View Full Version : Have we forgotten the Hotfix method?

20-03-04, 08:57
As day by day goes by, I get a little more annoyed at some of the things in the game that get broken because of a patch, that weren't previously broken before. Lack of promised features, Brainport ideas, etc, don't really bug me and I don't mind the "When It's Done(TM)" label being slapped on them...

But when an item in the game is BROKEN because of a patch... and almost 2 weeks go buy without a simple hotfix, I get annoyed enough to post.

This certainly doesn't kill a class, but it definitely hurts in certain situations. And as usual, the class it effects the most is usually the one to say something... so with that, hotfix the soulcluster please!!!!!!!FJLKLDSJS:FLJDS

If a gun started adding health instead of subtracting it or heals started subtracting instead of adding, I would hope to hell that would get hotfixed. Why is a soulcluster doing nothing but attacking the caster any different?

If this had been hotfixed, this would not have happened:

While semi-amusing, if KK had fixed what they broke almost 2 days ago, I could properly use the tools at my disposal. The SC is the only real "damage dealer" a PPU has. Would it take two weeks to hotfix a Spy's TL3 heal, his only real "healing" option, if it were patch-broken?

20-03-04, 09:03
It took two weeks to "hotfix" server-lag and blacksynchs after Patch 197. Why should it take less time to fix your SC? o_O :D

20-03-04, 11:11
No. The true solution is to get it right in the first place.

20-03-04, 11:38
Dont bitch at kk, they have enough on there hands right ya know with doy n' all, stressful work:rolleyes: they cant even meet a fucking pre order date, some devs these cowboys are.

20-03-04, 11:42
new doy feature, working soul clusters!

Shadow Dancer
20-03-04, 11:54
:lol:@the last 2 responses

FN, why did you go near so many doy bots in the first place? That's alot of friggin bots. Too risky.

20-03-04, 12:04
Originally posted by alig
Dont bitch at kk, they have enough on there hands right ya know with doy n' all, stressful work:rolleyes:
That is about 75% of people's argument on this forum.


20-03-04, 12:08
Hit the SC with a distract monster and it will stop attacking you.

20-03-04, 12:16
as i said, this problem was identified on the test server and reported, no-one took any notice obviously.

20-03-04, 12:26
Originally posted by Celt
That is about 75% of people's argument on this forum.


nonono, see DOY, magical mystical DOY with in all it's splendor will fix everything! Bugs that have been in the game since beta, database errors, all that is wrong will not be. Balance will be fixed, skills will make sense, everything everyone wants will be there!

Pray, for thine god DOY commeth.


20-03-04, 12:29
Originally posted by Oath
as i said, this problem was identified on the test server and reported, no-one took any notice obviously. i rad elsewhere that they said no one had logged this problem on the TS

20-03-04, 12:32
Originally posted by ezza
i rad elsewhere that they said no one had logged this problem on the TS

Trust me it's there.

20-03-04, 12:34
Originally posted by Oath
Trust me it's there.

quote from thanatos

The Soulclusters turning on the caster is a bug caused by the revamped aggro management system. Unfortunately noone reported it on the test server. We're working on a fix.

from this thread soulclusterfuck (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=93818)

20-03-04, 12:45
Might explain why as a FA I was able to attack and kill Turrets and they wouldn't attack me back.

20-03-04, 14:31
Why the fuck do you cast SC if you know it turns on you? And why do you run into a eleventy billion of Doy bots and blame it on your SC that you died?
1 month old 98psi have never ever even used a SC :p

Psyco Groupie
20-03-04, 14:34
1) why cant you outheal doys ?

2) does a sc do more than 2 dmg to you ?

20-03-04, 14:56
Originally posted by Psyco Groupie
1) why cant you outheal doys ?
Because no can outheal 20 doy bots while ressing a tank.

2) does a sc do more than 2 dmg to you ?

SC's are used for cover while ressing.

Do more research before posting :rolleyes:

20-03-04, 15:10
Psyco, given the screenshot, the first question was a little on the silly side :p

Psyco Groupie
20-03-04, 15:15
whatever .. join a decent faction like black dragon :lol:

*edit ... so you cast sc and realise it doesnt like you for some reason, zone go back with minimal agro and rezz from distance :rolleyes:

20-03-04, 15:22
Rezz spell isnt a sniper rifle, its fairly short distance...

Well, shorter than DOY bot range.

20-03-04, 15:25
yeh, you really do need a soucluster to rezz people under the fire of loads of DoY bots, the are easy to outheal, but with no cover and main heal running out fast you will go down pretty easy

Psyco Groupie
20-03-04, 15:31
lets be honest .. its not like you cant rezz from behind hills anyway

mod your rezz for range :)

20-03-04, 15:35
Originally posted by Psyco Groupie
lets be honest .. its not like you cant rezz from behind hills anyway

mod your rezz for range :)

:p the hills are too far away in that screenie, if he did manage to cast it, he would probably be too far away for the range of heal so the tank would get up then die again before he could be sheltered/healed

20-03-04, 15:41
Well... The HL took hmm over 4 - 6 weeks to fix.

The MC5 exploit took 1 hour to close... "due to a bug" :lol:

Shadow Dancer
20-03-04, 16:53
Originally posted by t0tt3

The MC5 exploit took 1 hour to close... "due to a bug" :lol:

Yea I know.

They'll leave messed up bugs/features/weapons for a long time, but as soon as MC5 gets messed up, they work on it asap.


20-03-04, 17:06
They close it, Yes

Howe much they actually work on it or not is debatable :p

20-03-04, 17:23
Many people in this thread have replied with "why did you rezz there?", or "just snipe rezz, problem sorted", or "soul clusters shouldn't do that much damage...why you whinin?"....

While all of these points are valid, they are not *the point*. The point is that KK does not fix bugs unless it's bugs that makes the game easier. They don't work on fixes or take the advice of the people playing the game into consideration when putting out patches, and if it's a feature that makes game play misserable (Fatals, zone crashes, sickeningly overpowered weapons, sickeningly underpowered weapons, trade bugs....the list goes on and on) then they stay for months. MONTHS. Not hours, or days, or weeks, but we get to spend months with these features. Please forgive my discontent, but I feel that this is unacceptable!

People have stayed in this game because it's the only game of it's kind (trust me KK, that's the only reason). If there were 10 games with similar atributes, where do you think KK would be now? If KK had even 2 direct competitors that actually followed through with thier commitments, where do you think KK would be?

If it's broken, fix it, and put a priority on fixing it. Don't make us wait for months till we finally get a patch that fixes old problems and brings in many many more; that we have to wait months to fix.

Psyco Groupie
20-03-04, 18:15
well duh ... a thread stating the sc is fucked up and needs fixing woulda got that response

anyway .. fix it o_O

20-03-04, 18:32
KK originally promised never to patch on a Friday. Why? So that if something got essed up they would have time to hot fix. Great load of good that does.

KK's 'block now, fix later' mentality or just plain not testing patches (Yes, they put it on test server, but shouldn't the devs also be testing things? Surely the devs must know better than anyone about what possible problems could occur from changes such as mob aggro) is one of the thing's that's putting me off this game.

How long has NCPD been blocked off because of levelling / sympathy exploits? How long have the lifts in TH been broken? How long were there dungeon style walls in TH because something was bugged with the gogo's (or whatever the reason was)?

I can accept putting up walls as a temporary measure - but it seems to be considered a permanent measure by KK, which is unacceptable. Plus the walls just look too frequently wrong - like it's obvious something is bugged there. They could atleast spend 5 minutes to texture them so that they blend in a bit more.

Athon Solo

Caged Fire
20-03-04, 19:11
I'm sure this game takes lots and lots of work, just to keep running. So I don't want to bash the KK team TOO much. But I do think it's real f'n funny. If we exploit the game, making it more fun for us, all hell breaks lose and they close down sections and ban with impunity. HOWEVER, when the game exploits US, makeing it much LESS fun for the playes, they sit around and do pretty much a whole lot of nothing about it.

In other words, if the game is broken to the players avantage, at least a "temp" (harhar) fix in put into place on the instant.

If the game is broken to the games avantage, nothing much happens at all.

???? Anyone else noticed this?

And shouldn't it be the OTHER way around???

BTW, one of my clannies who has been around since early beta, has this theory. Anything they can think of to make the game harder, or anything they can leave out (like gogo's and GR's), they will do. It's a time sink, the longer you take to cap your player, the longer you will play. The longer you play, the more money they make. Some people get bored after they cap, and cancel the game. So, keep people from capping, keep them playing, and make more cash. What they don't understand it seems, is many people quit the game, because unless you have someone to show you the ropes, it can be VERY f'n hard to move forward in this game.

Also, who wants to take bets that MC5 is closed until DOY comes out??? That way all those high level players, who are ready for a MC5 chip, but haven't got one yet, have to buy DoY to get their chips. The sad part is, it will work.

"What? I have to buy DOY to get this chip I've been trying to get for 6 f'n months??? Well, damn..... How much is it again?? You take visa right?"

Psyco Groupie
20-03-04, 19:13
seeing as you admit to exploiting you can not post again thx.

Caged Fire
20-03-04, 20:36
Hmmm.... Interesting logic......

No, I have never exploited when I knew what I was doing was an exploit. And I've never been in trouble for exploiting. But because I know more then several early beta players, I've heard ALL the stories. Really, to tell the truth, I don't have a personal problem with leveling/xp exploits, but I have a big problem with PvP exploits. But seeing the people I run around with have a HUGE problem with people using any exploit, I don't exploit myself. I don't have a personal problem if some fool exploits to get con. Not something I would do, but I'm not going to report him. If he gets busted and banned, I'm also not going to feel sorry for him. I was talking about the MC5 kind of exploit(and from having spent some time in there, I can't figure out what the problem is). I've been in MC5, and even if the guards are not reacting to players they way they should, it was still the hardest place to stay alive in the game. So when the game doesn't respond theyway they want, and it's in the players avantage, they close off MC5. But when the game doesn't respong the way WE want, like SC's attacking the caster, nothing much get's done. That was my point.......

Anyway, I still play the game, and am going to keep playing the game, so I guess in the end they know what they are doing. LOL, it's just the bugs like the SC things gets me excited. I guess I'm just pissed they closed MC5 and I can't get my SA now.... LOL

20-03-04, 20:36
ppus aint supposed to die from doy bots....

20-03-04, 21:23
Caged fire, dont listen to psycho groupie, i havent seen a normal none sarcastic post from him yet...its either a) totally O/T or b) a flame or c) some made up bullshit.

21-03-04, 08:49
àlig's right, psycho groupie's post are only

A) post count +1
B) flaming because thats how he gets his jollies
C) talking about things he has no clue about.

I have a 4 slot rezz modded for range and frequency, pure psi use on a 79/64 ppu, and still cant snipe rezz.

Please tell me how oh godly one!

21-03-04, 09:07
Originally posted by Celt
àlig's right, psycho groupie's post are only

A) post count +1
B) flaming because thats how he gets his jollies
C) talking about things he has no clue about.

I have a 4 slot rezz modded for range and frequency, pure psi use on a 79/64 ppu, and still cant snipe rezz.

Please tell me how oh godly one!

im not sure but i think they nerfed the range on rez by alot in the last couple of patches..

you used to get like 200m or some crazy shit on a rez, but that was before the nerf...

edit: and btw i think the reason they closed MC5 was because the gaurds didnt even fight back, which IMO is a good reason to close it instantly, BUT it should have also been fixed the same day.... so dont call me a fanboy yet:D

Caged Fire
22-03-04, 04:52
Hmmm... all the times I went into MC5, they had no problems shooting at me. I died many, many times there...... Was it just right after the patch or something?

22-03-04, 04:57
Originally posted by Caged Fire
Hmmm... all the times I went into MC5, they had no problems shooting at me. I died many, many times there...... Was it just right after the patch or something?

Wouldn't surprise me :rolleyes: break yet another working thing with the patch, except they can put a dynamic wall infront of the door instead of actually fixing the problem. Nice fix.

22-03-04, 06:49
All i can say after seeing the screen shot is HOLY CRAP. This game is out of whack if a soulcluster could have prevented death....Plus if a PPU is truely invulnerable to 15 doy bots why not just agro them and train them away and zone. Not that issues shouldn't be fixed mind you but if a ppu can smoke a butt and ress a tank while 15 doy bots are blasting him then there is a serious problem with balance here.

22-03-04, 07:00

Well.... if they're too tough for you, go someplace else? :wtf:

PPUs whining, I can't stand them. MORE GODMODE! FFS, MORE! :mad:
This game is completely gone beyond any reason just because of the overimportance and overpoweredness of a single class and you have the nerve to complain? :o

22-03-04, 07:20
Yes I do have the nerve to complain. You're obviously not a PPU and if you are, nobody bothers to depend on you. FYI, I was attempting rez from behind the cacti, not standing there next to the tank. A PPU can't stand being wailed on by 15+ DoY bots, nor should he be able to. I was attempting to zone back south after the bots simply were still overwhelming with the cover.

[edited violation of fourm rules][freya]. The fact that I'm a PPU is irrelevant. This thread isn't even about PPUs or even any classes at all [edited]. It's about things which worked 'perfectly' fine, being broken by a patch, and then, now over two weeks later, still not being addressed. If the CS starting firing in bursts of 1 instead of 4 because of a patch, do you think tanks would be like "Golly gee, I hope that's fixed with next month's patch"... no, they wouldn't. I happen to be a PPU, and the Soulcluster was an item so blatently broken in the last patch that is still unusable. That's the point, not your stupid interpretation of Class A complaining about Problem X with their class.

Even when threads aren't about issues that have been beaten beyond recognition, you always have people who are dying to complain about it some more :rolleyes:[edited], kthxbye.

Caged Fire gets the point. And Celt is right, nobody can out heal that, even if you were paying attention 150%, there's still the "invisible" DoY damage, you could run and still be hit and not know it.

22-03-04, 07:24
Originally posted by -FN-
Yes I do have the nerve to complain. You're obviously not a PPU and if you are, nobody bothers to depend on you. FYI, I was attempting rez from behind the cacti, not standing there next to the tank. A PPU can't stand being wailed on by 15+ DoY bots, nor should he be able to. I was attempting to zone back south after the bots simply were still overwhelming with the cover.

[edited]. The fact that I'm a PPU is irrelevant. This thread isn't even about PPUs or even any classes at all you ignorant ass. It's about things which worked 'perfectly' fine, being broken by a patch, and then, now over two weeks later, still not being addressed. If the CS starting in bursts of 1 instead of 4, do you think tanks would be like "Golly gee, I hope that's fixed with next months patch"... no, they wouldn't. I happen to be a PPU, and the Soulcluster was an item so blatently broken in the last patch that is still unusable. That's the point, not your stupid interpretation of Class A complaining about Problem X with their class.

Even when threads aren't about issues that have been beaten beyond recognition, you always have people who are dying to complain about it some more :rolleyes: [edited], kthxbye.

Caged Fire gets the point. And Celt is right, nobody can out heal that, even if you were paying attention 150%, there's still the "invisible" DoY damage, you could run and still be hit and not know it.


he has a point, and it is bullshit, even with only 3 devs and all there time being focused on doy, its bullshit..

we, the paying customers NOW have to endur this crap so the newbies of tomorrow have it easier than we have had it for the last 2 years.

22-03-04, 09:23
FN, is that oddo next to you? :p

22-03-04, 15:15
Well, considering the ease the PPUs have to not only destroy PvP balance, but also PvM balance, one is hard pressed to see your point. If they'd take out freeze, damboost and the soulcluster with no compensation, the PPU is still overpowered like hell.

And obviously they needed to patch the agression behaviour because of the "guard punching" exploit where I fail to see the "exploit" in to this day. Well.... at least the faction who owns the territory should be able to "wake up" their guards, if they're too stupid to act by themselves. Whatever. So KK thinks, they have to patch that because of the greater good. But PPUs get stuck with a broken soulcluster. So what? Balance is still where the sun does not shine, even without soulcluster. In case you're wondering or blind, it's in favour of the PPU.

May I remind you the fact, that one class got its only pvp weapon removed without compensation for three or four patches? May I remind you that this class didn't even unbalance the game? Or that they included a funny new weapon for that class, which is ... broken from the start :wtf:!? Antiheal works after 5 secs, doesn't even stack or kill a heal sanctum. These things are FUBAR but they're important to bring balance back to the game.

So, please consider as an example: What should KK fix first - the antiheal drone or the SC behaviour?
And, where is the reason for fixing the SC? You can damage your victims with the parashock enough so the epic kill counts for you, PvM is too easy already and finally, there is no reason a PPU should be able to whittle down any class in 1 on 1 over time - which is definitely possible, even stealthers, since the SC works like a mob - it attacks and hits stealthers :rolleyes:

And I do realize that you complain about something being broken. Yes. That is annoying. But I really think there are way more important things to fix in the first place, don't you think?