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View Full Version : Account expired...erm I didnt even cancel!

22-03-04, 01:17
Got an email the other day saying that since the CC I was using to pay for NC was about to expire I should upate my payment details at World Play. So I did with a different card, and got a confirmation email stating that the contract will continue etc etc. Pity nobody told KK since as far as their concerned my account has expired=/

Damned interweb.

22-03-04, 01:24
It cancels and resigns up.

Worldpay sucks.

22-03-04, 01:26
So how long do I have to wait before I can play again? Even though a week back I was hating this game so much I cant stop wanting to play:(

22-03-04, 09:06
account@neocron.com has the answer to all that questions.

22-03-04, 10:02
By the time that accounting replies to him his account will have already automatically returned to "normal" state so whats the point? It usually takes 1-7 days for an account to "activate"

22-03-04, 15:28
Well that was bloody quick. I go to sleep for a few hours and it's back. Yay for KK=)

22-03-04, 15:43
prob solved
so thread closed
enjoy !