I'll believe that when i see it :)

I'm just kind of interested to know if all resources are going into dome of york or what.

24-03-04, 18:54
Originally posted by Zaq
Hehe thats funny. I'll believe that when i see it :)

I'm just kind of interested to know if all resources are going into dome of york or what.

Thats why I use sarcasm.

Please not any praise I give to DOY is purely incidental, I still think it's vaporware, and even upon release will not do all it says it will. I mean c'mon, it's KK.

24-03-04, 18:56
if they were gonna hotfix they would of done, you will just have to wait for the next patch proper thats if we get another before DOY

24-03-04, 19:05
Originally posted by ezza
thats if we get another before DOY
yep we will cos DOY is never going to come out at this rate:rolleyes:
counting from 1 year and 2 months :rolleyes:

24-03-04, 19:12
Add soulclusters to the need to be fixed now list.

24-03-04, 19:30
If the new engine is going to be fixing a lot of the bugs and problems, then i think working on "hotfixes" and bugs right now seems pretty irrelevant. Doesn't seem smart to be spending resources on something that potentially won't even be existant after the new 3d engine.

That would be like iD software wasting time and effort for quake3 patches, instead of working on doom3.

24-03-04, 20:03
Originally posted by bounty
If the new engine is going to be fixing a lot of the bugs and problems, then i think working on "hotfixes" and bugs right now seems pretty irrelevant. Doesn't seem smart to be spending resources on something that potentially won't even be existant after the new 3d engine.

That would be like iD software wasting time and effort for quake3 patches, instead of working on doom3.

As far as I know the engine affects how the graphics are displayed. Changing that won't make parashock go away or soulclusters stop attacking the caster.

I predict that these bugs will carry over into BDoY.

24-03-04, 20:16
Originally posted by bounty
If the new engine is going to be fixing a lot of the bugs and problems, then i think working on "hotfixes" and bugs right now seems pretty irrelevant. Doesn't seem smart to be spending resources on something that potentially won't even be existant after the new 3d engine.

mmmm, k........:wtf:

And I'm sure Id can afford two seperate dev teams to work on Quake and Doom 3....

24-03-04, 20:21
Hey wait isnt BDoy just the open beta version 2? And it only cost $30. OK i am kidding but if you think bdoy is going to solve more problems than it creates you are deluding yourself. If after a year and a half they havent fixed the stability issues do you think more code on top of it will help.

Please god let my bitting sarcasm be wrong.

24-03-04, 20:25
Originally posted by Hackenstein
Hey wait isnt BDoy just the open beta version 2? And it only cost $30. OK i am kidding but if you think bdoy is going to solve more problems than it creates you are deluding yourself. If after a year and a half they havent fixed the stability issues do you think more code on top of it will help.

Please god let my bitting sarcasm be wrong.

I agree. I hope we're both wrong.

Even if the odds are 1000000:1.

24-03-04, 21:02
Originally posted by L3m0n
yep we will cos DOY is never going to come out at this rate:rolleyes:
counting from 1 year and 2 months :rolleyes: just means we will never get another patch:D

25-03-04, 06:21
Originally posted by Hackenstein
Hey wait isnt BDoy just the open beta version 2? And it only cost $30. OK i am kidding but if you think bdoy is going to solve more problems than it creates you are deluding yourself. If after a year and a half they havent fixed the stability issues do you think more code on top of it will help.

Please god let my bitting sarcasm be wrong.

KK hasnt proved they can kill bugs yet... rats maybe but they seem a bit lite in the resist bugs skill. They may need to lom a few points around.