View Full Version : wow, 3 neocron boxes at babbages

23-03-04, 22:25
Only 4.99 and 3 on the shelf. Funny cause i had been there a while back and there was only one box, and it was like 29.99. I don't get it. Does your local gaming store carry it?

23-03-04, 22:35
Originally posted by bounty
Does your local gaming store carry it?

No, never has had it.....


23-03-04, 23:26
yep, got the last copy was 5 bucks

23-03-04, 23:27
I bought mine from Electronics Boutique at the mall by my house. I've never seen it anywhere else tho and haven't seen it at EB since... which is sad since EB is like *the* east coast US place to get games afaik.

24-03-04, 00:03
I got mine at discount bin at comp usa for 1.99

24-03-04, 00:07
The eb games by my house has had the same 3 neocron boxes for the past year. I go there all the time and I've watched the prices go from like $40 down to $5.