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View Full Version : Times have changed so have I

19-03-04, 15:22
Well i've been around now for a hella long time i've seen the good times, the bad times, the boring times, the exciting times and through all that its been good.

Recently things have happened that made the game not so fun. And i have been accused of somethings that just weren't true so i just can't really play this game anymore with some people i got one with not playing for the game but for the win.

Not sure whether to sell my accounts or not but time to move on it is. Thnx to all who made my time enjoyable.

CC, Tupac, Switchback, Kayne, Astraea (back in TLS), El Barto and Raid3n, Jinxy, Preacher230, DIS, The Legend Mayhemmike, Rento, Comie Hol, Ryuben, Fenix, All of DarK, Vicotnic + Nikita if they still read the boards, all the people on IRC elchi, DF, Nae, Oath (when he wasn't kicking me).

I'm sure theres loads of people that i've forgotten and thnx to u all for making my time here a enjoyable one. Maybe i'll be back maybe i won't but which ever see you round sometime in cyberspace :/ (what a geek)


19-03-04, 15:23
whaaa ?

yesterday we were talking about jup.. and now ?!
argh pm me on hinch`s spam forum NOW


19-03-04, 15:23
Bye Cannings, have fun :\

19-03-04, 15:25
cya cannings

19-03-04, 15:28
please use pm's
take care