View Full Version : GR Screen

18-03-04, 01:16
just happen to be dead and happened to click my mouse and the gr screen came up, but it doesnt go away, please for the love of god get make it so u can get rid of that screen :)

18-03-04, 01:20
Actually i think that this screen should appear automatically so that ur view locks to a set point. You are dead, you are not supposed to look around.

18-03-04, 01:28
true but im going along the lines as it is atm, since its going to allow u to look around make it so u can actually close that stupid screen :)

18-03-04, 02:01
I hate typing up things I already have so I quote myself.

Originally posted by -FN-
Whaddya think about this...

I guestimate that 95% of the time, when someone dies and doesn't tap out, they are talking to someone on voice com, feeding information to their friends when they're dead, or "ghosting". Almost all of us do it or have done it. Lay there dead, swiveling the camera around looking to see what you can see.

Then someone comes along with a CS or some pushing PSI spell and pushes you into a box or under a wall or somewhere so you can't be a "ghost" anymore.

Lying there waiting to get rezzed is one thing, but doing it to use your dead eyes to tell people what you see... I've never thought that was very cool.

So why not make the "You are dead." screen look like, at least in my opinion, how it should realistically look?

You're laying there, back on the ground, belly up... You should see this:


The camera angle from where your eyes are, looking straight up and locked there until you're alive. KK managed to lock the camera angle when you get into the subway, I don't see why they could pull this off.

Frankly, the only reason I can see someone totally hating this idea is because they wouldn't want to give up "ghosting"... but I'd love to hear some other points of view.

18-03-04, 02:03
Thats a good idea FN, me likes.

18-03-04, 02:14
You used to be able to clsoe the GR screen by hitting the "?" not the "x" but it dont work n e more. relogging works fine.

Being able to look around helps when some1 is trying to find u in he middle of no where :)

18-03-04, 02:15
Originally posted by Birkoff
You used to be able to clsoe the GR screen by hitting the "?" not the "x" but it dont work n e more. relogging works fine.

This does not work anymore. You have to alt+F4 and when you do, your RPOS resets itself.

18-03-04, 02:17
Originally posted by -FN-
This does not work anymore. You have to alt+F4 and when you do, your RPOS resets itself.

Hence me saying "used to be able to" and "but it don't work anymore"


18-03-04, 02:22
The x once worked on the gr tab, but.... people found out that you could see your rpos for a split second if you did it, and even quickchat i think

18-03-04, 15:12
get rid of the bloody drug flash when you die,! im sick of needing 5 mins to find my mouse curser behind a heavy drug flash.