View Full Version : Favorite Game Villains, Heroes, Creature

19-03-04, 18:58
So what is everyones favorite game stuff listed in the thread title?? Try to give an explanation why they your favorite thing as well please.. ^_^ Console Games and PC games ONLY! MMORPGs are excluded from this too! ^.^ I want to know from RPGs but I guess other games are ok too but RPGsusually have the best variety and stories for Villains and Heroes.. :)

Favorite Heroes:
Shuyin(Final Fantasy X-2):
Shuyin is not really a "hero" but in some ways he is a "hero" it just depends on how you look at him! He wanted to protect what he cared so much about. People will disagree he is not a hero but I think he is!! So I will put him as one.. ^_^ He was also kind of cute.. :P

Favorite Villains:
ID's story and why he is bad was always good. His general atitude towards everyone and most things makes him a really good villain! :P He also fought for what he wanted. ^.^ To bad how he "died", "disappeared" or however you wanna say he goes away was kind of stupid! He would of made really good final boss in Xenogears.. ^_^

Favorite Creature:
Weapons(Final Fantasy VI-Final Fantasy X-2):
UltimaWeapon(FFVI In Japan) Atma Weapon(US Poor Translation)
Diamond Weapon(FFVII Only) Emerald and Ruby are excluded!They are US monsters only so they are stupid! ^_^
Ultima Weapon
Omega Weapon
Subete wo Suteshimono "Final Fantasy X2 only" (The All Trasher) (Paragon(US)):

If there are any before final fantasy VI I would like to know ^-^ I dont remember any! This guys have been lots of fun to fight! Sometimes they were very challengeing, than Square-Enix started making them the weakest of the "special" bosses.. Penance and Trema from FFX and FFX-2 are probably the hardest creatures in any Final Fantasy Game.. ^_^

I am NOT A final Fantasy FAN atleast a very big one.. ^-^

19-03-04, 19:15
My Fave hero has to be Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII. He is much deeper than any of the other hero's in the FF games and his brooding dark side does give him extra coolness imho.

Fave villain. Now heres a hard one. Maybe Reeza because he has everyone soooo convinced CA are the good guys. If you look a lil deeper, you may notice that CA have been responsible for brainwashing, mass indoctrination and hell its a dictatorship where the police kill on sight for any slight infraction of the law. Those people are oppressed man!

Favourite monster....def Diamond Weapon there. He looks cool, he has an UBER weapon and the FMV that includes him/her/it...omg.....

19-03-04, 19:17
Easily my favourite Hero is Link from Zelda, villian is either Trent Easton from Perfect Dark, or Ganondorf from Zelda, and the best creature has to be..... erm........ the Deku Baba thingies which spit pellets at you. Those are teh pwn.

Reason? Erm, well Trent has the gold magnum. That is just sexy.
And Ganondorf has the light bolts thing....
Link is cute when hes young and sexy when he's older. And he makes a good couple with Zelda.
And the Deku Babas are just funny.

19-03-04, 19:24
Fav hero is me for saving all those lemmings :D

Fav villian is me for killing loads of lemmings :D

Fav creature is the evil cow in black n white cause he poo'd on the lil ppl

19-03-04, 19:32
favorite hero: siegfried schtauffen (soul caliber) because he try's soo hard not to be too evil.

favorite villian: nightmare soul caliber because he's a butcher

favorite monster: hunter (halo) because they'll kill anyone who don't know there secret but if you do. one shot is all it takes.

19-03-04, 19:46
Hero Nathan Zachery from crimson skies. Or we could go back more old school and say Duke Nukem that guy had style.

"ahhhhh much better"
anyone recall that quote.

Villan Diablo himself. Just way too cool fighting him down in the pits of hell.

Mobs the diablo I and II had the coolest mobs, even if the graphics are a bit old.

19-03-04, 19:49
fav hero: really don't know...

fav villain: the sinistar!

fav monster: headcrabs, hands down.



19-03-04, 19:56
Hero : cloud.... dunno really why i just like his misguidedness, o and i love omnislash :D

Villain : Irenicus ( i love his attitude "Dare to attack me, you'll die all die")

Monster : hahah SteelFleeced Baldarich from FFXI (goto Alakazham and read about him and the forum comments of how he owned people, hes one big mutha of a sheep

Psyco Groupie
19-03-04, 19:58
all chars from full throttle and day of the tenticle .. best games ever.

19-03-04, 19:59
figured it out:

my fav hero is that main kid from "earthbound," can't remember his name...

19-03-04, 20:03
Hero: John Mullins (Soldier Of Fortune 1&2)
Villain: Lan Di (Shenmue 1&2)
Creature: Mogs/Moogles (Final Fantasy 1-11)

19-03-04, 20:08
Rob, You could name the kid.. Cant remember hte default name though..

Favorite Hero- DANTE! (from DMC1, not DMC2) or Gungrave

Favorite Villian- Grand Admiral Thrawn

Favorite Weapon- Grave's Coffin.

19-03-04, 20:16
Hero: John Dalton - Unreal 2 - just this line scientist - "where are the marines already?" - John "Their Few, Their Proud, AND THEY AINT HERE" nearly pissed my pants at that

Villain: HK-47 - KOTOR - sorta a good guy but his want to kill near everything just makes him evil...
"There is a 98% chance that this lifeform wants you to help him master"
"whats the other 2%?"
"that he wants to be vapourised by my blaster, master"

Creature: Nemesis(Sp?) - Res evil 3 - mean evil mofo scared shit outta me when he dived thru the window in the police buildind

bah now i wanna go play all the above =/

19-03-04, 20:17
Originally posted by NS_CHROME54
figured it out:

my fav hero is that main kid from "earthbound," can't remember his name...

Ness. his name is Ness.

I think my favorite hero would have to be Cecil, from FF-IV.

Favorite villian is a tossup between Gannondorf and Kefka from FF-VI.

Favorite creature is kinda hard, so I abstain.

19-03-04, 20:23
Favourite hero? hmmmm

Duke Nukem. nuff said.

Favourite villain?

Mr Big from the original Streets of Rage.

19-03-04, 21:34
yea hk-47 rocked!!

19-03-04, 21:52

19-03-04, 22:03
Villain - Shodan

Hero - Duke Nukem or Sam from Sam'n'Max.

I think they are all obvious why.

19-03-04, 22:08
favorite hero

19-03-04, 22:10
Originally posted by Kasumi
Favorite Heroes:
Shuyin(Final Fantasy X-2):
Shuyin is not really a "hero" but in some ways he is a "hero" it just depends on how you look at him! He wanted to protect what he cared so much about. People will disagree he is not a hero but I think he is!! So I will put him as one.. ^_^ He was also kind of cute.. :P

u sure its not really Shujin thats your hero? :(

19-03-04, 22:28
my favorite hero, villan and monster all in one is Vegeta cuz he pwnz j00 all
DBZ 4 evar!!!!

19-03-04, 22:34
Originally posted by Shujin
u sure its not really Shujin thats your hero? :(

Unless your a cute japanese guy with blonde hair than no I didnt mean shujin.. :)

19-03-04, 22:37
Originally posted by SamuraiPizzaCat
my favorite hero, villan and monster all in one is Vegeta cuz he pwnz j00 all
DBZ 4 evar!!!! teh thing is, if u were a true dbz fan u wouldnt call him vegeta, you'd call him vejita / bejita.

( i used to be a dbz fanatic about 3-4 yrs ago , used to have all the episodes in DBZ english, japanese, and some in spanish. had some DB in german. and had all the movies from DBZ and had 1 from GT. had all the GT episodes, and i wouldnt touch the new english GT with a fuckin 100 ft pole, they fucked it up so much )

death to funimation.

and tapion pwns ;] thats meh fav movie, movie 13 right?

19-03-04, 23:09
Originally posted by Psyco Groupie
all chars from full throttle and day of the tenticle .. best games ever.

Cant argue with that

19-03-04, 23:28
Originally posted by Saza
Cant argue with that

Wish they still made games that good.

Shame that all anyone wants anymore is good graphics. 90% of games released these days have great graphics and shit gameplay, and somehow they are accepted.

Guess thats why I end up playing my snes more then any of the new systems, thats where the gameplay is.

20-03-04, 07:42
Hero: Locke from ff3/6

Villian: Kefka from ff3/6. He was a rat bastard

Move: Any of the maneuvers in Dead to Rights, or Enter the Matrix... nice gunplay

Most obnoxious soundtrack: NFS:U

20-03-04, 08:22
Hero: Because the guy from Full Throttle has been used, I'll go with the Nameless One from Planescape: Torment. An unrelenting, overskilled amnesiac that on multiple occasions will literally kill himself to drive home a point. His often twisted (and initially unrevealed) connections to most of his comrades made what good he could accomplish seem to barely tip the scales, and along with the Vault Dweller in Fallout and archeologist in Infidel, he manages to be one of the few video game characters to get an unhappy victory.

Villain: Dong Zhuo from Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Dynasty Warriors. The very epitome of gluttonous over the top villainy. He reaches his best points in Dynasty Warriors scenarious based around him, which invariably feature text that sounds like his best spin-doctor made sure to rewrite history to show his "heroism" and actions like sending his love to the front lines to bait the enemy.

Creature: Shelox from Champions of Norath. In apperance and combat style, this giant spider outshines every other big bug in video games. And that includes the legendary bug its name is ripping off in its Return of the Ring incarnation.