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View Full Version : anto gamma bones

16-03-04, 17:17
are there any websites that tells the mods for anti gamma bones? both neocron.ems.ru and www.croncom.com dont have them

16-03-04, 17:21
mods... for bones...


if you mean the bonuses its the same as basic bones, but +xrr not +for, or EXTREMELY similar

16-03-04, 17:27
Anti Gamma Head = X-ray +17 Piercing +10

Anti Gamma Chest = X-ray +10 Endurance +8

Anti Gamma Arm = X-ray +9 Melee Combat +8

Anti Gamma Leg = X-ray +10 Athletics +8

Anti Gamma Foot = X-ray +4 Agility +8


(edit : all copied just now from ingame ;) )

16-03-04, 17:32
yeah sorry was meaning bonuses. So do any of the anti gamma bones add anything to ath or agil that more of what im concerned about

16-03-04, 17:34
thanks for the info

17-03-04, 00:30
[shameless plug]

They're also located here (http://nc.synergyxr.net/list.php?cat=implants).

[/end shameless plug]

17-03-04, 13:53
Anti-gamma bones are advanced bones with XRAY armor instead of FORCE. Nothing more, nothing less.

17-03-04, 14:24
Ill make a Simple Site soon with every item,Stats, prices + ingredients to build etc

17-03-04, 15:00
The Anti-Gamma Bones also have lower STR req's than the Advanced Bones.....

Most are 2 STR lower than the Adv. Bones, and the Anti-Gamma Chest is 3 STR lower(STR 33), the Adv. Chest is STR 36.........