View Full Version : Dawn Of The Dead

22-03-04, 07:20
Anyone seen it? Iv'e seen it twice Friday and Saturday. If anyone has seen dose anyone know the song they play when they are fixing up those bus shuttles in the garage? Or any of the other songs.. Can't seem to find em on Kazaa..

I gave the movie a 10 for being funny and creative.

22-03-04, 08:00
Have you seen the original?

If so what did you think of it?

I am tempted to see the new one but I am appalled at the idea of just how bad it could be. I hear it's nothing like the real Dawn and that it's not bad but if that's the case why bother plagiarising the name?

22-03-04, 08:17
it was pretty cool but i hated the ending. tons of gore and violence. definatly wouldnt suggest it to kids. tho there were a lot of kids in the theater.... i was suprised. i liked the part when they were playing chess with andy and were sniping those zombies. overall i would give it a 3/5 :D

Psycho Killa
22-03-04, 08:24
As for the ending did u sit through the credits? It didnt quite end when the credits started rolling.

I liked it alot though I did not see the original one.

22-03-04, 09:05
ohh i saw the credits but i just thought what happened really sucked . the camera reminded me of the blair witch project.

ps: i wonderwhy they didnt kill animals? :confused:

22-03-04, 10:10
Havent seen the new one but the old one ass kick ass

Rawr i r xombie gona eat joo lil pker man!!!!!! <add evil laugh here>

22-03-04, 10:20
is it the one with the living dead that rises from the ground, because of some acidic rain ??

(only know the danish title so not sure if its the same movie ^^)

22-03-04, 10:25
Originally posted by naimex
is it the one with the living dead that rises from the ground, because of some acidic rain ??

(only know the danish title so not sure if its the same movie ^^)

Nope, It's the middle part of Romero's Dead Trilogy (Night, Dawn, Day). It's never 100% explained why the dead rise in any of them though a few guesses are thrown in here and there. The main one and the one used in the tag-lines is that Hell is full so the dead decide to hang out on Earth instead.

22-03-04, 10:25
then I donīt know it ^^

22-03-04, 10:34
Originally posted by naimex
then I donīt know it ^^

They are all excellent. Tom Savini, who did the makeup/SFX for all of them remade the first one (Night) and IMO improved on it in many ways. If you watch them I recommend seeing his version first then Romero's later. While Romero's is fantastic it has a lot more 70s political/social commentary which looks dated now, it's also very slow paced and dry compared to a modern zombie movie.

22-03-04, 10:38
It was a great movie. Has the end ended like it should of because they are making the next movie. 4 people on an island just like it should be. Great movie, there needs to be more made like this. :-)

-- Diablos --

Neo LoneWolf
22-03-04, 11:04
Saw it on thursday night (print checking the film for the advance showings) - really well done, IMO.

The initial build up was excellent, and the film keeps you hooked all the way through. There are some quite funny scenes which don't detract from the feel of the movie at all, and the blood/gore isn't overdone in a manner to make you think it's just silly.

I liked the remake of night of the living dead, but dawn just surpasses it hands down. Hopefully there won't be as long of a wait until the third comes out.

In short - watch this film. Watch it again, and keep going to watch it.

Oh, and the epilogue rocks.

22-03-04, 15:05
The original is one of my all time favourite horror movies :D

been looking forward to this for a while, doesn't come out here in the UK until Friday though :(

and those pirates are really slacking these days :mad:

Psyco Groupie
22-03-04, 15:07
The trailer looked both scary (where the daughter jumps on her dad) and cheap (when the not 'infected' are in a mall) ... I will probably see it in some form or another :)

22-03-04, 15:24
Haven;t seen that movie yet.

Did see Resident Evil about a week and a half ago for the first time. I was over-awed... what a cool film.

Looking forward to seeing rise of the Dead and Resi 2: Apocalypse :)

22-03-04, 16:46
Originally posted by assass505
ohh i saw the credits but i just thought what happened really sucked . the camera reminded me of the blair witch project.

ps: i wonderwhy they didnt kill animals? :confused:

I havent seen it myself but the aintitcoolnews review mentioned that they cut a bit from the script that explains this, supposedly their were zombie dogs that attack the normal dogs so each species only goes after its own.

22-03-04, 16:48
You use Kazaa =0 omg im telling.

But seriously I havent seen it yet but am going to in a few days waitin for the lines to wear down.

22-03-04, 23:01
I actually saw this movie in theaters!!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Was worth it though,,, good movie

22-03-04, 23:02
sucked :o

22-03-04, 23:24
pfft, You have to have seen the first one to apreciate this one :rolleyes:

23-03-04, 11:49
i just would like to know if its as gorey as the 1st ones were?:D

23-03-04, 14:56
shawn of the dead will own it

nuff said

23-03-04, 15:28
Originally posted by switchback
shawn of the dead will own it

nuff said

Shawn of the Dead does look fantastic. Bill Nighy is God and the crew behind it look on-the-ball.

If you haven't checked out the trailer yet you should! http://www.waytoblue.com/./media/video/shaun_of_the_dead_trailer_100k.asx

23-03-04, 17:55
for what it is, horror / living dead movie, it's really quite good, funny, and enjoyable. not for kids, as some other guy said. the ending was cool, at least they didn't back off.

anyone catch the scene with tom savini ?

paolo escobar
23-03-04, 20:02
Originally posted by jernau
Have you seen the original?

If so what did you think of it?

I am tempted to see the new one but I am appalled at the idea of just how bad it could be. I hear it's nothing like the real Dawn and that it's not bad but if that's the case why bother plagiarising the name?

WOOT, i luv zombi flicks, and they dont make em like george used too.

Man the first one was waaay better, and i aint even seen the new one yett :)
What i would give to get my name on the credits of "dawn of the dead" as zombie 3 or Zombie man B. I been practicing for a few years now, and i think i got my almost directionless, OAP-ish, staggering down to a tee. And my obligatory zombie moans and groans are perfect, just like the real thing.

Have u seen day of the dead and night of the living dead, awesome films. anyway, thanx for bringing up the subject as its a good trip down memory lane, i aint seen em in ages. Think i might go buy em :)

23-03-04, 20:05
they will probably make another one for the $$$. this one did great in the theaters. havent seeen the old one but it seems like the blob where the ppl just stand there and scream as the zombies creep to them a inch a minute, but i havent seen it and u cant judge a book by its cover.

ps, in the end u never saw who died...i smell a dawn of the dead 2 lol:D

23-03-04, 20:44
Originally posted by assass505
havent seeen the old one but it seems like the blob where the ppl just stand there and scream as the zombies creep to them a inch a minute, but i havent seen it and u cant judge a book by its cover.

You couldn't be more wrong actually. The original Dawn is IMO (and that of many horror/zombie fanatics and writers) the best paced, most clever and witty horror movie ever made. The zombies are slow moving and Romero even makes several jokes out of that but it doesn't matter because the horror is more about the situation than the gore (of which there is a lot).

Originally posted by assass505
i smell a dawn of the dead 2 lol:D

They said from the start they wanted to remake Day and maybe Night again. This is the thing that really worries/annoys me about this new film - Romero was/is planning to make a fourth Dead movie himself and I fear that this film may affect either his ability to do so without studio interference or the public's ability to connect the ever-more-complicated lineage together. My only hope that the new Dawn wouldn't suck is that AICN reported the script had almost nothing in common with the original. If so it can stand as it's own movie with a silly choice of name but if they want to use the other names too? :confused: How lame do you have to be to rely on that kind of BS?

Darth Slayer
23-03-04, 21:30
Anyone seen Zombie Flesh Eaters ?
That was a film that got banned rapid.
My Mom let me see it I'd got to be 11- 12 at the time.
Boy did I have nightmares......:eek:

23-03-04, 22:23
One of the songs was "Down with the sickness" - Disturbed

They played another version of that song in the middle of the movie, but it was someone else singing it, and it was really slow. Kinda made me laugh.

Was a really funny movie with some scary parts... loved the target practice scene.

23-03-04, 23:17
Originally posted by Varaem
One of the songs was "Down with the sickness" - Disturbed

They played another version of that song in the middle of the movie, but it was someone else singing it, and it was really slow. Kinda made me laugh.

Was a really funny movie with some scary parts... loved the target practice scene.

lol that part was really funny...and the part with the chess.

der Ed
23-03-04, 23:50
Just like a trip to the industrial zone. :)

24-03-04, 03:51
I just saw it and loved it. Great action.... really my kind of movie. I get in fights all the time with my freinds because they will be like "oh such and such was so good, you should see it" and Im like "um... nobody gets shot, no explosions, nobody gets choped up, or beaten to death... and its not a comedy either... who wants to see that?" "maybe people who like inteligent films" "maybe people who need a movie to help them get to sleep" etc etc... so yeah for me this movie rocked. I would have like at least SOME explanation of how it happened though, beyond hell is full.

Also I think andy shoulda lived... he was cool and they need a warrior other then the big black guy... whats he supposed to baby sit 3 people and keep himself alive? I sat through the credits but its unclear weather or not they lived.

Also, come on.... ONE tank could have wiped out every zombie on the planet (long as it gets rearmed and refuled) Im sure the planet would be in huge disarry but come on.... no military or tv or emergency broad casts left? wtf? They were actually doing well it seemed in that new report with the cop saying shoot em in the head and burn em.

Anyway, I analize all movies, it was good.

Someone run down the living dead movies for me....

Theres one where a brother and a sister are in a raveyard, visting a grave. The brother is attacked and killed by a zombie, the girl runs, meets up with other people. They hold up in a house constantly sieged by zombies. People die throught the night. finnaly in the mourning, only the girl is alive just as help arrives, people have won, and theres even people just beating up zombies for fun.

Then theres another one that this is a remake of, where they sail away into the sun, I just remeber that image though, not the movie.

And theres the one where the outbreak is just in one city. The zombies can move at full speed, just like in dawn of the dead. as always, a group of survivers holds up in the building. Theres some humerous parts where some paramedics are killed, and a zombie gets on the radio and says "send more paramedics" the police are overwhelemed, and finnaly the decision is made to simply nuke the city... which one is that?

24-03-04, 04:04
Originally posted by VetteroX
And theres the one where the outbreak is just in one city. The zombies can move at full speed, just like in dawn of the dead. as always, a group of survivers holds up in the building. Theres some humerous parts where some paramedics are killed, and a zombie gets on the radio and says "send more paramedics" the police are overwhelemed, and finnaly the decision is made to simply nuke the city... which one is that?

Return of the Living Dead. Also when zombies started going after 'braaaiinnnsss' instead of anything that moved.

24-03-04, 04:07
Had to wait inline for an hour to see this one on friday(Outside the theater) :p
First time I've had to wait inline to see a movie. The movie was awsome, I loved every bit of it. Specialy towards the middle of the movie where they have fun on the roof(Golfing, Target Practice, etc...) I loved how the movie combined Horror with bits of comedy through out the movie. Best zombie flick I've seen to date.

btw as for the scenes during the credits vet, my friend mentioned that he heard them get back on the boat and kick off from the dock. I didn't hear it because I was focusing on the scene more than just listening to it. And I do agree about not knowing where the zombies originated from, I complained about that when I got into my car :p

One of my biggest fears as a kid were zombies, but now I'm running to the theater waiting inline to see a zombie flick :p

*goes back to his hobbit hole and disappears for another month*


24-03-04, 04:18
Originally posted by VetteroX
Theres one where a brother and a sister are in a raveyard, visting a grave. The brother is attacked and killed by a zombie, the girl runs, meets up with other people. They hold up in a house constantly sieged by zombies. People die throught the night. finnaly in the mourning, only the girl is alive just as help arrives, people have won, and theres even people just beating up zombies for fun.

That's Night Of The Living Dead (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063350/), well actually probably the remake (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100258/) as the original is probably not your kind of thing and has the rednecks having fun scene at the end.

The paramedic one is Return Of The Living Dead (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089907/) which is not connected to the Romero trilogy (though ironically it spawned two sequels of it's own). It's OK but nowhere near the same league as it's played all for comedy.

Not sure about the sailing away - Day Of The Dead (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088993/) ends with the survivor flying off to a deserted island. I can't think of a boat one off the top of my head.

24-03-04, 04:58
Notice how that Andy guy is a lot like Bert from Tremors?

24-03-04, 05:58
i have to say that i loved this movie and im pretty particular about my zombie movies. IMO the zombies looked way better than romero's. the only things that bothered me about the movie was the fact that they showed too much of the shotgun barrel that ken was firing instead of the exploding heads like what happened to andy, and the fact that the movie wasn't in pittsburgh like in the original.

24-03-04, 06:10
Why didn't the zombies take advantage of their immunity to pain and physical limitations and break through the glass/walls? Normal-ish humans can break through glass/wood, so why can't they?

24-03-04, 07:27
Because they're 'Mindless'- Zombies ofcourse :p
All thats on their mind is keel keel keel!

Oh yeah, and ANOTHER thing I loved, was the begining where the nurse is driving away from her hustband zombie, I liked how he got side tracked from chasing the car and sacked the guy on his front lawn :lol: Seems like something a zombie would do hehe

Only thing I didn't understand was why they didn't attack the dog o_O
I thought that was a bit goofy.
And the zombie baby 8| That entire scene was very grim

24-03-04, 07:53
yeah.. and why didnt the zombies walk into the water then? if they're mindless wouldn't they go into the water?

But lets see... if they go into the water, a shark will eat them. the shark's stomach will get cut by the zombie's teeth and will eventually die from the "bite". Then it'll be a zombie shark! It'll attack other sharks and there will be a whole bunch of zombie sharks that only attack each other. Then... some southeast asian country will catch a zombie shark and eat its fin and get infected!

24-03-04, 15:26
The glass is not the same glass as in your window, its tough. I was watching real TV (real video, usually of people doing stupid things, and sometimes pretty amazing things) of a guy breaking into a stor using his car.... granted, it was a compact car but he had to hit the glass 3 times to break through... so thats why the zombies couldnt break through. If they had picked up an axe, they could bust through in a few hits, but they do lack the inteligence and drive to break through the glass.

I still say a bunch of the stuff didnt make sense... id like to see a tank just mowing through 1000 zombies... or have seen how the overwhemed a military base... maybe if that did a 50,000 zombie charge vs 2,000 soldiers on the base, I can see them taking the top, but they would never take the bunker area... I really would have liked to know just how smashed thre world was... for all we know it was like Red Dawn, some people "behind enemy lines" and in hell, others chilling in secured areas... maybe these questions will be answered in more movies, cant wait.

Also why didnt zombies kill every living thing? the fact that they only go for humans makes it seem more supernatural then a scientific explanation, and I dont like that.

Another thing, it seems the zombies kill just out of instinct, as they dont eat... just cause enough damage to casue death. If they actually ate, theres would be no zombies. This leads me to belive they kill just to kill, not to feed, as in some zombie movies. This then might be like Blue Gender, the earth caused zombies to live and kill people as a responce to over population.

I have a question. In the begining of the movie, when the doctor told the main char, the woman nurse to do something, did it relate to the zombies? I thought he said that he had an iregular patient or something, but there were noisy black people behind me and I missed it (not racist, its true, told em to be quiet then just moved when they wouldnt shut up :( Its funny when they make fun of this on TV but it really happens and really sucks in RL) Also, was the little girl who made the first kill we saw in the movie their daughter, or just some nieghbor kid? I missed that too... same reason.

One more question to all of you. Say this happened in real life... do you think you would live or die? Be honest now... I know its wierd to think about, but say what you think.

As for me, Im in NYC.... on one hand thats bad, as its an urban center, more potential zombies.... on the other hand, we have lots of cops, and it would be a priority for the military, either to defend or evacuate. ATM, I dont have a job, and sleep late, so I wouldnt be on the street when it happened. As zombies are dumb, I doubt they would make it up to my apt, and then doubt they could bash down the door... I keep tons of frozen meat and vegtables, and dry pasta usually go buy a lot then freeze it.... not for disaters, just easier and cheaper. I could live for about 3 weeks, maybe a month. If the electricity and water went out.... that would be real bad... but I think I could last a month if no zombies managed to get to my apt. If no help came in that time and zombies still swarmed the streets, id be dead, plain and simple.

Something else I thought about when the electricty went out in the mall. Does anyone know, if there was some huge disater, like a virus that just caued 99% of the population to drop dead in hours, or caused most people to go berserk or whatever, how long does the power stay on? I mean would hydro stay on for decades until the dam collapsed from disrepair? would coal go out in a few days? nuke power last 6 months - a year? anyone know?

Psyco Groupie
24-03-04, 15:30
Vet neocron or this film isnt real life ... wb btw :)

24-03-04, 15:49
LOL, I know but its fun to think about. I guess I havnt played NC or posted in over a week, been playing moo3 (vicious learning curve, but now fun and challenging) Ill be back no question for DoY, and probably much sooner.

24-03-04, 15:49
One more question to all of you. Say this happened in real life... do you think you would live or die? Be honest now... I know its wierd to think about, but say what you think.

*lol* An excellent question Vet.. being a brit, we're a bit stuffed for personal defence weapons, but as long as shotguns were still legal I'd be fine. I've played the Resident Evil games faaar to many times not to survive ;)

24-03-04, 16:03
Is this film about Zombies?

Don't laugh...... but i hate zombies.
Maybe it was the original i saw when i was younger that has put that fear in my life.

But i hate zombies, i can't even play Resident Evil :(

24-03-04, 16:10
Wow, you're really missing out on something then! I suggest you go see Shawn of the Dead when it comes out - I can guarantee that it will be hilarious and should cure your zombie-fearing ways :)

24-03-04, 22:32
I dont remember if the thing at the beginning of the movie had to do with zombies. Might have, seeing as there were a few times that the nurse girl could have found out.. in the car with the special report, the tv while in the shower..

and the little girl was a neighbor, not a daughter.

I don't think a nuclear power plant would last more than a few days without someone to monitor it. Hydro, maybe. I saw the hoover dam twice, and it doesn't look terribly hard to figure out.. maybe though. Fossil fuels would definately stop if no one was there. Solar/wind power would be the best bet for continual power without monitoring/technicians.

If this happened in real life... I'd live for a while at least.I heard that Hawaii can only last a week without imported supplies... but we can always fish and kill boars or something. But yeah.. living 2000 miles from the nearest continent is a good way to contain things. Like snakes... rabies... and zombies.

24-03-04, 23:17
2 words for it


25-03-04, 03:15
I'm gonna see it tomorrow I think. I really hope it doesn't suck.....

@Varaem - Wind farms need constant attention as well. Left to themselves the first decent wind would destroy them. Nuclear is the only real long-term hope. I guess there would be a reason to live in France after all if you could keep the zombies out your house.

25-03-04, 03:32
no, nuclear cant sustain itself, it needs constant monitoring ... you can't just leave a fission reaction alone by itself...


25-03-04, 03:40
see this movie freaks me out for a number of reasons lately.

Okay right, this is goign to sound really stupid and prove I'm even more of a geek than I want to admit to, but here goes.

about 2 years ago my usual tabletop group started playing a game system called "all flesh must be eaten" and the GM at the time decided to set the game as the city we live in, as ourselves 2 years into the future. the game got really involved and we never finished it. Flashforward to today, where in jest we're like "man, them zombies is coming any day now" and we even come up with a contigency plan. then this movie comes out.

Man, I'm scared of zombies. And I'm in the National Guard. I'm the first line of defence that gets eaten :(

so just remember, those national guard units that do nothing in the movies, I'm in one, so don't forget me...

25-03-04, 03:43
Originally posted by Mattimeo
Man, I'm scared of zombies. And I'm in the National Guard. I'm the first line of defence that gets eaten :(

so just remember, those national guard units that do nothing in the movies, I'm in one, so don't forget me...

That sucks...
Better stock up on ammo and move to a shopping mall with shatter-proof glass.

25-03-04, 05:11
One of the things that sparked up my zombie fear was playing Resident evil and Resident evil 2 when I was 11. I knew it was scary but I just had to keep playing, it was an addiction!

btw that patient they mentioned at the beginning did have something to do with the infection, I don't remember how but I'm very sure it did.

TBH if there was a real life scenario like that I really hope the government would be smart enough to nuke the area of infection....kinda like in resident evil (the game) If I were a survivor and they sent a nuke my way, I think I would enjoy that more than anticipating death by a zombie. Quick flash, turn into ashes, don't know what hit you. Beats getting ripped apart any day.

25-03-04, 09:28
Oh, the music selections were classic. When they started playing the Richard Cheese (http://www.richardcheese.com) rendition of Down With The Sickness I just burst into laughter. I was kind of embarrased, because I was the only person laughing.... I guess no one else there knew what was coming...

25-03-04, 10:59
Originally posted by Distaria
Oh, the music selections were classic. When they started playing the Richard Cheese (http://www.richardcheese.com) rendition of Down With The Sickness I just burst into laughter. I was kind of embarrased, because I was the only person laughing.... I guess no one else there knew what was coming...

Yeah, it took me a moment to realize what the song was he was singing and burst into laughter while no one else seemed to get it... :angel:

25-03-04, 15:58
i not seen it.. Id either

A, Be sick like i was when i watched ghost ship (how bad.... puke in ur friends handbag when they get sliced up)

B, Hide and scream its only a movie its only a move (like 13 ghosts did)

C, cringe like in jackass


d, FALL ASLEEP from utter boardom..

Yet agaib if anyone has a movie maker make one of neocron hehe..

25-03-04, 16:00
Originally posted by Load_HeavyLoad
2 words for it


[ edited for violation of the forum rules - spam ]

26-03-04, 06:09
Originally posted by Varaem
no, nuclear cant sustain itself, it needs constant monitoring ... you can't just leave a fission reaction alone by itself...


Even at the time it went bang Chernobyl was horribly out-of-date. The only real problem with modern reactors is that they would probably shut themselves down after a few days.

Actually the best energy source would probably be the zombies. Put a few of them in a big wheel with a picture of a brain on the wall in front of them and hey presto....

26-03-04, 06:12
Originally posted by jernau

Actually the best energy source would probably be the zombies. Put a few of them in a big wheel with a picture of a brain on the wall in front of them and hey presto....

Lol.. that's a great idea. Or just have a real person sit in the middle of a huge room surrounded by "gerbil wheels" with zombies in them.

Forget My Name
26-03-04, 07:13

This is an awesome zombie flick. Great movie. Very scary AND very funny.

Sorry, but the 'running' zombie gag is just a blatent rip off of 28 Days Later, another zombie master piece.

Everytime I see zombies run, I think what a rip off.

Whats next? Zombies doing Matrix flips and shooting Kamahames?

26-03-04, 07:17
Originally posted by Forget My Name
Whats next? Zombies doing Matrix flips and shooting Kamahames?

That's a good idea...

Ever see Army of Darkness? The zombies/skeletons/dead things dont move slow in that movie.. they actually charge into battle.. so 28 days later is a rip off of Army of Darkness. :D

And "running zombies" is the natural evolution of a scary thing to keep up with current technology.

Forget My Name
26-03-04, 07:46
Army of Darkness doesn't count, since those werent zombies. Those undead all had minds and could speak and think on their own. They where more like Wights or Ghasts.

27-03-04, 12:27
Well it just got released over here in the UK and I went to see it last night - it wasnt quite what I was expecting as Zombie films go, but it was excellent never the less! :D

I particularly liked the confusion amongst the general populace at the beginning of the film, what with all those wide-angle shots of the city.

For those of you who are uncomfortable with Zombies, I suggest that you all check out the Shaun of the Dead trailer - it is one of the ads at the beginning of Dawn of the Dead (in the UK) and it should help put your mind at ease - its a comedy. But with zombies.

27-03-04, 12:47
Originally posted by Varaem
That's a good idea...

Ever see Army of Darkness? The zombies/skeletons/dead things dont move slow in that movie.. they actually charge into battle.. so 28 days later is a rip off of Army of Darkness. :D

And "running zombies" is the natural evolution of a scary thing to keep up with current technology.

the matrix is one of the shittest films i ever saw i never enjoyed it and now every film is using the matrix effects and its like for fucks sake its crap nothing fancy and highly boring... Look at shrek thats one that stars it and its pathetic.. However getting on the topic of dawn of the dead... I wont go see it again.. I cringe at blood and dislike horrors that are as gorey as that lol.. I was told it was a cartoon lol i knew it wasnt but my mates wanted to treat me to a film so i took the chance and it disturbed my fragile little delicate mind

(read his quote in his post a few posts up)

27-03-04, 12:48
Originally posted by Siygess
Well it just got released over here in the UK and I went to see it last night - it wasnt quite what I was expecting as Zombie films go, but it was excellent never the less! :D

I particularly liked the confusion amongst the general populace at the beginning of the film, what with all those wide-angle shots of the city.

For those of you who are uncomfortable with Zombies, I suggest that you all check out the Shaun of the Dead trailer - it is one of the ads at the beginning of Dawn of the Dead (in the UK) and it should help put your mind at ease - its a comedy. But with zombies.

Shaun of the dead looks HIGHLY AMUSING.... Fuck dawn of the dead im watching shaun oif the dead whether i puke in it or not at lkeast id be laughing and probably be the only one as i got a really wierd look on life and laugh at stupid pathetic things but hey this could be the next best thing since.... WAYNES WORLD sooo 1990s lol

27-03-04, 12:58
I went to see it last night and I thought it was highly amusing. Especially the picking off of celebrities :D

Fun Fun Fun.

27-03-04, 19:04
the film fuckin rocked!!! and zombies are like my only fear in life for some weirds reason, i mean they are so god damn dumb and useless but yet they still freak the shit out of me, also vet i reckon the chances of survival is gonna pretty high if u dont do stupid things like go rescue a dog in a gun shop

28-03-04, 00:48
Originally posted by Tupac
the film fuckin rocked!!! and zombies are like my only fear in life for some weirds reason, i mean they are so god damn dumb and useless but yet they still freak the shit out of me, also vet i reckon the chances of survival is gonna pretty high if u dont do stupid things like go rescue a dog in a gun shop

hey thats females for you... they dont think before they act... talking about females... one went straight into the back of my mates car at work and whats even funnier is... THE CAR WAS PARKED!!!! Yet againb the stupid bitch was 74.. But yeah back to the dog bit... The film showed that zombies dont go after you because of your watm blood otherwise doggie wudda been eaten... * looks at lilterror* fuck me shes foaming.... think his about to implant a love bite in your neck * points to.....* too late his done it.. *inserts a double shotgun and shouts kiss my piss stick bitch* pulls trigger... hehe :P

01-04-04, 10:43
Finally got around to seeing it and thought I might as well comment...

In brief : It would have been an average zombie movie if it hadn't tried to connect itself to Romero. By doing that though it set it's standards miles too high and never came anywhere near them. If it had a different name and had dropped 2 or 3 stolen lines it would have been a 4 or maybe a 5/10. By reminding the viewer of better films though it rates at best a 3.

Direction : Lazy best describes it. Zombie movies are not a genre big on story so to make a good one you need to make the world and it's characters really come alive. Snyder does OK with some of the characters but fails to do anything with most. Too many things happen without reason or purpose and he could have done with a few less survivors inside the mall.

Cinematography/Editing - Amateurish and very annoying. Most scenes fell into two categories - "ooh look at my new camera's zoom lens" or "I liked this shot in [other movie] I'll just steal that". The two worst examples of the latter are the American Beauty "look closer" teaser shot used at the beginning and the 28 Days Later stutter shots used at the end. The AB one just ruined any attempt to build tension and the 28 Days Later rip-off totally missed the point. In that film it was used for scenes featuring the "infected" to differentiate their chaotic nature from that of the normal people. In this film it was just stuck over the last ten minutes because someone thought "me likee, me steal". Without context it was just annoying and cheap.

Acting/Characters - The primaries were generally good and one or two were very good. Unfortunately there were a few that just got ignored and even the best ones were tainted at some point. For example - Ana and Michael - wtf was that about? I'll tell you what - some suit demanded a romance regardless of context or reason. Another example, the guards - they started out great and could have added a lot more substance to the film but instead everyone had to get along and "bond". Again I assume someone didn't like the idea of a film containing any kind of social commentary or depth. The gun-shop guy was a really nice idea, I wish they had used him a lot more and only had one or two people arrive in the truck. The couple with the baby are the best thing in the film, hands down. In fact they are the only thing that is in any small way worthy of the films claimed heritage.

Gore/SFX - Not enough of it basically and nothing new or interesting.

Plot - As I said above zombie movies aren't big here but this one had none, zero, zip. nada, FA. Nothing drove it on at all and consecutive scenes rarely connected at all after the first half hour. There is no sense of time passing in the film at all, they could have been there a week or a year but there's no way at all to tell. The passage of time and it's effect on the cast is central to the original but totally missing here.

CHUDs - Adequate for the task but nothing special. Their behaviour and abilities are rather inconsistent but not so much as to be a major annoyance. The makeup required is now run-off-the-mill so it's hard to say much but that it was up to the job. I didn't like the way they ran - running is not so bad on it's own but they were just too co-ordinated by far. If they had stumbled more or something they would have looked a lot better. Biggest complaint I had though was that there was nowhere near enough moaning and groaning.

The Romero connection - I have no idea why they bothered. With the title changed and a few lines removed the only link would have been the mall and they could have just about got away with that. When compared to the original this film loses in every single way, including those where technological advances could have made it better. Almost all the things that mark the original out as a masterpiece are completely absent here and nothing is added to replace them.

01-04-04, 14:39
oo i wanna see it

02-04-04, 01:02
Remakes Suck. Fook'em.
Notable exceptions : The Thing, The Blob, The Fly.

I won't even download this pos.
Bah, US horror is so soft today. No wonder I constantly have to go back to my Salo, Untold Story, Ebola Syndrome, Nekromantik, Videodrome, Itchi The Killer, All Night Long, Guinea Pig etc. etc. to get my kicks.

Long Live The OLD Flesh! :cool:

02-04-04, 02:45
I saw this thought it was great.

What's wierd was i saw it the Saturday after it came out in the UK, and the cinema only have about 20 people in it and at a peak time too. Is this movie a lot more popular in the US than in the UK? I reckon im living in a country full of pussies :(

Scanner Darkly
02-04-04, 06:14
Never mind the Dawn remake, Shawn of the Dead just came out over here in the UK....seeing it tomorrow :)

Loved the insanity of the original, well actually the whole Dead trillogy.

A good first date movie then?

02-04-04, 06:33
Originally posted by Valkyrie
I reckon im living in a country full of pussies :(

Or amybe people have seen enough real horror films and don't care for candy-coated remakes?:rolleyes:

/edit - Shawn of the Dead looks cool. I can't wait to see it.

02-04-04, 14:16
Originally posted by jernau
Or amybe people have seen enough real horror films and don't care for candy-coated remakes?:rolleyes:

Some people like their horror a bit more hardcore and stuff like this just doesn't interest them anymore.
I'm now veering towards Asian stuff, especially Japanese (Miike).

Btw, Dog Soldiers (UK) is brilliantly cool.

02-04-04, 14:36
Originally posted by Bragvledt
Some people like their horror a bit more hardcore and stuff like this just doesn't interest them anymore.
I'm now veering towards Asian stuff, especially Japanese (Miike).

Btw, Dog Soldiers (UK) is brilliantly cool.

Miike is fantastic. One of many great asian directors of the last few years. Audition in particular is a stunning piece of cinema. I live in constant dread of Hollywood making more ghastly third-rate remakes like they did with Ringu.

I wasn't too bothered with Dog Soldiers. It got a lot of hype but I thought the characters mostly sucked and the script was too busy trying to throw in military catch-phrases to hold itself together.

Dribble Joy
02-04-04, 14:45
Originally posted by assass505
it was pretty cool but i hated the ending. tons of gore and violence. definatly wouldnt suggest it to kids. tho there were a lot of kids in the theater.... i was suprised. i liked the part when they were playing chess with andy and were sniping those zombies. overall i would give it a 3/5 :D

What are kids doing in a (presumably) 18 cert film?

Ah, are you in yank-land?

02-04-04, 17:40
28 days later, the original rings, dark water, dog soldiers was ok, the sequal is going to be big, with a 40million pounds budget (small in terms of other films)

28 days later is probably the best british horror.

02-04-04, 17:59
bah i wanna see dawn of the dead.. but that means going out.. and sunlight's starting to burn me :'(