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15-03-04, 17:59
Well as you probably know the pre-order date of BDOY has been delayed till KK and its publishers (i presume) can decide on a price.

So what I propose is MJS & Co. give us something else in return, heres a poll with some possible options :)

15-03-04, 18:07
Yeah baby, show us them droms!


15-03-04, 18:08
Other... fix some bugs.

Athon Solo

15-03-04, 18:09
screenys :) at least let us see what the place is gonna look like, either that or decayed horrors in the plaza droms are just old hat now

15-03-04, 18:11
Originally posted by subsys
screenys :) at least let us see what the place is gonna look like, either that or decayed horrors in the plaza droms are just old hat now real men sex brutes :p

15-03-04, 18:13
My Suggestions :

Promise to only commit to firm deadlines when they are actually capable of delivering them.

Cross their hearts and promise to add a health warning to any shaky promises that goes along the lines of "This is a current, conservative estimate, this deadline may change at any time due to reasons outside our control"

Cross their hearts and swear on their mothers graves to hiring a Community Relationship manager who has absolutely no power to lock threads or in any way behave like a copbot. Who is bilingual and is empowered to speak on behalf of KK without being undermined by crappy promises or being given only partial information. The CRM should be 100% full time to working with the community to keep them happy and to engage with the Event Teams in dishing out entertainment.

Lastly - promise to give long term existing subscribers some sort of ingame treat (e.g. item) for sticking with it through this rocky patch when DOY comes out. Doesn't have to be much but it will be good bragging material in 6 months - e.g: "yeah, you'll only have one of these if you put up the neocrash for 12 months before they fixed it".

15-03-04, 18:22
Originally posted by Rith
My Suggestions :

Promise to only commit to firm deadlines when they are actually capable of delivering them.

Cross their hearts and promise to add a health warning to any shaky promises that goes along the lines of "This is a current, conservative estimate, this deadline may change at any time due to reasons outside our control"

Cross their hearts and swear on their mothers graves to hiring a Community Relationship manager who has absolutely no power to lock threads or in any way behave like a copbot. Who is bilingual and is empowered to speak on behalf of KK without being undermined by crappy promises or being given only partial information. The CRM should be 100% full time to working with the community to keep them happy and to engage with the Event Teams in dishing out entertainment.

Lastly - promise to give long term existing subscribers some sort of ingame treat (e.g. item) for sticking with it through this rocky patch when DOY comes out. Doesn't have to be much but it will be good bragging material in 6 months - e.g: "yeah, you'll only have one of these if you put up the neocrash for 12 months before they fixed it".

All of this is about what I was thinking. Mostly the commiting to deadlines, but also the compensation for all the crap we have been putting up with in a game we PAY for.

15-03-04, 18:27
MJS doing the sex emote - Hell Yeah ! :D

15-03-04, 19:03
Voted sex emote. DO EEEEEEEET.

15-03-04, 19:51

Else ill take the MJS gif :D

15-03-04, 19:54
How about MJS sexing droms?

15-03-04, 20:11
Originally posted by ezza
real men sex brutes :p

brutes are just to butch for me, i like feminine mobs the ones that dress in pink and giggle lots O_o :D

edit : but on a serious note (having just read the rest of the thread) i think we really deserve to be kept more in the know, why tell us at the very last moment that the pre order is going to be delayed, why not let us your loyal community and (mostly) supports know that you are having problems in advance, i think thats what pisses everyone off, the way the news is broken not the news.

im not sure which bit of this post is more off topic tbh ^^

15-03-04, 20:25
Sexing MJS is taking taking the lead 8|

15-03-04, 20:28
Originally posted by GT_Rince
MJS doing the sex emote - Hell Yeah ! :D

gimmeh it :p

15-03-04, 21:32
hehe.. its a close run thing but MJS is slightly in the lead :)

15-03-04, 22:30
Release an animated gif of MJS doing the sex emote

man if you include such an option PLEASE make a multichoise Poll :D

Trailer ??? !!!

16-03-04, 02:40
Was tempted by the MJS thing, but I had to go with the 'Nid is teh suck' option :lol: Sorry Nid~ :)

Damn shit cracked me right up for no apparent reason. :D